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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Nov 17, 2021

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ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

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Marburg, Ebola, Aids – All Is Hidden Inside The Vaxx! Click HERE To View.

Vaccine Terrorism? Indian TV Exposes Pfizer’s Criminal COVID-19 Jab Contracts Click HERE To View.

US Prisons Using “Scary and Chilling” AI Surveillance to Spy On Inmates Some jails are utilizing artificial intelligence systems to eavesdrop on prison phone conversations in the name of safety, Reuters reports.

Suffolk County Jail in New York for example, installed $700,000 worth of AI to listen in to conversations - the sheriff has called it an important tool in fighting gang-related and violent crime.

However, the systems ended up listening in on calls involving a broad range of subjects, scanning as many as 600,000 minutes of conversation per month, public records seen by Reuters show.

Prison of mirrors? Click HERE To View.

Travis Scott Is Just ONE Of Many Mind Controlled, Demon Possessed Hollywood Celebrities That Children and Young Adults Were Hypnotized Through The Satanic Cabals Incessive Use of Subliminal Mind Altering Witchcraft, Black Magic and Altering Sounds That Disturb The Natural Frequencies of The Human Mind, Body and Spirit. These Low Life Satanic Mother Phuckas Have Learned The CODES of Frequencies and They Use This Technology To Control The Mind, Response and Action of One Individual or Thousands of People Gathered at Large Social Events, Concerts.

CDC Director Walensky stated that Boosters may force change the definition of Fully Vaccinated

In plain English, no one will EVER BE FULLY VACCINATED. The goalposts just changed for all of you already Vaxxed. This is what compliance gets you! Perpetual mandatory vaccinations.

A Hamster Wheel of Vaccines 💉💉💉

And So It Begins, The Children Are Lead To Their Slaughter By The Thousands By Their Cocky, Ignorant Parents, Care Takers and Guardians. So, The Little Children Shall Weep and Suffer at The Hands of Those Who Were Supposed To Love, Care For and Protect Them.

How Many Ways Can You Kill Off Humans?

They Have Now Resorted To Using The Innocent Cartoon Characters That Appeal To Children To Further Promote The Idiocracy of The Cabals Deadly BIOWEAPON That is Posing as The COVID-19 Vaccine.

WTF, Tesco Christmas 2021 Advertisement. It's all in there... Queen, Blackout, Closures, Quarantine, Covid Passes, QR Codes, Food Shortages, Travel Restrictions.

This is how you know Christmas is a satanic ritual. Made to drain your bank account and boost their economy. Satan has been disguised as the Santa, in my Opinion I would stop teaching your children about Santa, his definitely not who you think he is.

You are SICK in the head Tesco.

Aerial Footage of The Protest Against Draconian COVID-19 Measures In Melbourne, Australia.

Video from Jane Hargan

Director of the DNI hints possible "alien link" to UFOs The Director of National Intelligence (DNI), Avril Haines, oversees all 16 US spy agencies including the FBI and CIA. She was speaking at the “Our Future in Space” event at the Washington National Cathedral. Click HERE To View.

Authorities Arrest Maryland Mayor on Charges of Distributing at Least 50 Counts of Revenge Porn. Click HERE To View.

Texas Hospital Suspends Doctor’s Privileges After She Voices Concerns Over Vaccine Mandates Click HERE To View.

Tens of Millions of People Are Suddenly Unvaccinated. With the push of a button they are suddenly untermenschen again. How fokking funny is that :)

The crimeminister has just announced that “we will have to adjust our concept of what constitutes fully vaccinated”. You will need three now! You were warned over and over. So if you are only double jabbed, you are not jabbed any more!!! Waking up yet??

(ALL Who Took The First Two Jabs MUST Continue To Take A Series of NEVER Ending Booster Jabs Throughout The Remaining Years of Their Lives or Until They Decide To Stop The Madness. Under The Satanic Cabals New World Order Agenda Those Who Are Vaxxed Will NEVER Be Fully or Completely Vaxxed For A Virus That Doesn't Exist.

