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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- FDA Running Covert “Quack Hack” Program to Harass and Intimidate Nutrition-Oriented Small Businesses Across America - The FDA A Cabal Controlled Corporation Wants To Keep You and Your Families Sick, Dying and Dependent on Harsh Chemical Drugs Instead Healthy, Holistic Alternatives.

Over The Past Few Years These Cabal Satanist Murdered Over 150 Holistic Doctors Who Had Patents To Natural CURES For Many Diseases and Illnesses. I Don't Have To Say Anymore, Use Your Critical THINKING Skills and Figure Out The Rest. - Click HERE To View.

2- Orthodox Jews Cut Locks On Closed New York City Park To Let Children Play - Click HERE To View.

3- The Boule' The Black Masonic Society - Click HERE To View.

4- What Is Your Strawman? The Slavery Of Our Time - Click HERE Top View.

5- ECETI News: Critical Thinking in Critical Times -- James Gilliland - I Suggest That People Take and or Make The Time To Real This Article in its' Entirety and Then SHARE It With Your Family and Friends. Its' Time For The American Public As A Whole To Wake Up and Use Their Critical Thinking Skills.

REMEMBER This "The Cabal Enjoy Playing On The Ignorance of The Public." The Less You Know The More They Use You in Their Game of Control..

Now People in The Black Communities are Being Played Like A Grand Baby Piano and I Hate To Say This, But I Will, Most Blacks Are Too Wrapped Up and Absorbed In Cabal Lies and B.S.That They Are Not Using Their Critical Thinking Skills.

Its' Easier To Believe The B.S. That Main Stream Media Shoves Down Your Throat Then To Take The Time, Research and Educate Yourselves To The Truth of What's Really Going On.

People In The Black Community Are So Wrapped Up In This Racial Divide B.S. That They Have No Idea They've Been Targeted By The Cabal To Spark and Promote The Rioting and Violence That's Going On Right Now In The Memory of "George Floyd" Who is Nothing More Then A 33rd Degree Mason and a PAID Crisis Actor.

Fake "George Floyd" is ALIVE and Well Laughing His Ass off at The People In The Black Community Who Believed This Staged Event.

I Am Speaking To EVERYONE, Not Just People In The Black Community. You Can Either Wise Up and Educate Yourselves and Get an Understanding of What's Really Going On, Or You Can Remain Stuck On Stupid and Let The Cabal Continue Making an Ass Out of You While Using Your Ignorance To Financially Benefit and Promote Their Evil Agendas. The Choice Is YOURS.. - Click HERE To View.

6- WARNING SCAM ALERT - For Those of You Who've Been Donating Money To Support FAKE "Black Lives Matter" I Hope You Do Realize You're Being Tricked Into Donating Money To Support The Democratic Party. I Guess If You Are A Democrat That Doesn't Matter To You, But What If You Are Donating Your Hard Earned Money To Support an Organization That You Truly Believe In? Well You're Being SCAMMED Into Supporting The Democratic Party... Watch This Short Video To Get an Idea of Who's STEALING Your Money.. - Click HERE To View.

7- New Hypothesis Argues The Universe Simulates Itself Into Existence - It Does and Each One of Us CREATES Our Own Reality Every Second. Truth Be it Told Collectively We've Manifested The Reality That We Exist in Right Now. This is ONE of The Reasons The Cabal Keep Negative Things Going On.

The Know We Have The POWER To Manifest Our Reality Based On The Negative Ideas They Feed Into Our Minds. With The POWER of Our "THOUGHTS" We Create Helped To Create This Negative Reality.

Humans Are Enslaved On This Planet Because We Are Being Used For Our Power To MANIFEST Nothing Into Something Physical. Truth is "NOTHING" Exists Outside of Us, We Manifest EVERYTHING That Exist Around Us.

Sounds Complicated I Know, But Its' Really Not Once You Get an Understanding of How Powerful You Really Are. REMEMBER Every Human On This Planet Carries The DNA of 22+ Different Alien Species. Our Powers Are Endless. - Click HERE To View.

8- ALL Diseases Are Purposely INJECTED Into Your Body - To These Mindless, Heartless, Soulless, Satanic Cabal Alien/Human Beings You Are Nothing More Then a Guinea Pig. One Their Main Purpose of Using You is for Experimental Purposes.

Under The Cabal Medical Profession Its' Not A Bout Curing or Preventing Disease and Illness, Its' About Injecting Diseases Into Your Body and Then Stand Back and Watch How Your Body Will Respond or How Long You Can Survive With Disease XYZ Battling It Out In Your Body..

I'm Sorry But As Harsh and Cruel as This Might Sound It's The Ugly Truth That Many Are Afraid To Acknowledge or Are Totally Un Aware of. - Click HERE To View.

9- 40 Year Old Man Marries His 10 Year Old Bride In Pakistan - How About Whipping These Pedophiles Asses When They Come To Your Door Looking For Your 8-10 Year Old Underage Old Daughters. If These Parents Took A Bat To These Pedophiles and Anyone Who Supports Them This Mess Will Stop.

This is The Year 2020 Not 1913, Haven't These People Evolved From This Crap Yet? They Can't Still Be That Meek and Stupid To Believe This ok.

Get A Bat and Start Busting These Child Rapist Up Side The Head and I Bet Ya This Shyt Here Will Stop, Its' No Longer Up To Authorities in These Towns To Protect These Kids. Its' Up To The Parents and The People That Live in These Backward Ass Countries To Get Up Off Their Butts and Protect Their Kids From These Discussing Child Rapist.

Yeah, I Know This is a "Cultural" Thing They Do, BUT It Doesn't Make It Right, Just To Let it Go On. Grab Your Bats and Protect Your Kids.. Parent Are Supposed To Be Willing To Lay Down Their Lives For Their Kids, Not Lay Down and Allow Nasty Grown Ass Rapist Come in Their Home and Steal Them Away. - Click HERE To View.

10- The George Floyd Set Up - Click HERE To View.

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