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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Ship Cloaked In A Cloud Appeared In The Country of Scotland June 2020..

1- The Quantum Shift Show - This Weeks Topic Focuses On Medical Kidnapping. As The Cabal Owned Medical System Continues To Be Shut Down Cabal Medical Staff Are Desperate To Keep These Cabal Owned Hospitals Opened and Afloat. Theses Cabal Owned Hospitals Which Are Owned and Controlled By Satanists Have Resorted To Kidnapping Patients To Perform Painful, Bogus Procedures On Them, To Cash In On Their Insurance Policies..

Keep In Mind These Cabal Satanists Feed Off of Human Flesh and Blood and at This Point Their Supply In Their Supply of Live Humans That They've Enslaved In Their Underground Bases That Are Located Throughout The US Has Been Cut Off, Destroyed and Millions of Children and Adult Victims Have Been Rescued From These Underground Bases..

The Satanic Cabal Modern Day Vampires Are Hungry and They Going To Try To Obtain Their Food Human Flesh/Blood Anyway They Can. Hospitals Always Have A Constant Supply of Human Blood and Flesh. The Trick is To Get You To Stay In The Hospitals Once You Enter Through Their Doors.

Patients Have Gone Into The Hospital For A Minor Medical Procedures and They've NEVER Come Out. Unnecessary Surgeries Are Being Performed On Children and Adults To Obtain Blood and Internal/External Body Parts. Yeah I Know All of This Sounds Crazy and Like A Great Sci Fi Movie and at This Point I Could Care Less Whether You Believe This To Be True or Not, That's Your Choice.

I Am Sharing With You The Information That I Have Researched So You'll Be Forewarned. To Satisfy Your Need To Know It Will Be Up To You To Continue On With Your Own Research, So You Can Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Your Findings.

A Word of Advice: Unless You or Your Loved One Is in A Life or Death Situation It is Advisable To Stay Out of Hospitals. I Do Understand There Are Many People Who Sadly MUST Rely On Hospitals Due To Ongoing Life Threatening Medical Conditions and Disabilities That They Are Dealing With and They Have No Other Option.

However Those of You Who Make it A Habit To Run To The Hospital For Every Ache, Pain and Runny Nose, Yall' Need To Wise Up and Start Figuring Things Out On Your Own. There Are a Zillion and One Home Remedies That Can Cure Every Disease A-Z, Read A Book and Figure It Out.

If You Must Connect with a Doctor Fine, Connect Via Your Smart Phone and or Computer, Tablet. Most Hospitals, Doctors Offices Now offer Free Tele-Med Services Via Your Insurance Plan. In Light of All That's Going On Its' Important That You Explore All of Your Options Before You Decide To Walk Through The Doors of Any Hospital at This Time.

The Cabal Based Medical System is Under Attack at This Point and Its' Being Shut Down For Negligence and For Committing Heinous Medical Crimes Against ALL Americans Who Placed Their Trust, Faith In The Medical System as They Relied On Their Services During The Most Vulnerable Time In Their Lives, When They Were Sick. - Click HERE To View.

2- The Goldfish Report - This Weeks Topic of Discussion Brings Out More Damning Evidence Proving The Alleged Murder of "George Floyd" Was Staged and Is Nothing More Then An Elaborate False Flag Event Designed To Create Racial Tension That Would Lead To Outbursts, Riots, Chaos and Destruction and Here We Are Today.

The Man You Thought You Saw Being Pinned To The Ground With a Knee In His Neck Was A Life Like Dummy. Matter A Fact The Company Who Supplied That Life Like Dummy Was Conveniently Burned Dow During The First Wave of Riots That Occurred In Minneapolis. - Click HERE To View.

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