Do Yall' Vaxxers Get The Message Yet? You've All Been Poisoned, Deceived and Duped and So Have Your Children if You Got Them Vaxxed. Don't Ever Say 'WE' Your Local Crazy 'Conspiracy Theorist' Didn't Try To WARN You. We Did, But Yall' Mocked, Threatened, Disowned and Hated People Like Me For Standing Up and Telling Yall' The Truth Us.)

Getting Rid of The Evidence. Many Underground Facilities Used For Adrenochrome Harvesting, Child Sex & Human Meat Slaughter Factories Have Several Methods They Use To Destroy Any Unused Human 'Live' Live Stock and Un Used Human Remains and This is an Example of Just ONE of Their 'Clean Up and Destroy' Methods.

'Black Chyna' Another One of The Satanic Cabals Mind Controlled, Demon Possessed Hollywood Celebrities Performing On Command To Promote The BIOWEAPON. ALL Hollywood Celebrities Are Owned By The Cabal and They Are Used To 'Hypnotize' and Subliminally Implant Messages Into The Minds of Their Dumbed Down Fans. Hollywood Celebrities Are Just A Tool The Cabal Use To Promote Their Diabolical Agendas. Black Chyna Reminds Me Of The Modern Version of 'BOZO The Clown' High On Drugs. Whenever She Comes Down From Her High, I Hope Like Hell She's Satisfied With Her Performance. Her and Rob Kardashian Her Babies Father Can Sit Back and Watch Her Performance.

The Now Deceased Dr. Sebi... Speaks On Germs, Virus, and Bacteria. “Nature only creatures things that complements itself in support of life. How does a virus, germ or bacteria support life? They never existed. Everything in nature complements. A bacteria virus or a germ simply does not exist.” “It is manifestation caused by erosion, the erosion is caused by mucus, and mucus comes From the food that you eat. The stuff that they told us to eat.”

NOTE: The Satanic Cabal MURDERED Dr. Sebi Because He Had Natural CURES For Man Made Diseases. His Intelligence and Knowledge of The Human Bodies Ability To 'HEAL' Itself Scared The Shit Out of The Cabal.

With The Use of Black Magic, Sorcery, Witchcraft and Advanced Technology, Its' So Easy To Play 'Make Believe' to Deceive, Manipulate and Control The Minds of The Sheeple People.

The Etheric Influence Over Artificial Intelligence. Click HERE To View.

These Are 'Crop Circles' These Exquisite Designs Were Created By The Earth. This GAIA'S Way of Communicating With Us. Each Design Has A Vital Life Altering, Life Saving Message To Humanity. Click HERE To View.

AMAZON's "Chip Implant' Contactless Payment System Has Begun.

Fake COVID-19 Virus Has Created Violent Mind Controlled Inhuman Zombies. Its' Reached The Point This Shit Show is Getting Comical. 'NO' I Do Not Promote Violence Unless A Person Must Protect Themselves or Their Family. 'IF' This Fiasco at a Donut Shop is Truly Authentic, Shit is Getting Out of Hand.

When A Customer Walks Into A Donut Shop and is Assaulted By The Owner with a Bat For Not Wearing a Mask and Not Exiting The Donut Shop, We're Now Dealing with Mind Fucked Store Owners Who 'THINK' They Have A Right To Assault Someone For Not Wearing A Mask or Showing Their Vaccine ID Pass.

We've Reached Another Level of Stupidity and Abuse of Control and Power. These Cabal Mind Controlled Psychopaths Need To Be Removed or Neutralized or They Will Be Harmed and or Killed. Also The Cabal Big Boys Who's Behind All of This Division Need to Be Captured and Executed ASAP. Enough of The B.S. Take Them Out ASAP and Show Proof To The 'AWAKENED' Public..

My Heart Goes Out To The Children Who Are Continuously Being Affected By This Nonsense. The Children Will Continue To Suffer For The Cocky, Blind Ignorance of The Adults. Get It Together People, Because The Next Generation of The Remaining Humans On This Planet Is Being Destroyed Right Before Our Eyes.

The CIA Released Documents Admitting We Live In a Simulation. Click HERE To View.

Lots' Of BIG Action Going On! Major Military Action, Fighter Helicopters Deployed. Click HERE To View.

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