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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

John F. Kennedy Jr. is ALIVE and Well..

1- As Crazy as Some People Think Kanye West Might Be - I'll Say This Again "Kanye West Right Along with Roseanne Barr are Two Of The Few Hollywood Celebrities That are Not Afraid To Speak The Truth When It Comes To Exposing The Cabal.

Kanye West Married Into The "Witch" Kardashian Family. Speaking Out Against The Cabal Could Prove To Be Very DANGEROUS For Hm. Its' Known That The Kardashian Girls and Their Mother Are Heavily Linked in with The Cabal. Matter a Fact They Are Referred to as "High Priestess'. Not Sure Exactly What That Title Represents, But Trust Me Its' NOTHING To Be Proud of..

Make Fun of Kanye Wast All You Want, But if YOU Were In Hhis Position Would You Speak Out as Loudly as He Does, Knowing You Could Be Putting Your Life at Risk? I Don't Think There Are Many People Who Have The Tits or Balls Big Enough To Do What He's Doing,

So All You Haters Who Enjoy Mocking Anyone Who's Brave Enough To Spek Out Lloudly Against The Satanic Cabal You Need To Sit Your Dumb Mind Controlled Asses Down, Shut Up and You Might Learn Something That Could Save Your Life and The Lives or Your Family Members - Click HERE To View.

2- The Satanic Cabal Use The Number 33 in Their Satanic Rituals - Everyone In This Video is Linked To The Cabal In Some Way. How Many Times Do They Say The Number 33 I This Video.. Wake Up Sleepers, This is Not By Accident or Coincidence. This is Some Type of Coded Cabal Message/Ritual. - Click HERE To View.

3- Late Mother Teresa's Order Investigated For Child Trafficking In India - Click HERE To View.

4- To The Left, To The Left - Click HERE To View.

5- Kids Shipped To Elite Pedophiles in Armoires? The Person Who Started the Wayfair Conspiracy Speaks - Click HERE To View.

6- Activist Mom Breaks Down The Marxist Ttakeover Of America - Click HERE To View.

7- Alexa Was Asked 'How Long Will COVID-19 Last? - Click HERE To View.

8- Hollywood Celebrity Will Ferrell Exposed Performing a Child Trafficking Skit. - Click HERE To View

9- Cancer Industry Profits From Nagalase Molecule Injected Into Humans Via Vaccines (Spurs Tumor Growth) - Click HERE To View.

10- Has Anyone Ever Paid Attention To The Emotional State of Mind of Child Star Actors Who Grow Up In Hollywood? - In The Beginning When They First Stsrty Their Hollywood Careers They Are Young, Vibrant, Bubbly, Happy Little People and Then Over Time Their Demeanor Changes As if A Darkness Has Been Casted Over Them By The Time They Are Adults Their Spirit is Lost. Why is That?

Why Does This Happen To Child Star Actors Who Grow Up In Hollywood? What is Hollywood Doing To These Kids? Where Are These Kids Parents? Who Are Their Parents?

The Way I See It Hollywood, Just Like Disneyland/Disney World Should No Longer Exist, Because They Both Were Built and Maintained with Very Dark, Negative Energy. We Wont Even Discuss The Body Count of These Satanic Cabal Owned Ventures. - Click HERE To View.

Jermaine Chavis and Scott Savoy interview Secret Space Program Veteran Tony Rodrigues - For Those Who Have An Interest In Knowing About Off Planet Civilizations and Life On Other Planets What's Going On Other Planets, Watch This EXCELLENT Video With Tony Rodrguess Former Member of The Secret Space Program..- Click HERE To View.

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