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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Nancy Pelosi and Other Government Officials Are Praying to Satan. This is a Masonic Pose. This is Not About Being In Support of The Fake Group "Black Lives Matter." Black Lives Matter is A Cover Up That ONLY Represents The Cabal and Their Satanic Rituals and Agendas. They Are Mocking and Using The Mind Controlled Public as Props and Puppets In Their Satanic Rituals and Hidden Agendas. Message To The American Public "Get Up Off Your Knees."

1- Democrats Take a Knee in US Congress in George Floyd Tribute - Click HERE To View.

2- YES, The Royals Host Human Hunting Parties On Their Property - "Human Hunting Parties." The Elite Transport A Bunch of Kids To A Specific Place Where They'll Spend Their Last Weekend Alive Being Terrorized, Tortured, Raped and Sodomized.

Those Who Survive The Weekend of Torture Take Part In The "Human Hunting Party." The Kids Who Survived are Stripped Naked and Told To Run For Their Lives Into A Forrest That's On The Property.

The Elite Satanist Hunt The Kids Down. Each Child Found is Again Tortured, Raped and Sodomized By The Elite Satanist Who Found That Child, Then They Shoot The Child Dead.

No One Better Ever Talk To Me About A Loving, Merciful God Ever.. What Type of GOD Sits Back and Allows This To Happen To The Children He Supposedly Created in His Image? I'll Tell You, This ALIEN Being Called GOD of Humans Is A Selfish, Sadistic, Controlling, Manipulative Being That Demands Humans Bow Down On Bent Knees To Pray, Worship and Honor Him.

And He Threatens To Condemn ALL Who Refuse To OBEY and Live By His Rules & Laws By Banishing Humans To An Eternity In A Fiery Place Called Hell AFTER They Live Through The Nightmare Here On Earthy.

I Do Believe In A CREATOR Of ALL That Exist, But Don't ANYONE Ever Talk To Me About A God Damn GOD.. - Click HERE To View.

3- Wet Rooms & Torture Interrogation Rooms, Dark Fleet, Secret Space Programs - WARNING If You're Not Emotionally Ready To Listen To The Very Graphic Details Presented In This Video DO NOT LISTEN To This Video.

This is A Very Graphic and Detailed Summary Of How Elite Satanist Physically/Emotionally/Spiritually Torture The Human Men, Women, Children and Babies Whom They Abduct and Take Deep Into Underground Bases.

They Also Capture, Interrogate and Torture Aliens Whom They've Captured When Their Ships Crashed Into Earth. These Torture Chambers Are Located Off Planet and In Underground Bases Here On Earth. - Click HERE To View.

4- Barrack Obama Dressed As Satan at a Private Event - Click HERE To View.

5- Trump Suggests 75-Year-Old Protester Pushed by Buffalo Police is 'Antifa Provacateur' Says 'Could Be a Set Up' - Click HERE To View.

6- Floyd Family Lawyer Wants United Nations to Intervene in U.S. Criminal-justice System Good Luck, Cause The United Nations Is No Longer In The United States.. They Shut Down Shop.. Besides Anyone Who Continues To Fuel This HOAX Should Be Arrested For Taking Part In Domestic Terrorism.. - Click HERE To View.

7- YES, There is Some Type of Virus Invading This Planet, But It Has Very Little To Do With What They've Been Telling The Public - In Other Words They've Been Lying Their Asses Off Trying To Hide and To Cover Up The REAL Truth Behind COVID-19. COVID-19 Is An Artificial Intelligent Virus Manufactured By The GREY Aliens.

From What I Am Understanding and Based On My Own Research At This Point There Are 6-7 Different Types of A.I. That Have Some How Invaded This Planet. Presently They Are Running Amuck and Are Out Of Control.

Listed Below is a Link To A Page On My Web Site That Contains Detailed Information, Articles, Videos That Will Help Explain The Threat A.I. Is Becoming To Humanity.. This is Just A Starter Point, Feel Free To Continue Doing Your Own Research. - Click HERE To View.

