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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.


1- The United States is Facing a Critical Moment in History - Should we let the United States fall into the clutches of the Chinese Communist Party? Should we allow our powerful world leader be overthrown and never return? Or should we defeat the Chinese Communist Party and re-elect President Trump, so that the United States can continue to lead the world forward as a beacon of world civilization? Those in control of the United States have a clear choice. God will make his choice. As Lin Wood said in his tweet: the light will overcome the darkness. Yes, American people, do not be afraid, the vast majority of the world’s people are standing with you.

Author: Lin Wood

2- Dr. Francis Boyle: Darpa's Biowarfare Weapon Vaccine Will Kill People - Click HERE To View

3- Trump Declares A National Emergency - Click HERE To View.

4- Covid Lockdown is Psychological Programming for Globalist Takeover - Click HERE To View,

5- Author of US Bioweapons Law Warns DARPA Is Illegally Experimenting on US Citizens - Click HERE To View..

6- Democrat Echoes Communist China, Calls for Proof-of-Vaccine Barcodes - Click HERE To View.

7- Candace Owens: 'Bill Gates Is Evil' - The pharmaceutical industry is wrought with corruption and pure evil'- Click HERE To View.

8- Pentagon HALTS Biden Transition Briefings as Patriot Militias Are INFILTRATING Government!!! Click HERE To View.

9- Nanobiotechnology and Fun Vax Included in Vaccines - Click HERE To View.

10- Dr. Carrie Madej: The Hidden Side of Vaccines and RFID Chipping - Click HERE To View.

11- Vaccinated Israelis to Get ‘Green Passport’ Allowing Them to Attend Events, Eat at Restaurants - Click HERE To View.

12- Nurse Collapses On Live TV During Press Conference Soon After Getting Pfizer’s COVID-19 Vaccine - Click HERE To View.

13- The United Nations is Using COVID To Take Over The World - Click HERE To View.

14- To Ensure A Safe Work Environment Employers Arte Required By Law To Ensure Their Workers Are Vaccinated - Click HERE To View

15- It Isn't Rocket Science - Click HERE To View.

16- Bill Gates 'Getting Vaccinated is Not Your CHOICE'. - Click HERE To View.

17- Elon Musk: Humans Must Merge with Machines or Become Irrelevant in The Age of Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) - Click HERE To View

18- Trump Always Said 'He is The One Person ONLY Standing In The Way of The Cabal Getting The American Public. - Click HERE To View.

19- West faces Moment of Truth as Khazarian Mafia Surrenders to the Chinese - Click HERE To View.

20- Death by Mask: Mask Wearing, Bacterial Pneumonia Infections, and the 1918 Flu - Click HERE To View.

21- Moderna's COVID-19 Vaccine Shots Leave Warehouses, Widening U.S. Push to Immunize Click HERE To View.

22- Kids Confused As Grinch Gets Raunchy In Threesome With Kristen Wiig On 'SNL' - Saturday Night Live is a Cabal Owned TV Program and All They Do Is Promote Satanic B.S. Now They've Gone and Sexualized One of The Main Characters Of a Childrens Glassic 'The Grinch Who Stole Christmas.' This is What The Sick, Demented, Satanic Cabal Minions Are Being Told To Do. - Click HERE To View.

23- Millions Forced to Cancel Christmas as Mutant Coronavirus Strain Spreads In U.K. - Click HERE To View.

24- Barbaric Totalitariun Governing Has Reached YouTube and ALL Social Media Outlet - People Can Go To Jail For Posting Copy Righted Material - Click HERE To View.

25- The Plan: The Constitutional Republic - Click HERE To View.

26- Joe and Hunter Biden's Picture Released - WARNING These Pictures are Graphic and Contain Graphic Sexual Material, Viewer Discretiion is Advised - Click HERE To View.

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