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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Jun 9, 2020

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH,  Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....  

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research,  Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU  Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children. 

Taking A Knee Represents A "Masonic" Gesture... "Get Up Off Of Your Knees."

1- "Get Up Off Your Knees" - This is ONE Reason I Keep Telling Yall' To "Get Up Off Your Knees." Yall' Have No Idea Who They Got Yall' Praising, Paying Homage To or Giving Your Energy Too. Look At This.

They Got Yall' "Bending A Knee" and Pledging Your Allegiance To The Masons. The Sports Celebrities Bending A Knee Are Well Aware of What Their Doing, Because They Are A Part of The Satanic Cabal and MUST Follow Their Rituals.

As For The American Public "Taking a Knee" Yall' Are Just The Cabal's Play Toys and Entertainment.. They Enjoy Deceiving You, Because They Can Get Away with, Because Most Americans Are Willing To Do as The Cabal Tell Them Too Do Without Thought or Question. .

Its' Really Sad To Say This But The Majority of American Public is So Dumbed Down, Brain Washed, Mind Controlled Sadly Most Americans Don't Have Sense Enough To THINK For Themselves and Use Their Critical Thinking Skills..

The American Public Continues To Be Lead Around By A Nose Ring By Satanist That Don't Give A Rats Ass About Them or Their Families.. Still, Blindly Most Americans DO, Believe and OBEY Everything Thing The Cabal Tell Them To DO and BELIEVE Without Question. This is Part of The Reason We're In The Situation We're In Today, Because of The Sleepers. - Click HERE To View.

2- The FBI Just Released Files On Hillary R. Clinton.. Click Link Below To View The Files. - Click HERE To View

3- The Planet Lemuria Is Below Mount Shasta In Northern California - Click HERE To View.

4- 5 Suns Appear In Tthe Sky Over Africa On The Day Protest and Riots Start - Click HERE To View.

5- The New King John 111 of England Update - Click HERE To View.

6- Horror As Child Abuse Dungeon Where 'Unimaginable' Acts Filmed Fund In Germany - This is Just The Tip of The Iceberg, Wait Til' Yall' Hear What They Do To Men, Women, Children, Babies and Aliens That They Capture and Place In Underground Bases.The Truth Goes Way Beyond The Human Imagination. - Click HERE Tom View.

7- Operation Paperclip: When The CIA Recruited Nazis And War Criminals To Work For The U.S. Government - Click HERE To View.

8- Wet Rooms & Torture Interrogation Rooms, Dark Fleet, Secret Space Programs - WARNING If You're Not Emotionally Ready To Listen To The Very Graphic Details Presented In This Video DO NOT LISTEN To This Video.

This is A Very Graphic and Detailed Summary Of How Elite Satanist Physically/Emotionally/Spiritually Torture The Human Men, Women, Children and Babies Whom They Abduct and Take Deep Into Underground Bases.

They Also Capture, Interrogate and Torture Aliens Whom They've Captured When Their Ships Crashed Into Earth. These Torture Chambers Are Located Off Planet and In Underground Bases Here On Earth.

YES, These Are Known as "Human Hunting Parties." The Elite Transport A Bunch of Kids To A Specific Place Where They'll Spend Their Last Weekend Alive Being Terrorized, Tortured, Raped and Sodomized.

Those Who Survive The Weekend of Torture Take Part In The "Human Hunting Party." The Kids Who Survived are Stripped Naked and Told To Run For Their Lives Into A Forrest That's On The Property.

The Elite Satanist Hunt The Kids Down. Each Child Found is Again Tortured, Raped and Sodomized By The Elite Satanist Who Found That Child, Then They Shoot The Child Dead.

No One Better Ever Talk To Me About A Loving, Merciful God Ever.. What Type of GOD Sits Back and Allows This To Happen To The Children He Supposedly Created in His Image?

I'll Tell You, This ALIEN Being Called GOD of Humans Is A Selfish, Sadistic, Controlling, Manipulative Being That Demands Humans Bow Down On Bent Knees To Pray, Worship and Honor Him.

And He Threatens To Condemn ALL Who Refuse To OBEY and Live By His Rules & Laws By Banishing Humans To An Eternity In A Fiery Place Called Hell AFTER They Live Through The Nightmare Here On Earthy.

I Do Believe In A CREATOR Of ALL That Exist, But Don't ANYONE Ever Talk To Me About A God Damn GOD.. - Click HERE To View.

9- Penny Bradley Disclosing about Cybernetic Factories, Nacht Waffen, and Aries Prime Base - Click HERE To View.

11- Copper’s Virus-Killing Powers Were Known Even to the Ancients - Click HERE To View.

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