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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

For Those of You Who Hate Trump So Much Because Mainstream Media News Has PRORAMMED You To Hate Him and You Are Obviously Not Able To Utilize Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Think For Yourselves.

If You' Spent as Much Time Researching and Educating Yourselves So You'd Know Exactly What's Going On Behind The Scenes as You Do Hating This Man, ALL Trump Haters Out There Would Hold Their Heads Down in Shame.

From What I've Researched Most Trump Haters Don't Have A Rats Ass Clue of WTF Is Going On, if They Did Maybe They Wouldn't Spend Any Time Degrading Themselves and Making Themselves Look Like Total Jack Asses.

I've Never Realized How Powerful Hate Could Become Until Now. I've Watched The False Main Stream Media News PROGRAM The Minds of The American Public to A Point Where Their Hate Towards ONE Man is So Strong it Has Blinded Their Prospective On Reality.

For Those Who Don't KNow This, Trump Made The Choice To Put His Life and The Life of His Family On The Line To Help Save YOU and The Lives of Your Families. Him His Army and Galactic Team are Fighting For Our Freedom From The Satanic Cabal Cult That Has Enslaved Humanity For Centuries.

Trump Haters are So Enraged with Hate Towards A Man They Don't Even Know and Their Hate is Solely Based On The Lies and Redderic Their Local Main Stream Media News Outlets PROGRAM Into The Brains of Those Who Can't Think For Themselves. On a Daily Basis Fake MSM News Fills The Publics Brain with Lies and Hate Towards Trump and The Weak Mined Public Swallows MSM News B.S. Whole and Many Keep Going Back For Second Helpings.

Most of The American Public are So Easy To Program and Control It, Hasn't Yet Dawned On Them To Stop and THINK for Themselves, Research and Figure Out Why MSM News Hates Trump So Much. Maybe, Once The Public Realizes The Truth of Why MSM News Hate Trump, The Pieces of The Puzzle Will Begin To Fall Into Place.

For Starters Trump is EXPOSING The Heinous Crimes That Have Been Committed Against Children, YOU, Your Families and Humanity. These Crimes Were Committed By Millions of People, Including Those Who Work For Your Local Main Stream Media News Outlets.

Hopefully, When The Bulk of The American Public Begin To THINK For Themselves, They'll Figure It Out. But For Now All They Seem To Enjoy Doing is Wallowing In Their Anger, Hate and Ignorance.

Meanwhile The American Public Who've Spent Countless Time Researching The Situation From All Angles, We've Done Our Homework and Very Soon We Will Reap The Benefits Of Our Labor. We Will Bask In The Glory of Being Prepared Because We Seeked Out The TRUTH.

BIG Question "What Will ALL The Trump Haters Be Doing When Their False World Filled with Hate, Anger and Blind Ignorance Towards ONE Man Comes Crashing Down?" Grab a Good Seat and Some Hot Buttered Popcorn, Cause We're Getting Ready To Find Out.

SPECIAL NOTE: You Don't Have To Like or Love A Person To Be Supportive of What They Are Doing. Most of The American Public Hate Trump So Much That They Can't Support The Effort That He's Putting Forth To Save THEIR Lives and The Lives of THEIR Families.

In My Eyes That's an All Time Low For Any Human. Trump Haters Need To Take a Good, Long, Hard Look at Themselves and Make Sure Their Hearts and Spirits Are Still Active and Haven't Yet Been Removed.

Who Knows Maybe The Satanic Cabal That The Trump Haters Seem Keen On Supporting Have Succeeded in Obtaining Their Utimate Goal To Transition The Ill Informed Human Sheeple Into Cold, Robotic, Thoughtless, Non Thinking, Non Caring, Non Feeling, Compassionless, Soulless, PROGRAMMED, Obeying Cyborgs.

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