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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

----- Destroy All Humans: Video Game Currently Available On XBOX 360 and XBOX One On July 28,2020 ----- I Will Continue Saying "NOTHING Happens By Coincidence or Accident On This Planet." Most Everything We Experience in This False Reality Is Pre Planned and Activated When Needed. Below Is A Detailed Description of A Video Game That is Offered Free Of Charge To Those Who Have an Active XBOX Subscription. The Game Can Be Downloaded FREE of Charge On The XBOX 360 Platform Until June 15, 2020.

The BIG Question "Why Would Any Software Company/Software Programer Create and Market A Game That Degrades Humans and Makes Them A Target For Aliens? The Answer is Quite Simple, This Game Like The Very Popular Game Called "The Sims" is Revealing "TRUTH." However As Their Way Of Deceiving The Public, They've Turned "TRUTH" Into A Game.

They Believe Most If Not All Humans Are To Stupid To Figure Out The Correlation Between The Games They Market To Them and Their Reality. The CIA Who Works With The Video Gaming Companies Figured If Its' A Game The Dumbed Down Human Sheeple People Wont Ever Figure Out The "TRUTH" of What These Negative Alien Species Have Been Doing To Earth Humans For Over 8 Decades.

Folks In Case You Didn't Know This The Cabal US Government Sold Their Citizens Out To Various Negative Alien Species 80 Years Ago, In Exchange For Information On Alien Based Technology, UFO's and Weaponry.

This Video Game Like The Game "The Sims"and Mnay Video Games is Based On "TRUTH" and These Games Were Created To Program and Mock Those Who Play The Game Without Realizing The Truth Behind Them. YES, There ARE Alien Species Who Are and Have Been Torturing, Experimenting, Using Humans In Alien Breeding Programs,

Enslaving, Killing and Eating Humans. Just Like The Game "The Sims" "Destroy All Humans" Video Game Is Based On Our Current REALITY. Some NEGATIVE Alien Species View Earth as A Farm, Grocery Store and Laboratory and They View Humans as "NOTHING."

NOTHING Happens By Coincidence or Accident On This Planet, Our Lives On This Planet Have Been Pre Planned and Very Well Managed and Controlled By The Negative Alien Species, Negative A.I. Forces and Their Satanic

Human Cabal Minions Who Rule This Planet. With All That's Going at This Time On This Planet I Don't Find It Strange That Microsoft Is Re Introducing This Game and Making It Avaialable as a Free Download To Its' XBOX Subscribers. ----- Destroy All Humans: Video Game Currently Available On XBOX 360 and XBOX One On July 28,2020 ---- Game Description: This is Your Cance To Experience The Other Side of an Alien Invasion. Take On The Role of Alien Cryptosporidium 137 and Terrorize The People of Earth To Harvest Their DNA In The Most Brazen Action - Adventure You've Ever Played.

Take Over All Of Humanity Using A Variety of Alian Weaponry On Land or In The Air. Take Over Humanity Using A Variety of Weaponry Such As A Ray Gun, an Anal Probe Gun, The Ion Detonator, The Zap-O-Matic, The Sonic BOOM, The Quantum Deconstructor A Powerful Nuclear Weapon That Can Launch Radioactive Bombs and Move On Land or Air.

Cryto Can Use Telekinesis To Throw Cars, Trucks and Cows, To Create Eve More Turmoil or Disguise Himself As A Puny Human. For Transport Use A Jet Pack For Short Distances or A UFO For Traveling Long Distancews and Abducting or Destroying Humans. Take One Giant Step On Mankind..

----- Destroy All Humans! Destroy All Humans! is a action-adventure video game developed by Black Forest Games and published by THQ Nordic. It is a remake of Destroy All Humans! ... The game will be released for Stadia, Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on July 28, 2020.

1- Here's What You Need to Know About The Pentagon's Riot Response and Martial Law - Click HERE To View.

2- Reverend E. Stranges Discusses His Visit With Valiant Thor - Valiant Thor is an Alien Man Who Traveled From His Home Planet Venus To Visit Earth in The 1960's. During His Stay He Visited With Reverend E. Stranges at The Pentagon. - Click HERE To View.

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