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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Alien Hybrid. A Few Years Ago I Watched A Video of Two Adult Twin Brothers Who Had The Same Facial Features as This Woman. The Man Who Represented The Twins Explained In Detail About Their Life, Who They Were, How They Were Conceived etc. They Are a Unique Species of Alien and They Were Gentecially Created in a Lab Combining Human/Alien DNA. The Twins Had Weird Alien Like Nams and They Both Were Super, Duper Intelligent and They Were Extremely Rich.

1- Turkish News Program Talks About Adrenochrome Harvesting On Live TV - Click HERE To View.

2- Message to the Galactic Federation, 'I Do Not Consent' - Click HERE To View.

3- EVERY Human Needs To LISTEN To This NOW!!! - This is a STRONG Message Directed To The Galactic Federation. The Ones Who Are Sitting Back Laughing at Us Down Here. They Are Partly Responsible For ALL The B.S. That's Going On On This Planet.

They Are One of The Alien Races That RULE This Planet and Determine What Happens Here. This is Their Sick Fuckin' Game That We Are Locked Into. I Like This Woman Spent A Zillion Life Times Trapped Here On Earth, Working To End This B.S..

They Don't Understand Once You Take On A Human Body You Have EMOTIONS and You Act On Those EMOTIONS. They Too Need To LEARN Lessons About EMOTIONS, So They Can Understand What its' Like To Live On This Planet. They Expect Us To Act Like EMOTIONLESS Robots as They Are.

This B.S. Game Has Gone Way Too Far and It Needs To End NOW!!!! None of Us Deserve The Hell We've Endured On This Planet Because of Some ALIEN Derived B.S. Experiment. The Aliens Who Hijacked Humanity Need To Back The Fuck Off and Put an End To This Shyt Game Now, So Humans Can Move On and Live In Peace, The Way Its' Supposed To Be. - Click HERE To View.

3- Hillary And Abedins Snuff Film Is Called Frazzledrip - FrazzleDrip is On The Dark Web, Anthony Weiner And Many Other Elite Cabal Member Purchase and Have Copies of "Snuff Films" On Their Laptop and Video Librearies.

"Snuff Films" Are Recorded Video of Babies and Children Being Raped, Sodomized, Beaten, Tortured, Sacrificed and Murdered By Sadistic Pedophiles and Elites. Once The Film is Made it is Then Sold To Members of The Satanic Cabal and Elite Pedophiles For Thousands.

Some Times These Elite Cabal/Hollywood Satanic Monsteres Will Pay Close To A Million Dollars To Watch Live Snuff Films as They Are Being Made. These Monsters are Demonic Psychopaths and They are Into Black Magick & Torturing Babies & Children For Entertainment. WARNING This Picture is Violently Graphic and Is Definetly Not Suitable for Children. Adults Who Are Emotionally Sensitive Use CAUTION.. - Click HERE To View.

4- 2,000 Feet Wide 1.2 Miles Long Giant Stairs Found In Antarctica, For Whom? - Click HERE To View.

5- Giant Egyptian Statue Found Inside The Grand Canyon - Click HERE To View.

6- John Podesta and Another One of His Child Victims - 9 Out of 10 Times This Poor Baby Is Not Even Alive Anymore. They Probably Raped, Sodomized, Tortured, Sacrificed, Killed Him, Drained His Blood and Then Ate and Drank His Remains.

This is What These Satanic Pedophiles Do To Their Child/Adult Victims. Right NOW This Stuff Needs To Be Aired On Main Stream Media News, Because Its' Time For The Dumbed Down Sleeping Ass Public To Wake The Fuck Up and Deal With This Shyt Right A long With Those of Us Who Are Awake and Aware.

Sorry, But The Sleepers Do Not Get A Free Pass On This Shyt That We Are Dealing with. The Sleepers Are Not Surfing The Internet Sites and YouTube Channels That Are Exposing Shyt Like This.

