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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- Former Child Hollywood Star Says "You Learn Early On Which Ones Want To Abuse You." Click HERE To View.

2- Best Week Ever, So Far - Click HERE To View.

3- New York City Nurse Exposes Elmhurst Hospital - This Nurse Risk Her Job and Retaliation By Taking A Hidden Camera Into Elmhurst and Pressing The Record Button To Expose How Elmhurst Hospital is Generating Its' COVID-19 Patients.

Keep In Mind These Hospital Earn $13,000 For Every Patient They Diagnose with COVID-19 and They Earn $40,000 For Every COVID-19 Patient They Place On A Ventilator.

At This Point Hospital Staff at Many Hospitals No Longer View People as Patients, Instead When They See A Patient They View Him/Her as a Large Sum of "MONEY."

For Money They Are Willing To Toss Aside Their Medical Ethics and Risk A Patients Life By Performing Painful, Unnecessary Test, Prescribing All Types of Medications They Don't Need and Placing Them On A Ventilator, Knowing It Can Kill Them.

They Don't Give A Fuck. At This Point When You Walk Inside "Some" Hospitals You Are No Longer A Patient In Need You Become $$$$$$$. Currently Many Hospitals Are Losing Lots' of Money

Because People Are Not Relying On Their Services as They Used To Before COVID-19 Popped Up.

Staff Will Potentially Milk Every Patient That Enters Into Their Hospital, Because They Are Desperate To Earn Money and YOU The Patient Are Their Only Hope. Many Hospitals Are Shutting Down Because Doctors, Nurses Are Being Arrested for Harming Patients, Doctors and Nurses Are Leaving Voluntarily or They Are Being Fired.

Holistic Medicine, Healing Through Sound/Frequency and Holographic Medical Pods Takes Front Stand Hospitals as We Know Them To Be, Will No Longer Exist. Healing and Wellness Centers Will Replace Hospitals and Hospitals Will Be Converted Into Shelters For The Homeless.

Unless You Have a Terminal Illness or Are Deathly Ill, If at All Possible Stay Away From The Hospital. Stop Running To Them Every Time You Get The Sniffles or an Ache and a Pain. If Possible Set Up An Emergency Tele-Health Call and Visit A Doctor Over The Phone, They Can't Cause Much Harm To You Over The Telephone.

Using Your Own Discretion Go To A Hospital When/If You Have a Life or Death Situation, Other Then That Stay The Hell Away From Hospitals. Hospital Staff Are Desperate To Earn Money and Stay Open. Desperate People Do Desperate Things To People They're Supposed To Be Providing Care For. - Click HERE To View.

4- Truck Drivers Say They Won’t Deliver To Cities with Defunded Police Departments - Be Prepared Because ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter Have Taken Over Parts of Seattle. For Those Who Don't Know ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter Are Domestic Terrorist Group, Created and Funded By Cabal Billionaire George Soros.

George Soros Creates, Funds and Trains Terrorist Groups To Travel Throughout The World To Wreak Havoc, Riot, Occupy Areas, Destroy Property Threaten, Injure and or Kill Innocent People.

This Time Around The Goal of ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter is To Assist The Democrats in Their Coup Attempt To Overthrow Trump By Terrorizing The American Public Through A Constant Flow Anarchy Across America.

The Main States They Are Targeting Are Democratic States and The Democratic Mayors and Governments of These Targeted States Have Taken Sides With The Terrorist Groups ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter.

The Democrats Have Gone as Far as Voting To Defund Police Departments. Trump Has Given Each State Permission To Call In The National Gaurds To Take Down/ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter Terrorist Groups and Any Out of Control Rioters.

However These Cabal Controlled Democratic Satanist Refuse To Activate THe National Guard in Their State. They Know Local Police Departments In Their States Need Military Back Up Assistance, Supplies and Artilary To Take Out These Terrorist Groups, But They Don't Care.

All That is Happening Now Flows A Lot Deeper Then Mourning The Death of George Floyd, Because Guess What? FAKE George Floyd Isnt' Dead.

Once Again The Bulk of The American Fell For Another Cabal Pre Planned, False Flag, Staged Event.They Staged The Murder of George Floyd To Createan Uprising, Racial Division That Would Lead To Outcries and Protest Among The Ill Informed American Public. To Make Matters Worse They Bused In Thousands of Trained ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter Terrorist.They Turned Peaceful Protests Into Out of Control Riots, Chaos, Destruction That Lead To Many Innocent People Being Seriously Injured and Killed.

Besides Causing Major Damage and Total Destruction To Neighborhoods That Were Struggling To Stay Afloat, They Burnt Down and Destroyed Many Small Family Owned Businesses That Provided Vital Services To The People In Their Community.

Now ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter Have Moved Onto Taking Over and Controlling Neighborhoods. Truck Drivers Have Said They Are Not Making Deliveries In States That Have Defunded Their Police Departments.

This Means Wherever ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter Set Up Their Shop of Anarchy Food and Essential Supplies Might Run Low if Truckers Are Not Protected and Can't Get Through if Police Departments are Closed.

The Cabal's Destruction of America Is Being Carried Out Because of Their Hate Towards Trump.Their End Goal is To Overthrow Trump and Continue Installing Their "One World Government" Under The New World Order Regime.

The Cabal View The American Public as Expendable Pawn Pieces in Their Game. They Don't Give A Rats Ass Who Gets Injured, Killed or How Many Lives They Have To Destroy To Get Rid of Trump and Put Forth Their Satanic Diabolical Agendas.

Prepare Yourselves For The Brunt of The Storm.. - Click HERE To View.

5- ‘George Floyd — A Staged Event,’ says Bexar County GOP Chair Cynthia Brehm - Click HERE To View.

6- Antifa Anarchists Take Control Of Seattle, Declare Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone, Civil War Click HERE To View.

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