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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1-Portland Rioters Attempt Their Own ‘Autonomous Zone’, Torch Police Precinct While People Inside - Like I've Been Saying Its' Time To Get The Army Tanks Out, Give These Terrorist Fair WARNING To Back The Phuck Up and if They Don't Comply, Mow Their Asses Down. Two Nice Big Army Tanks Will Take Care of This. Take Out a Few of These Terrorist and The RTest Will Back Off and That's When You Round The Rest of Them Up and Throw Them In A Very Deep, Dark, Damp Pit and Forget Them.. - Click HERE To View.

2-NYC Mayor Orders ‘Black Lives Matter’ To Be Painted On street Outside Trump Tower, Angering The President - I Know Trump is Trying To Wake Up The Sleepers By Letting The Deep State Expose Themselves and Their Heinous Crimes Towards Americans, BUT At Some Point Real Soon I Hope Trump Reveals To The Sleeping Public What's Really Taking Place Behind The Scenes.

Most of The US Democrartic and Some Republican Government Have Already Been Arrested, Jailed and or Executed. They've Been Replaced By Clones and or Body Doubles. Some Have Also Been Granted Temporary Freedom To Continue Playing Their Assigned Roles.

Once Their Role In The Game is Over They Resume Their Life Time Prison Sentence or They'll Be Executed. - Click HERE To View.

3- Florida and Texas Are Hot Spots as Corona Virus Cases In The US Sky Rockets U,- Open, Close, Open, Close.. Yall Are Being Played Like a Piano If You Still Believe This Is Real. Its' All Staged To Promote The Vaccine Agenda. Its' The Poisonous Vaccines That They Come Up With For The Fake Corona Virus That Yall' Need To Be Worried About.

All of This Open, Close Again B.S. Is A Mind Game PSYOP To Instill Fear, So You'll Run and Get The Vaccine Which Will Either Turn You Into An Obeying, Mind Controlled Trans Human Cyborg or It Will Outright Disable YTou For Life and or Kill You..

Those ho Continue To Believe I This Nonsense Without Educating Themelves By Doing Their Own Research Will Continue To Believe The Nonsense and Will Moist Likely Be The First On Line To Accept The Poisonous Vaccine.. - Click HERE To View.

4- Wearing A Mask Is A Sign Of Mutual Respect During The Coronavirus Pandemic - This is More "Kiss My Ass B.S." Wearing a Mask is a Sign of Control, Compliance, Stupidity and a Fashion Statement To The Dumbed Down Idiot Sheeple People."

I Understand We Must Wear a Mask To Gain Acces Into Certain "Essential" Stores or Businesses That Make it Mandatory. But Those Who Are Awake and Aware of The Deadly B.S. Mind Games That The Cabal Are Playing On The American Public with Regard To These Masks Are Smart Enough To Know That They Can Spend Their Money Elsewhere and Do Not Patronize Stores That Demand You Wear A Mask In Their Establishment.

However The Majority of Americans CHOOSE To Remain Dumbed Down and CLUELESS. They Have Not Taken The Time To Research, Educate Themselves So They Can THINK and Rely On Their Own Critical Thinking Skills. These Are The Sheeple People That Have No Idea That They Are Being Mind Screwed Royally By Those Who Want To Keep Them Dumbed Down and Enslaved.

These are The People Who Will Willingly Comply To Whatever The Corrupt Satanic Government Tells Them To Do Without Question or Reservation. Sadly These Will Be The Same People First Online To Receive Their Poisonous FAKE Corona Virus Vaccination.

They Are The Ones Who Mock, Laugh, Taunt, Ignore People Who've Done The Research and Are FREELY Bringing Out Truth, Trying To Save Their Sleeping, Sheeple Ass and The Lives of Their Innocent Children and Families.. - Click HERE To View.

5- Free Sean Morton - This is a Very Heart Wrenching Situation of a Man Literally Imprisoned Because of FAKE COVID-19. In Some States Here In America and In Certain Countries People Who Ared Not Sick are Being Taken From Their Homes and Forced Into COVID-19 Lock Down Centers, Are Like Prisons.

Yall' Do Realize This is NAZI Based WAR Crimes Being Openly Committed Against Innocent, Healthy Adults In The Year 2020. Now Yall' Tell Me What The Hell is Going On Here. Have We Been Invaded By NAZI 4th Reich/New World Order Regime? Read THis aRticle and Then See Of You Can Answer That Question.. - Click HERE To View.

6- Patty Greer: The Pandemic Illusion and Global Governance - Decarbonization, Depopulation; Globalization - Click HERE To View.

7- Pandemic Illusion & Global Governance - Decarbonization; Depopulation, Globalization

8- Alberto Nityananda Cogliani: The New Age is Coming! + A Meditation - Click HERE To View.

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