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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

This Picture of Melania Trump Speaks For Itself..

1- NYC Mayor Agrees To Defund The Polkice Department - Of All Places New York Ciy My Home Town Has Has Embraced The Movement To "Defund The NYC Police Department." I'm Not 100% Sure What The De Funding Parts Represents and How it Will Affect Protecting The NYC Public From, Criminals, But If The Demon Dems Are Supporting This Move, Trust Me Its' Not Going To Be of Service To The NYC Public or The Police Who Protect The Public.

This is Yet Another Reason Why They Pushed For Disarming The Public. Once Your Disarmed The Demon Dems Can Send In Corrupt Fake Groups and Thugs Like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter To Terrorize and Harm Citizens, Destroy Homes, Property, Businesses and Take Control Over Cities/States etc. This Was/Is Their Plan All Along.

For Those Who Don't Realiuze This, We Are In The Midst of a Civil WAR Here in The US. Hopefully Things Wont Get Too Out of Control Before It Starts To Get Better. Be Prepared Because In Some Instances People Mght Be Forced To Go Into What I Call "Combat Survival Mode." That Means You Might Be Forced Into a Situation Where You'll Have To Do whatever You Have To Do To Save Your Life or The Lives of Your Children.

Look at What's Been Going On In Seattle Washington. These PAID Demon Thugs Have Literally Taken Over Areas in Seattle Washington. They Are Breaking Into Homes and Terrorizing, Abusing, Torturing Raping, Innocent People. The Police Can't Do Anything Because They've Been Ordered By The Mayor of Seattle Washington To Stand Back.

At This Point I Say There Are No More Rules To Follow. The Mayor/Government of Seattle Washington Has Clearly Abandoned The People, Now Its' Up To The People To Protect Themselves By Any Means Neccesary.

When Government Abandons The People It Was Hired To Serve, ALL Bets Are Off. The People Must Do What They Have To Do To Survive and Protect Themselves and Their Families. - Click HERE To View.

2- Bexar County GOP Chair Suggests Floyd Killing May Have Been Staged To Hurt Trump - YES, This Whole Floyd HOAX Was To Create Chaos, Destruction, Devision, Fear, Un certainty etc. Its Main Goal Was To Make Trump Look Bad. Whatever The Demon Dems Do Its' To Harm The Public or Destroy Trump.

Those Who Can Not See What's Going On By Now Have Been Psychologically Dumbed Down to a Point Where They Might Not Be Able To Regain Their Critical Thinking Skills. They've Possibly Reached Their Point of No Return.

I'm Not Trying to Be Mean or Disrespectful To Anyone, But I'm Very Serious, Because The Sleepers Are Not Aware of What The Cabal Have Been Doing To Them On A Psychological Level.. The Sleepers and Those of Us Who Are Awake and Aware at This Point Exist In Two Very Different Realities and This is Where Our Seperation Begins.

It is Said That Many Sleepers Are Being Transitioned To Other Earth Like 3D Planets. If You Are Not Awake and Aware You Can Not Survive In The Higher Frequencies That Are Coming In at This Time. When/If The Sleepers Are Ready To Wake Up They Can Move Forward, Until Then They Will Remain Stagnant By Their Choice. - Click HERE To View.

3- The Book of Enoch Banned from The Bible Tells the True Story of Humanity - Click HERE To View.

4- Aliens Genetically Created Us: Overwhelming Evidence - Click HERE To View.

5- Aliens Genetically Created Us: Overwhelming Evidence - Humans Did Not Evolve Frome Apes, That iks Just ONE Of Many Lies They INDOCTRINATED Humanity Into Believing. To Keep Humans Under Their Control and Enslaved For MILLIONS Of Years They Had To Keep Us Living In a False World Created With Nothing But a Steady Flow of Lies, Decceit and Manipulation. Keeping Our True Galactic Genetic Background Hidden Was A BIG Part of Their Deceit.

As I've Mentioned Many Times Over The Years Every Human Born On This Planet Is The "Human" Version of ALIEN. ALL of You Have The DNA of 22+ Different Species of Alien Flowing Through Your Veins/Body..

