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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Do You Notice The Difference In The Two Pictures?

1- Time To Expose The Ugly Truth - The Hollywood Celebrities That Much of The American Public Look Up To, Love, Adore and Admire Not Only Eat/Drink The Flesh/Blood of Babies/Children They Also Bathe In It and Turn In It Into Facial and Body Creams.

For The Sake of The MILLIONS Upon MILLIONS Upon MILLIONS of Babies and Children That Are Trrorized, Raped, Sodomized, Beaten, Tortured, Sacrificed and Murdered For The Harvesting of Their Flesh, Bones, Internal Organs, Blood (Adrenochrome) "Help Spread The Ugly Truth."

ALL Children On This Planet Are Viewed as PREY and That Includes Your Child(ren) Grand Child(ren). No Child is Exempt and That Includes YOURS. - Click HERE To View.

2- Interesting Picture of George Bush - Click HERE To View.

3- The Satanic Cabal Who Run Hollywood Use Celebrities to Program The Minds of The People This is Called 'Predictive Programming.' If You Are Un Aware of The Cabal's Hypnotic Tactics and Don't Know What Symbols and Clues to Look For, Your Mind Can Easily Be Placed In A Trance Like State and Programmed During An Event Featuring Your Favorite Hollywod Celebrity.

The Satanic Cabal Who Runs Hollywod Also Program People Through Any Form of Entertainment ie; Music Videos, Movies, TV Commercials, News Broadcast, Video Games, Music etc. They Use Rap Music as a Weapon To Subliminally Program The Minds of Teenagers, Young Adults and People Who Live Within The Black and Lower Income Community.

Its' Part of What The Cabal Refer To As 'Social Engineering' - Click HERE To View.

4- Trump and Q on the Invisible Enemy 'The Extraterrestrial Factor' - Who is 'The Invicible Enemy' That Trump Often Refers Too? The Answer is What Myself and Many Others Have Talked About Throughout The Years The Answer is ' Aliens,Non-Human Beings' That Manifest Themselves From Other Dimensions. They Are The Ones Responsible For The COVID-19 “Plandemic” and All Other Catatstrophic Events We Deal With On This Planet That They Created For Us To Exist On. - Click HERE To View.

5- This is Some Type of Very Large Flying Creature/Being - All I Can Say is "Oh My Gosh What In The Sam Hell is This?" The Other Day I Posted a Picture Of A Being/Alien Who Jumped Out of His Ship and Was Flying. All Types of Beings are Making Themselves Visible at This Time.. Wow.............

In My Personal Oppinion This Being Could Either Be A 'Gargoyle.' or a 'Hybrid' Being. You'll Generally Find Gargoyles Sitting On Top of Prominent Buildings Such as Large MEGA Catholic Churches. From What I Understand Gargoyles Existed at One Time and They Protected Certain Prominent Buildings.

This Video Was Taken In Rome and The Being is Climbing The Outside Walls of The Vatican, I Don't Know if The Vatican Has Statues of Gargoyles On It, I Believe it Probably Does. This Being Could Also Be 'Hybrid'. A Htybrid is a Being Created By Combining Human/Anmal DNA.

The Cabal Have Creatred a Zillion Underground Bases Located Throughout The World. Many Underground Bases Are Used as Laboratories Where Human Scientist Hired By The Cabal Work Closely With Alien Scientist Creating All Types of Beings.

Recently The Vatican Was Raided and Searched From Top To Bottom, Inside and Outside and Underground. Any Beings That Were Hiding or Housed In Bases That Exist Underneath The Vatican Could Have Eascaped and Made Their Way Up To The Surface of Earth and This Being Might Be an Escapee From an Underground Base.

I Encourage Anyone Who Can Rent, Borrow A Copy or if You Have a Subscription To HULU View The Movie "Splice". The Movie Splice is About An Animal/Human Hybrid That Was Created In an Underground Laboratory. Ironically The Being in This Video Resembles The Being They Created In The Movie Splice.

We are Experiencing and Living Through Weird, Scary Freaky, Fun, AMAZING Times.. Too Bad The Sleepers are Missing Out. - Click HERE To View.

6- REMEMBER: Military TribunalsAre Being Held Behind The Scenes - They Have Spent Decades Collecting ALL The Information They Need On Each Person To Bring Down This MASSIVE Satanic Pedophile Cult. Each Trial Is Quick and Fast and Jail Sentences and Punishment By Execution Are Dished Out Soon After They Have Been Found Guilty.

They Have Thousands Upon Thousands of Cases To Go Through, There is No Time For Them To Dilly Dally Around. Eventually Special News Channels Will Be Set Up and Will Aire ALL Military Trials That Are Now Being Held Behind The Scenes.

These New Stations Will Be Made Available 24/7 For The American Public To View at Their Leisure. In The Mean Time If You Have ny Questions or Doubts It Will Be Up To You To Do Your Own Research. There is Plenty of Detailed Information Being Made Available To The Public.

L@@K For It By Scrolling Through My Face Book Page, Visit My Web Site "Rise And Shine Humanity Awakens" or Locate Your Own News Sources That Specialize In Exposing The Truth That Has Been Purposely Kept Hidden From The American Public .. - Click HERE To View.

7- Chemtrail Law Pased in 1997 - Click HERE To View.

8- This Sign Was On A Door at a Doctors Office In Abileen Texas - Click HERE To View.

9- BIG NEWS Precedes Eclipse/Independence Day; Dominoes Set to Fall! With Laura, Patricia & Magenta - Click HERE To View.

10- Restrictions On The Use of Human Subjects For Testing of Chemical or Biological Agents - Click HERE To View.

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