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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

I Hope Yall' Are Paying Attention To This. This is Muro THat Appears are The Denver Airport, It Was Painted In The Year "1994" That's 26 Years Ago and Here We Are Today The Year 2020.

NOTHING On This Planet Happens By Accident or Coincidence, EVERYTHING is Carefully Time and Planned Out By The Negative Aliens Who Rule THis Planet. They Are In Full Control,

This is Their Game anbd They Use Satanic Cabal Humans as Their Puppets To Roll Out These Catastrophic Events.

1- Gamma Light Wave Impacts Earth - Click HERE To View.

2- Message To Americans From Michael Tellinger - Click HERE To View.

3-“We Can’t Do Anything, Ma’am.” No Help For Mom Terrorized by Street Mob" - This is Yet Another Reason Why The Satanic Deep State Wanted To Disarm The American Public. They Wanted Americans To Be Defensless Against The Mad Dog Terrorist They Trained and Unleashed On The Public.

ALL of This Chaos, Destruction, Mayhem and Harm To The American Public Was Carefully and Strategically Planned Out, By The Evil Satanist Who Are Trying Desperately To Destroy America and Its' People. WHY? Because Their Scared Shytless About Giving Up Their Control and Power To Manipulate and Deceive Those of Us Who Are Awake and Aware of Their Games.

Truth Is; They Are Terrified of a Fully AWAKENED Public. With Our Galactic Abilities Restored We Can CRUSH Them and They Are Very Well Aware of That Fact.

Keeping The Public Un Armed, Suppressed, Dumbed Down, Poisoned, Sick, Poor, Hungry and Overly Busy Trying To Survive Day To Day Was Their ONLY Way of Keeping Us Asleep, Un Aware and Oblivious of Their Deceit, Manipulation and Control Over Us.

Now Their SPELL Over Humanity Has Been Broken and They Are Terrified of Those They've Eslaved. Another Reason They Tried So Hard To Dis Arm The American Public Is They Feared One Day We'd Ban Together and Hunt Their Asses Down, Once The People Found Out It Was The United States Corrupt Government Officials and Holywood Celebrities Who've Been Raping, Sodomizing, Torturing, Sacrificing, Murdering and Literally Eaiting The Children of The World.

Dis Arming The American Public Runs Very Deep and The Timing Coincides with All of The Chaos and Destruction That is Happening Right Now Here In America. On This Planet NOTHING Happens BY Coincidence or AzCcident, EVERY Aspect of Our Lives and Existence OnThis Planet Has Been Very Carefully and Maticuously Planned Out. - Click HERE To View.

4- One Hillary Clinton's Murdred Victims A 15 Year Old Teenager -Sadly The Bulk Of American Public Support The Satanic United States Government Officials That Have Been and Are Still MURDERING Babies and Children.

The Bulk of The American Public is So DUMBED Down By Cabal and TRhe Cabal Owned Main Steam Media News B.S. They Can't THINK For Themselves. Instead They Believe and Support The Satanist That Have Been Systemically Murdering The Children of The World.

None of You Can Begin To Imagine The Fear, Pain, Emotional Trauma and Torture Hillary Clinton Put Thjis Young Girl Through Before She Finallyt Killed Her. Yall' Don't Want Me To Tell You What They Do To These Kids. - Click HERE To View.

5- The Masking Of Children - This is A BIG No-No.. If Adults Choose To Act On Their Ignorance By Suffocatimng Themselves Oh Well, But When Your Stupidity Affects The Lives of Babies and Children That's A Whole New Ball Game..

Fuck This Babies Need To Breath OXYGEN.. WTF Is Wrong with Adults? Oh I Forgot The Lack of OXYGEN Is Killing Off Their Brain Cells, So Their Acting Dumber Then Usual. - Click HERE To View.

6- Did You Know? - Click HERE To View.

7- The City of Seatle Washington Is Under Seige - Phony Ass Black Lives Matter and Nazi Based ANTIFA. Are Holdiung Over 8,000 People In Seattle Washington Hostage. The Citizens That Live In Seattle Are Being Tortured, Beaten and Raped The Mayor Refuses To Allow The Police To Get Involved.

This is Ridiculous and Discusting, Innocent People Are Being Terrorized and Harmed In Their Homes and NOTHING Is Being Done To Protect Them From These Discusting POS Maniacs.

My Solution, Get a Few Army Tanks and Mow These Terrorist Down and Do The Same Thing For Every State They Try To Hit.. Trust Me, Start Mowing Their Asses Down and I Bet You These Snow Flake Punk Ass Bitches Will Disappear, Quick, Fast and In a Hurry.

As For The Mayor of Seattle Wasington, He/She Is No Longer Mayor. They Forfeitted Their Government Position When They Failed To Protect The Citrizens That Live Under Their Jurisdiction. - Click HERE To View.

8- Isolated During The Pandemic, Seniors Are Dying Of Loneliness And Their Families Are Demanding Help - This is Being Done On Purpose ALL Who Are Responsible For The Demise of Senior Citizen Population Under This FAKE COVID-19 Virus Need To Be Rounded Up NOW and Put Down..

This is Out Right MURDER and Heads Need To Be Flying Left and Right. Senior Citizens and The Disabled Adults That Live In These Facilities Are The Most Vulnerable and The Easiest To Get Rid Of and That's Exactly What These Fuckin Satanic Cabal Bitches Have Been Doing.

They ALL Need To Rounded Up and Thrown In A Hot Fiery Pit NOW!!! Its' Bad Enough To Have To Spend The Ending of Your Life In A Nursing Home Facility.

Keep In Mind Many of The Facilities That Are Funded By Medicaide/Medicare For Low Income People Are Not The Best Places To Live In. Government Funded Nursing Home Facilities are Often Times Under Staff. Staff Memers are Forced To Provide Personal Care For 10-20 Patients During Their 8 Hour Shift.

To Make The Situation Worse Staff Members In These Government Funded Nursing Homes Are Often Times Under Paid For The Work They Do and They Are Not Appreciated. With That Being Said They Have No Real Incentive or Motivation To Provide The Best Quality Care To The Patients That Need and Rely On The Staff To Take Care of Them.

Now With THe FAKE/Staged Virus, Imagine Being Forced Into Isolation. Locked In Their Rooms All Day and Disconnected From Their Families and Friends. That Is Nothing Less Then Emotional Torment. The Elderly and Some Disabled People Are Frail and Weak Forced Isolation Can Be a Death Sentence To Them..

The Cabal Who Created This Whole FAKE Corona Virus P[andemic Need To Be Rounded Up and Thrown In A 4X4 Jail Cell and Make Them Live In ISOLATION For The Rest of Their Miserable, Pathetic Lives, Let Them Rot To Death. They Don't Care About Us, I Don't Give A Fuck About Them. - Click HERE To View.

9- The Boule'' Secret Society: The Black Gatekeepers Of The Global Lciferian Order - Click HERE To View.

10- Ancient Technology That Was Ommitted From The History Books - Click HERE To View.

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