This is What is Referred To as 95% of Your Junk DNA. Its' Not Junk DNA Its' Your Galactic DNA That Has Been Turned Off To Keep You Under Control and Enslaved On This Planet. ALL of You Have AMAZING Powers and Abilities That You Don't Know About and Have Not Tapped Into. Only A Few of Us Have The Ability To Tap Into A Certain % Of Our Galactic Abilities.

Telling You The Truth Abolut Wgho You Are Means The Negative Alien Races and Their Minion Human Satanic Cabal Would Lose Control, Over Their Human Slaves. They Need Us So They Can Feed Off Of Our Negative Energy and They Need Us To Create The Negative Reality That THEY Need To Survive In. - Click HERE To View.

6- Seattle's Democrat Mayor Outraged as BLM Protest Erupts Outside Her Home - Click HERE To View.

7- The Harvesting of Adrenochrome - Click HERE To View.

8- Of All Places New York Ciy My Home Town Has Has Embraced The Movement To "Defund The NYC Police Department." - I'm Not 100% Sure What The De Funding Parts Represents and How it Will Affect Protecting The NYC Public From, Criminals, But If The Demon Dems Are Supporting This Move, Trust Me Its' Not Going To Be of Service To The NYC Public or The Police Who Protect The Public.

This is Yet Another Reason Why They Pushed For Disarming The Public. Once Your Disarmed The Demon Dems Can Send In Corrupt Fake Groups and Thugs Like ANTIFA and Black Lives Matter To Terrorize and Harm Citizens, Destroy Homes, Property, Businesses and Take Control Over Cities/States etc. This Was/Is Their Plan All Along.

For Those Who Don't Realiuze This, We Are In The Midst of a Civil WAR Here in The US. Hopefully Things Wont Get Too Out of Control Before It Starts To Get Better. Be Prepared Because In Some Instances People Mght Be Forced To Go Into What I Call "Combat Survival Mode." That Means You Might Be Forced Into a Situation Where You'll Have To Do whatever You Have To Do To Save Your Life or The Lives of Your Children.

Look at What's Been Going On In Seattle Washington. These PAID Demon Thugs Have Literally Taken Over Areas in Seattle Washington. They Are Breaking Into Homes and Terrorizing, Abusing, Torturing Raping, Innocent People.

The Police Can't Do Anything Because They've Been Ordered By The Mayor of Seattle Washington To Stand Back. At This Point I Say There Are No More Rules To Follow. The Mayor/Government of Seattle Washington Has Clearly Abandoned The People, Now Its' Up To The People To Protect Themselves By Any Means Neccesary.

When Government Abandons The People It Was Hired To Serve, ALL Bets Are Off. The People Must Do What They Have To Do To Survive and Protect Themselves and Their Families. - Click HERE To View.

9- Morgan Freeman Is Jimi Hendrix, Conspiracy Theorists Claim - Click HERE To View.

10- Lindsay Lohan Stealing Homeless People’s Kids As The Mother Fights Her Off - Click HERE To View.

11- Disney and Other Amusement Parks Have New Rules in the Coronavirus Era - ts' Too Hot To Be Wearing A Damn Mask..Anhyone Who Goes To These Parks Wraring A Mask and Forcing Their KIds To Wear A Mask is Nothing Less Then A Jack Ass..

Stay The Hell Out of These Amusement Parks, They Are Breeeding Grounds For Pedophiles. Disney Land/World Should Be DESTROYED and NEVER Be Allowed To Open Again.

Undeground Disney Are High Tech Tunnels That Lead To Thousands of Bases. There's A Whole Nother' World Built Under Disney Land/World.

Disney Land/World Was Created By Walt Disney. Walt Disney Was A Horrific Pedophile. Disney World/Land Was Created As An Amusement Park Where Pedophiles Could Select Any Child That Interests Them

Walt Disney Created Disney Land/World To Lure Children In for The Pedophiles..

