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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Man Finds This Strange Being/Creature On His Roof and Doesn't Know Waht To Do With It. We Are In The Midst of a Spiritual, Planetary, Galactic War. This Creature/Being Might Very Well Be A Casualty of The Galactic War.

1- Trumps Got This - Click HERE To View.

2- Russia Developing Coronavirus Treatment That Disinfects the Body With UV Light From Inside Oh Lookey Here.. Now When Trump Mentioned This Procedure The Bulk of The American Public and Mosy All Main Stream Media News Outlets Mocked Trump and Called Him a Stupid IDIOT For Wanting To Disinfect the Inside of The Body with Light..

Matter A Fact Main Stream Media (As They Usualy Do) LIED and or Missquoted Trump and Said Trump was "Advising People To Disinfect The Indside of Their Body, Which Sadly Got Picked Up and Was Interpreted By The American Public as "Trump Said, Drink Bleach/Disinfectant To Get Rid of The Corona Virus." "

Those Who Believed Main Stream Media Were Too Dumbed Down and Mind Controlled To STOP, Do Their Own Research, Use Their Common Sense and Critical Thinkng and as Usual They Blindly Chose To Chime Right On In with Main Stream Media.

This is Why The Cabal Refer To Their Dumbeed Down American Slaves as Their "Sheeple, Chattle," Sadly Most Americans Don't, Wont Take Time To Educate Themselves and Research The Information That Main Stream Media Shoves Down Their Throats On A Daily Basis. I Guess Its' Easier For Them To Believe The B.S., Then To Take On The Challenge, Question and Research. Oh Well, Their Ignorance Will Sadly Be Their Down Fall and That's Every Persons Personal Choice..

Moving On, Now What Do We Have Here The Country of Russia Has Decided To Develope Treatment Utilizing UV Light. I Guess Trumps Suggestion Couldn't Have Been That Far off of The Mark If Russia Wants To Follow Suit.

Guess What Dumbed Down American Sheeple People? Healing The Human Body Through UV Light Treatment is Just ONE Of The Many Non Evassive New Methods of Healing The Human and Animal Body. UV Light Therapy and Many Other Exciting Treatments are Now Being Introduced To The American Public/World.

For Those of You Who Still Think This Is A Joke You Are Free To Continue Allowing Western Medicine To Poison, Sicken and Destroy Your Body with Their Invassive, Harsh, Barbaric Medicine and Medical Procedures. Keep In Western Medicine/Big Pharma are Soley Powered By The Cabal's Dark Satanic SPELLS and Their Witch Craft. - Click HERE To View.

3- Tesla's Coils Now Being Used To Heal The Human Body - Click HERE To View.

4- Senator Chuck Schumer In A Compromising Predicament With a Little Girl - Click HERE To View.

5- This Man Became Another Victim of The Satanic Cabal's Spirit Cooking Ritual - Click HERE To View.

6- Black Lives Matter Founder Admits They are Marxist - NOTE: The True Founder of Black Lives Matter is White Billionaire George Soros - Click HERE To View.

7- Cabal Owned MEGA Store "Target" Installed Mirrors Where They Sell Mask - How Convenient People Can Try On Mask and Select The Mask That Matches Their Outfit. If This Picture is Authentic Then Target Has Violated ALL Protection Protocol For FAKE COVID-19.

When There is a REAL Contagious Epidemic Mask That Are Given Out and or Purchased In Stores Come Wrapped In a Sterile Packaging. These Masks ARe Just Handing on a Rack With No Type of Protective Covering,. Anybody Can Pick Up a Mask, Try It On And Place It Back On The Rack if They Do Not Want It.

Now You Tell Me How Un Sanitary is That? Would You Try On A Mask That Some Stranger Just Tried On and Placed Back On The Rack? To Me That's The Equivalent of Trying On A Strangers Worn Underwear. That's Straight Up NASTY.. - Click HERE To View

8- If You Ever Wondered Why The Cabal Refer Toi Their Human Slaves as 'Sheeple/Chattle' Well, Here Ya Go - Click HERE To View.

9- Washington State Will Now Make Wearing a Face Mask a Misdemenor Crime - Click HERE To View.

10- White Men Self Flagellating in CHAZ Before Black Lives Matter - The People Who Are Allowing Themselves to Be Abused As Well as Those Dishing Out The Verbal/Physical Abuse Under The Guise of The Fake Black Lives Matter Are Under A Form of Mass Mind Control That Is Being Put Forth The Cabal and Those The Establishments That Work For Them.

Here in The US They've Been Doing Mass Mind Control on The American Public Since The 1960's. We've All Been Microchipped and Already Biologically Connected To Artificial Intelligence and The Internet.

Through Use of This Advanced Mind Control Technology Those Whose Minds are Very Weak Can Easily Be Controlled and Forced To Do Whatever They Are Told To Do and Forced To Act Out of Character. This is Not All But Its' a Part of What's Going On Right Now. - Click HERE To View.

12- Epstein's Flight List aka Lolita Express - Click HERE To View.

13- Norway Ends Virus Tracing APP Due To Privacy Concerns - Click HERE To View.

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