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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

No Matter What ALL Cabal Based "Fake Fact False Checkers" Claim This Picture is 100% AUTHENTIC. ALL Fact Checkers In Place at This Time are Programmed To Deny Any Information That Resembles The TRUTH and Sways The Public Away From The Their Lying Ass False Narratives..

"Do Not Believe These Cabal Based Pre Programmed Fact Checkers. Do Your Own Research and Educate Yourselves."

This Picture Was 'Leaked' Out About Four Years Ago and It Quickly Disappeared off of The Internet. These are What are Known as "Black Mail" Pictures and Videos That Are Now Being Released To The Public.

It Was Said a Few Years Ago Once The Good Guys Got an Upper Hand of The Situation Tons of Information, Pictures and Video Would Be Released On The Internet To The Public and Here We Are Today..

Naturally The Cabal are Terrified of Being Exposed So They Have Automated Systems In Place To Rebuke and or Counter Act Damning Evidence That is Now Being Exposed For Public View..

1- Satanic Gala With Hollywood Celebrities - Click HERE To View

2- World Health Organizaton Wants To Teach Sex-Education To Kinds Under The Age of Four Years Old - They Want To Teach Your Toddlers and Babies About Homosexuality, Pornography and Masturbation. This is Yet Another Reason Why Trump Recently Filed The Paperwork To Sever The US Ties With The World Health Organization - Click HERE To View

3- The Torturing of Humans is Very REAL On This Planet and Anyone Can Be Captured at Any Time Anywhere and Taken To A Torture Chamber - Humans Are Tortured On A Daily For Harvesting of A Chemical Known as Adrenochrome That is Created In Their Blood When The AreTerrified. Adrenochrome is The Drug The Elite Crave, Its' The Drug They Use To Keep Them Young. They Are Nothing More Then Modern Day Vampires.

When They Do Not Get Their Daily Dose of Adrenochrome They Start Fiening For it Just Like Any Other Drug Addict. The Zillions of Children/Adults That They've Been Harvesting Adrenochrome From Have Been Rescued From Underground Bases That Are Located Throughout This Planet.

Now Their Victims Are The General Public, People That Live Above Ground. No Child or Adult is Exempt From These Satanic Psychopathic Vampiric Demons and The Color of Your Skin, Ethnic Background, Religious Beliefs, Gender, Sexual Orientation, Disability, Financial Status etc. Does Not Mean Jack Shyt To Them.

Like Any Other Being Who's Starving For Their Drug, They Are Gonna Do What They Have To Do To To Keep Feeding To Survive. So White/Black Privlege/Under Privlege is Irreleant To These Hungry Modern Day Vampires.. - Click HERE To View.

4- Former Labour Shadow Minister Admits To Making Child Porn Movie With 12 Month Old Baby Click HERE To View.

5- Hollywood Producer, Clinton Friend Steve Bing’s Death Ruled a ‘Suicide’ - Part of Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express Circle’ - They Either Start Singing Like a Canary In Hopes Of Minimally Reducing Their Jail Sentence, Or They'll Go To Jail For Life, Will Be Executed By Taking A Pill, Shot or Hung By Military Firing Squad, Or if The Cabal Catch Up With Them They Will Get Suicided By The Cabal To Keep Them Quite/ or They Can Suicide Themselves..

Those Are Their Basic Choices for Hollywood Celebrities. US Government Officials, ALL Cabal Minions, Doctors, Lawyers, Teachers, Police/Sherriffs etc. and The Cabal and The Elite Cabal Who Work Above Them..

ALL Negative Alien Races Are Being Captured, Sent Off Planet For Galactic Trials. The Aliens Working With The Cabal Their Spirits Will Be Destroyed By The Central Sun and They Will Never Exist Anywhere Ever Again or They Will Be Bannished to Desolete Planets For The Rest of Their Lives. They Can Also Be Re Purposed and Given A Chance To Make Ammends. - Click HERE To View.

6- This is a Horrid Picture of Hollywood Celebrity 'Angeli Joli'' - Actually She's Dead and This Picture Fake or Real Represents What She Most Likely Looked Like Before She Died. This Pictures Represents What Hollywood Celebrities, Government Officials, The Satanic Cabal Look Like When They Are Starving For Adrenochrome (The Blood Of Children) They Are Moderm Day Vampires. They Live and Feed off of The Blood aka Adrenochrome That They Harvest From Babies, Children and Adults. - Click HERE To View.

7- Vote For The Democratic Party And This is What You Support and Agree Too - Click HERE To View.

8- These Two Committed Heinous Crimes Against Children - Click HERE To View.

9- A Flight of Steps Made For Giants - Click HERE To View.

10- Robert Kennedy Jr. Givs A CODED Message - Read The Scrolling Ticker On The Bottom of The Screen and Thenn Look At Robert Kennedy Jr. - Click HERE To View.

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