DisneyLand/World Should NEVER Be Allowed To Re Open It is CURSED and Dripping With The Blood Of MILLIONS Upon MILLIONS Of Babies and Children.

These Children and Babies Have Been Caged, Raped, Sodomized, Tortured, Beaten, Starved Sacrificed and Murdered In The Underground Bases That Are Built Underneath Disneyland/World..

Wake The Fuck Up People and STOP Patronizing and Financially Supporting The Systems That Are Harming, Enslaving, Destroying and Killing The Children.. - Click HERE To View.

12- Joel Olsteen Ministries Charges People For His Staff Prayer Services - I'll Say This Again "You Do Not Need A Middle Man/Woman To Connect You To Your Prime Source, Creator God," The Prime Source, Creator God You Seek Dwells Within YOU, Not Outside of YOU, It Is YOU and YOU Have Access To Your Prime Source, Creator, God 24/7. Get Out of The Cabal Conrolled Satanic Churches and Get Up Off Of Your Knees.. - Click HERE To View.

13- The Ugly Business and Truth of Donating Your Blood, The New Canabalism - After Watching This Video/Documentary I Began To Wonder "What Happens To The Blood That is Donated By The American Public and The Blood That Hospitals and Our Doctors Collect From Us?" Every Year My Doctor Collects at Least 9 Tubes/Vials of Blood From Me. I'm Not Stupid, I Know it Takes Only One To Five Drops of Blood, ok Lets' Say One Tube/Vial of Blood Can Be Used To Present a Very Detailed Medical Analysis On A Patient.

So, With That Being Said, What Happens To My Left Over Blood, That The Doctors Pumped Out of My Body? We Live On A Planet Where Modern Day Vampires and Satanist Feast On Human Blood 'Adrenochrome, Plasma.' These Elite, Hollywood Celebrity Vampire Satanists Use Human Blood, Adrenochrome, Plasma for a Variety of Reasons.

How They Harvest THe Blood From A Human All Depends On What They Need it For. If They Want To Get High, Perform a Satanic Ritual Ceremony They'll Torture, Terrorize and Frighten a Baby, Child, Adult. The Human Body Releases The Chemical 'Adrenochrome' Into The Blood When A Person is Terrified or In Pain. These Modern Day Vampires and Satanist Harvest The Blood From Their Victims as Soon as They Finish Torturing and Terrorizing Them, Because Theirt Blood is Full of Adrenochrome.

They Also Use Manufacture Human Blood In Different Ways So It Can Be Used as; Vitamins, Beauty Creams, Bath Saltz, Food, Wines, etc. These Elite Satanic Vampire Psychopaths Not Only Harvest Blood From The Victims They Caputure, Torture and Terrorize, They Also Harvest Blood, Plasma From Regular Every Day People Like You and Me. How Do They Harvest Blood From The Average American Public?

You Might Not Believe This, But Harvesting Human Blood To Be Passed Onto The Elite Satanic Vampires is a Bustling Business and Its' as Easy as "Donating Your Blood." The Average Blood Doner Can Earn $20.00 - $200.00 a Month It All Depends On How Much Blood They Are Allowed To Donate During Any Given Month. They Even Give Donors 'Blood Donation Debit Card'. As Soon as The Person Donates Their Blood Money Is Automnatically Credited To Their 'Blood Donation Debit Card.'

What I Find Most Disturbing and Discusting is Cabal Owned Blood Donation Centers are Placed In Poor Neighborhoods Where People Are Struggling To Survive On a Day To Day Basis. People Who Are Hungry, Behind In A Bill or Need Extra Money To Pay Their Rent Are Going To These Centers To Donate Their Blood.

Their Belief is That Their Blood Will Help Save Someones Life and There are Some People Who Donate Their Blood Just To Get The Money. An Extra $200.00 A Month Can Seem Like A Million Dollars To Someone Who Barely Has Enough Money To Live Day To Day.

For The Most Part Donating Human Blood Is A Business and a Big Time Racket and The Person Donating Their Blood Generally Winds Up Holding The Shty End of The Stick. - Click HERE To View.

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