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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- These People Are Under A Form of Mind Control - This Whole Thing is Nothing More Then Staged B.S. To Mock People in Both Black/White Communities and To See How Many of The Sheeple People Will Fall For It. This is Nothing More Then a Cabal Game and The American Public are The Pawns In This Game to Control Your Mind.. Those Who Can't Figure This Game Out Will Be Suckered In As Always. - Click HERE To View.

2- Human Replacement Body Sleeves Are REAL - This is Technology That They've Been Using For Decades. If A Person's Physical Body Gets Damaged From an Accident or an Illness and Their Brain is Stil Functioning They Can Order Up a New Huan Body Sleeve and Then They Upload and Install That Persons Consciousness Into The Animated Body Sleeve. As Crazy As This Might Sound Its' REAL and The Cabal Have Created a False and Un Natural Sense of Immortality, Take A Look at The Video.. - Click HERE To View.

3- A Part of The Human Cloning Process Involves Tranferring Human Consciousness Into A Clone, Computer or a Robot - In The 2014 Movie "Transcendence" After His Physical Body Died Johnny Depp's Consciousness Which 'NEVER Dies' Was Transferred Into an A.I. Like Computer System and He Lived Through The Computer System.

When This Movie Came Out They Were Letting The Public Know What They Were Capeable of Doing Back In 2014. It is Said That Cabal Enjoy Doing Crazy Death Stunts Because They Know If Their Physical Body Gets Smashed Up Their Consciousness Will Be Transferred Into Another Clone/Human Sleeve.

I Know This Stuff Sounds Far Fetched and Like a Great Sci Fi Movie, But Its' 100% True.. If You Can, Watch The Movie Transcendence. - Click HERE To View.

4- The Cabal Have Created Over 100 Clones Of Every Human On This Planet - While Doing Research Last Night I Learned That The Satanic Cabal Have DNA On EVERY Human On This Planet and They Have Created 100 or More Clones of Every Human On This Planet. 1/3rd of The Human Population Are Clones..

Aliens Have Been Cloning Humans/Animals etc. Since The Beginning of Time. In The 1920's-1930's They Shared Their Cloning Technique with Their Human Cabal Minions. On YouTube Look Up "Donald Marshall" His Videos and Website Explain All About Human Cloning.

As a Child Donald Marhall Lived In One of The Cloning Centers Located Underground. He Has First Hand Knowledge of Cloning. He Also Explains What They Did with The Many Clones They Made of Him.. Look Up "Donald Marshall" If You Want A More Detailed Explanation of The Cloning Process. - Click HERE To View.

5- Trump Administration Submits Notice of Withdrawal from World Health Organization - Click HERE To View.

6- Hospitals Are Murdering Patients To Harvest Their Organs - Video is Very Disturbing, Because It Reveals The Harsh and Very Ugly Truth About What's Taking Place In Certain Hospitals. I Often Discuss How The Satanic Elite Cabal Feed Off Of, Harvest and Sell The Blood (Adrenochrome) and Internal Organs of Babies and Children That They Traffick both On/Off Planet.

This Video Explains How The Satanic Elite Cabal Are Feeding Off Of, Harvesting and Selling The Blood and Internal Organs of Adults Through Certain Hospitals. Many of The Adults Are Still ALIVE While Their Internal Organs Are Being Harvested.

This is a Difficult Video To Listen To Watch and Too, But EVERY Adult Here In America Needs To Watch This Video, So They'll Understand Exactly How They Are Doing This and Getting Away with It. This FAKE COVID-19 Plandemic Gives These Psychopaths Another Outlet To Harvest Human Organs Once A Patient is Placed On a Ventilator.

Trump Keeps Mentioning "The Hidden Eemy" and "The Hidden Enemy" Are Several Negative Alien Species. They Rule and Control This Planet and The Human Satanic Cabal Who Sold Out Humanity To These Alien Species For Their Technology Many Decades Ago.

REMEMBER AS Diffivcult as It Might Be, The More You Allow Yourself To KNOW The Better Chance You'll Have of Protecting Yourself and Other Adults/Children In Your Family If/When They Have To Go To The Hospital. If You Don't Know What's The Truth of What's Going On, You Can Easily Become a Victim of This Horrific Nightmarish Corruptrion.

The More Information I Reveal, The More It Feels As Though We Are Living In Some Type of Crazy, Non Ending Horror Movie. As Always, Stay Informed and Keep Yourselves and Your Families Safe.. - Click HERE To View.

7- Worldwide Population Being Tortured In Deep State Psyop - Click HERE To View.

8- Is This A Reptilian Baby or a Baby Born With A Skin Disease? - Several Years Ago I Posted This Video of a Deformed Baby That Looks To Be A Hybrid (Half Human, Half Alien) It Could Be From The Reptilian Alien Blood Line. However There is Also Some Type Medical Condition That Some Children Can Be Born with That Causes Them To Be Born with This Skin and Eye Deformity.

I Wont Say Yea or Nay, Because I Wasn't Sure A Few Years Ago and I Am Still Not Sure Today. What I Do Know This is a Baby That Needed To Be Protected and Cared For and I Hope It Received The Love Care it Needed To Survive.

There Are Many Different Types of Human/Animal and Alien Hybrids Created In Underground Bases, Maybe This Poor Baby is A Hybrid Being. Human Members of Thre Cabal and Alien Races Have Been Experimenting Mixing Human DNA With All Types of Alien, Animal, Plant DNA.

Sadly Some Alien Species View Earth as One Big Laboratory and Humans Are Their Guinea Pigs and It Has Always Been This Way. - Click HERE To View.

9- Fairies Do Exist and They Are Allowing Us To See Them - Click HERE To View.

10- Human Sized Bats Have Been Found In The Philippines - Click HERE To View.

11- Gigantic Fosilized Snake Found In Naka Cave In Thailand - I Could Be Wrong About This Snake But Millions of Years Ago The Aliens Who Created This Planet Created a Race of Giant Humans and Animals. I Have A Collectiuon of Amazing Pictures of Giant Humans and Animals That Seem as Though Something Happened and They Died Instantly Right Where They Stood. Over Time Their Bodies Became Fosilized Like Gigantic Rocks.

The Aliens Destroyed These Giant Beings They Created Because They Were Too Big and They Had No Real Control Over Them. I Could Be Wrong But This Gigantic Snake Could Be A Left Over From The Era When These Giants Existed.

The Aliens Flash Froze The Planet To Destroy These Beings. The Pictures I Have of The Humans and The Elephanbt is Amazing. Most Have To Be Viewed From an Aerial View. Cause If You Look at Them From Ground Level All You'll See is Mountains and Large Rock Formation, But They Were Actually Living Gigantic Beings..

The Other Day I Posted A Picture of a Gigantic Stair Case That Would Have Been Built and Used By The Giant Humans. What is Most Amazing These Giants are Still Here and are Locked In Stasis Chambers. Many of Them Are Not Dead They Are In A Suspended Animation and They Are Set To Awaken Around This Time. The Galactics Are Removing Them Off Planet and Transferring Them To Other Planets For Their Safety and Ours. - Click HERE To View.

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