7- Current List Of Celebrities, Government Officials an d Cabal Members Who've Been Executed - For Those Who Think NOTHING is Going On, Here Ya Go... Military Tribunals Are Being Held Behind The Scenes. As I Mentioned Awhile Back, If You See Anyone Who Has Been Executed They Have Been Cloned, Have A Body Double and or Their Persona is Being Re Created Via Digital Holographic Technology.

Their Characters Are Being Temporarily Re Animated To Appease The Sleepers Who Are Un Aware of Anything Going On. If All of These People Just Disappeared The Sleepers Might Panic. To Prevent Panic They Will Temporarily Keep The Image of Those Executed Alive.

Soon All Clones, Holographic Images and Body Doubles Will Be Deactivated, Regardless if The Sleepers Are Ready or Not.. Truth MUST Be Revealed We Can No Longer Coddle or Lull The Sleepers.

With Exception of Those Who Are Un Able To Use and or Gain Access To Devices That Will Connect Them To The Internet Because of Age, Disability, Financial Hardship ie; Elderly, Physically/Emotionally Disabled and Those Who Have Low Income. Its' Understandable Why They Might Not Be Aware of What's Going On.

However, Those Who Choose To Remain Asleep Out of Fear, Ignorance, Laziness and The "I Don't Care" Attitude They've Been Given Enough Time To WTF Up, Educate Themselves and Become Aware of What's Going On Here In America and Abroad.

Their Ignorance is Their Choice and Their Problem and They Must Take Responsibility For The Consequences for Their Lack of "KNOWING." We Have To Move Forward We Can No Longer Wait For The Sleepers To Wake Up. - Click HERE To View.

9- This is Called "Rubbing Their Shyt I Your Face" - This Is Aimed at ALL Ill Informed Americans Who Continuously REFUSE To STOP and Conduct Their Own Research. Instead They Choose To Take The EASY Rout and BELIEVE The B.S.

The Satanic Cabal Keep Shovin' Down Their Throats. You Laugh and Mock People Like Myself Who Work Very Hard Trying To Present Yall' With The TRUTH, So You Wont Have To Deal with Shyt Like This.

Its' Obvious Yall' Enjoy Being Manipulated, Deceived, Lied Too, Because The majority of The American Public Continue To Fall For These Pre Planed, Staged False Flag Events.

The Reason The Cabal Love To Mind Screw The Public By Creating These Staged Events is Because They Know The Majority of The American Public is So Dumbed Down They Wont Know The Difference.

The Cabal Are Aware That The Bulk of The American Public Continues To Rely On FAKE Cabal Owned, CIA Controlled Main Stream Media News Outlets. The Cabal Know Most of The American Public Is Either Too Busy, Too Lazy or They Just Don't Care To QUESTION The Narrative By Doing Their Own Research.

The Cabal Know The Majority of The American Public Will BELIEVE Whatever Narrative They Choose To Put Out Their Because Most of Yall' Will Find It Easier To Just BELIEVE Their B.S., Then To Invest A Little Time In Educating Yourselves.

Its' Really Sad To Say This But "The Cabal Don't Have To Do Much To Steal Your Consciousness and Critical Thinking Skills, Because Most of The American Public Have Literally Handed Their Brains To The Cabal On a Silver Platter."

The Cabal Have Spent Many Decades Studying Human Psychology and Mapping Out The Human Brain and Thought Process. They Know How Most of The American Public Will React To Their False Flag Staged Events Before They Plan Them.

I Hate To This But The Bulk of The American Public Makes It So Easy For The Cabal To Deceive Them, Because They Don't Take The Time To Use Their Critical Thinking Skills. This is What Happens To Those Who Don't Take Time To QUESTION The Narrative, You Wind Up With Egg All Over Your Face.

At This Stage of The Game, I Can't Say I Feel Sorry For Any of The Ill Informed Public, Because No One But YOU Made That Choice. - Click HERE To View.

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