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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Two Meters long “GIANT SKULL” On Display In Switzerland.

1- For Those of You "Taking A Knee" - Taking A Knee is a Masonic Symbol Representing Some Type of Satanic Ritual or Sacrifice and Pro Athletes Are Well Aware of That Fact.

In Order To Become A Pro Athlete and Maintain Your Fame and Financial Status You Have To Sign A Contract In Blood and Agree To ALL Terms and Conditions of The Cabal.

Sadly Its' The Fans Who've Been Mind Screwed and Dumbed Down To Believe "Taking a Knee" Is a Sign of Respect and Honor and Anyone Who Doesn't Follow Suit is Scum of The Earth and Being Disrespectful.

They Don't Realize Every Time They Take a Knee or Praise Anyone Who Takes a Knee They are In Fact Helping To Cast a Satanic SPELL and or Invoke a Satanic Ritual.

Pardon My Bluntness and Harshness But I'm Say This Again "Get The Fuck Up Off Your God Damn Knees." Yall' Might Have Good Intention, But The Fact is Yall' Have No Idea WTF Yall' Are Doing.. - Click HERE To View.

2- And The Evil Satanic, Sadistic Human/Alien Over Lords Who Rule This Planet Have The Bulk of The 8.8. Billion People On This Planet Believing This Earth Is All Their Is. Those of Us Who Have The Ability To Astral Travel Have Seen LIFE Beyond This Planet.

I'm Here To Tell Ya Yall' Have No Idea The Wonders That Await You Beyond This Earth. Throughout My Life Here On Earth, I've Astral Traveled To Many Different Planets/Dimensions.

Explaining My Travels, Will Do It No Justice, YOU Have To Experience It On Your Own To Truly Understand, You Are Not Trapped On This Planet.

You First MUST Open Your Minds and Realize You Are Not Physical Body. Your Physical Body is a Space Suit You Wear To Help Keep You Grounded While You Live and Experience Your Life On This Planet.

You Are Intelligent, Conscious, Infinite Energy. Once You Accept Who You Are Outside of This Fake 3D Low Frequency Reality You Can Literally Travel The Stars and Go Anywhere You Choose To Go.

You Can Travel Local (Stay On The Planet) or You Can Travel To Other Planets and Dimensions. These Are NATURAL Abilities All of You Have, But You Have To Learn How To Tap Into Your Abilities and You Have To Be Taught How To Use Your Abilities Responsibly.

I Like Many Others Was Born On This Planet With Spiritual/Galactic Guides Who Monitored and Taught Me What I Needed To Know To Do What I Am Now Able To Do.

I'm 58 Earth Years Old and It Took Every Bit of My Time Here On Earth To Re Learn What Comes Natural To Me Once I Separate From My Earthly Physical Body..

Trust Me My Guides Stayed On My Butt Until I Figured It Out. They Didn't Give Me Something For Nothing I Had To Work Very Hard To Achieve What I Am Able To Do Now.

None of You Are Stuck On This Planet, You Just Have To Be Willing To Open Your Mind, "Let Go" of This False Reality and Accept Who You Beyond Your Earthly Physical Body (Space Suite) - Click HERE To View,

3- The Fountain of Youth For Hollywood's Celebrities is "Adrenochrome a Chemical Produced In The Human Body When A Person is Literally Terrified..

The Elites and Hollywood Celebrities Harvest Adrenocrome From The Babies and Children They Abuse, Torture, Sacrifice, Terrify and Enslave For Their Pleasure and Greed..

Oh, By The Way Cher Is A Biological "MAN" Not a WOMAN. Like Most Hollywood Celebrities The Cabal Took Pride In Switching Cher's Gender. This A Part of The Cabal's Perverted Satanic Rituals and They've Been Doing This to Celebrities and Government Officials Forever.

Over Time Their Deceit Has Improved To The Point Where The Gender Deception is Barely Noticeable and This is Why They've Gotten Away with Deceiving The Masses For So Long.

Cher's Husband The Late Sonny Bono is Said To Be A Woman. They Enjoy Not Only Switching The Genders Around, But They Have A Blast at Creating Gender "Switched" Fake Marriages/Relationships.

Look at What They Did To Obama and Michelle aka Big Mike. Turned Michael Into a Woman and Had Him Marry Obama Who Was Reportedly A Gay Man. They Turned Cher Into A Woman and Turned Sonny Bono Into A Man. Cher. So, Their Genders Were Opposite an Some How They Turned Them Into A Heterosexual Couple. These Satanist Are Evil Twisted Psychomaniacs.

They Begin Grooming Celebrities at a Young Age So, When Its' Time for Them To Play Their Scripted Roles They Are So Mind Screwed They Might Not Remember Their Biological Gender. Sonny and Cher Had Two Children Elijah Blue A Boy and Chastity a Girl.

I Don't Know Much About Elijah Blue, But Chastity Fully Switched Over To Become A Man. She Had Surgery and Everything. I Think Her New Name is "Chaz" I Think, If I Remember Correctly.

Yall' Remember What Happened To The Tennis Star Bruce Jenner, Right? I Don't Eve Know What His/Her Name is Now. I Don't Keep Up with The Life Style of The Kardashian's.

I Do Know Bruce Jenner's Sex Change Wasn't Completely His Idea, I Believe His Wife and His Girls Used Him as Their Sacrifice. The Older Bruce Jenner Gets The More Manly She Becomes.

That's How It Works Sometimes. When They Start Ageing and If They Don't Keep Themselves Up Their Bodies Begin To Fall Apart and Their Looks Go Out of The Window. Look at Bill Gates Wife, That's a MAN, Not a WOMAN and Lately Her Manly Looks are Popping Out Everywhere.

Like Modern Day Vampires, They Drink "Adrenochrome" The Blood They Harvest From Babies and Children. They Do Their Satanic Rituals and Put a SPELL Out There and Some How They Are Able To Switch Off Their Ageing Process.

I've Seen Quite a Few Hollywood Celebrities Deprived of Their Adrenochrome and They Look Like The Walking Dead. - Click HERE To View.

4- Bring These Pictures To Your Local Catholic Churches - Ask Your Church Clergy To Explain This Discusting Shyt. Ask Them Why Are Sculptures of Sexual Deviation and Child Pornography Built Onto Church Buildings Where The Public Worships? The BIG Question is "Who or What Do They Have You Worshiping?"

This is ONE of The Reasons I Have Not Stepped Foot In a Church In Over 40 Years, Because During My Early Teenage Years I Could See, Hear and Smell The B.S. of These False Religions.

Use Your Critical THINKING Skills "If They Are Bold Enough To Build These Perverted Sexual Sculptors On The Outside of The Church Building WTF Do You Think They Are Doing On The Inside, Once They Get You or Your Kids Behind Their Closed Doors?" - Click HERE To View.

6- The Reason For Kobe Bryants Death and or Sacrifice and His Ties To The Cabal's 'Masonic Cult' Click HERE To View.

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