The Sleepers Don't Even See The Stuff That We See Day In and Day Out. Main Stream Media News Needs To Be Shut Down and Taken Over So REAL News and The Truth Can Be Exposed To The Sleepers Who Think Aint' Nothing Going On. How Are They Going To Protect Their Kids From Monsters Like John Podesta if They Do Not Know Monsters Like Him and Worse Exist? - Click HERE To View.

7- Will Someone Please Tell Me What The Fuck is This About? Whoever Put This Display Up For Children Needs To Be Stomped Into The Fuckin' Ground and Then Thrown In A Deep, Dark, Damp Pit and Left There Forever.. This is Discusting.

If This is an Authentic Video Any Parent Who Took Their Kid Here To See This Shyt, I'm Not Even Gonna Say What I Feel, Because It Aint' Very Nice. If This is Autrhentic, This Shyt is Discusting and I Know The Nasty Ass Satanic Cabal are Behind This Shyt.

They'll Do Anything To Screw With The Minds of The Kids. PARENTS They Are TARGETING YOUR Kids and Its' Up To YOU To Protect Your Kids From These Nasty Ass Satanic Freaks. - Click HERE To View.

8- Entertainer 'Pink' Performs a Satanic Ritual On Stage - Sadly This is How The Cabal Uses Hollywood Celebrities To Seduce, Manipulate and Control The Minds of The Audience Through Entertainment. The Audience is 'Un Knowingly' Participating in a Secret Satanic Ritual Because They Believe Its' ONLY Fun, Entertainment and Part of The Stage Show. - Click HERE To View.

9- More Proof COVID-19 Is B.S. - Mass Gatherings In NYC Should Mean Thousands Infected. Take Note To How NYC Residents are Defying "Social Distancing" Rules. "Social Distancing" is Nothing More Then Another Form of Control Over The People For A Virus That Does Not Exist and Is Not Transmitted In The Way They Tricked and Manipulated The Sleepers Into Believing.

For Those Who Do Not Know This, This COVID-19 Is In Part is a Global "Social Experiment." YES There is a Virus, But Its' Not What Yall' Think It Is. Without Going Into Full Detail The COVID-19 Has Been Injected and or Ingested Into Our Bodies..

Like ALL Virus' That Have Been Injected Into Our Bodies Since Day One COVID-19 is Programmed To Lie Dormant In Your Body Until it is Activated By Another Vaccine.

The Virus' and Diseases Injected Into Our Body From Childhood Come Alive and Activated Through The Poisons That is Deliberately Placed Into Our Food/Water Supply or Through The Poisons That is Sprayed On Us On A Daily Basis Via "Chem Trails.

Every Day We Literally Eat, Drink, Breath, Absorb and are Injected with Poisons That Can Activate The Virus' That Have Already Been Injected Into Our Bodies. Also Many of These Virus' Can Become Active with The Powering Up of 5G.

In Short You Can Not Transmit COVID-19 Through Person to Person Contact. You Can Not Catch A Virus That Has Already Been Purposely Injected Into Your Body. - Click HERE To View

10- The Mayor of Seattle Only Created The Executive Order To Clean Up This CRAP Because These Discusting Rioters Came Knocking at Her Door - She Felt Threatened and Un Safe or She Was Threatened By The Trump Administration To Clean Up This Mess Protect The Citizens That Live In Your District Or Face Prosecution, Which She's Looking at a Lengthy Jail Sentence Regardless.

She Abandoned Her People When They Needed Help The Most. These 'Demon'cratic Government Officials Who Purposely and Knowingly Cause Harm To Their Citizens Are Nothing More Then Low Life Scum ACTORS Playing Out Their Diabolical Scripts. That FAKE Title They Wear Behind Their FAKE Names, Mean NOTHING.

They Are ALL Cabal Actors Assigned To Play Out Various Scripted Roles. They Are No Beter Then You or I. Their FAKE Title Makes You Believe They Have Power Over You When In Reality They Don't. They Are All Just Actors Hired To Deceive The Public On This Grand World Stage. Don'yt Believe Me Do Your Own Research and Figure It Out For Yourselves. - Click HERE To View

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