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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

This is Just ONE of The Horrific Ways They Pack and Ship The Chil;fdren To Elite Pedophiles.

Gagged, Drugged, Taped Up and Stuffed in Shipping Boxes Many of The Children Die of Suffocation and Dehydration Befiore They Reach Their "Last Stop" Destination, Where The Elite Pedpophiles Rape, Sodomize, Torture, Beat and Brutally Murder Them. These Precios Babies "Had No VOICE, No CHOICE, YOU Are, I Am, WE Are, Their VOICE" Do Not Let YOUR VOICE Go SILENT, Don't Let Their Deaths Go Un Notticed. To Do NOTHING Means You Are In Agreement with This. If That is The Case You Have Become A Part of The Problem and Youy Are Not A Part of The Solution That is Helping To Put an END To Child/Human Trafficking.

1- John Podesta&Pizzagate Leaked/Disturbing video of Child Abuse & Torture - Click HERE To View.

2- Police Found A Soundproofed Torture Chamber Hidden in a Shipping Container On The Dutch-Belgian Border - Click HERE To View.

3- They've Been Shipping Children/Adults To Other Planet In What is Known as "Off World Human Traffic/Trade" - Its' Not Enough Humans Are Trafficked Here On Earth, But They've Been Trafficked Off Planet Since The 1960's. Humans Are Traded To Various Alien Species To Be Used For Experimentation, Alien To Human Breeding Programs, Slaves and Food..

The Humans Down Here On Earth Acting Like Total Butt Holes Need To Learn How To "Humble" Themselves or They Could Be On The Next Space Ship Heading Off Planet. They Mainly Traffic Humans Who Have No Direction, Guidance, No Family, Friends and Those Who Are Considered To Be Destructive and Useless. They Figure No One Will Miss This Particular Group of People. Once They Trade You Off Planet You're Not Coming Back To Earth.. - Click HERE To View.

4- Current Arrests & Execution List - Click HERE To View.

5- Warnings of Possible Cover-Up in Progress as Trump Orders Hospitals to Stop Sending Coronavirus Data to CDC - Click HERE To View.

6- Model Chris Tiegen Has Been Linked To Jeffrey Epstein Island - She's Worried About Her Family. I Have No Pity for Her or Her Husband John Legend. A Few Years Ago it Came Out That They Were Involved in The Harvesting olf Adrenochrome, Which is Blood of Children. I Don't Know If This is Valid But They Were Saying That Their Kids Were Possible Victims of Adrenochrome Harvesting. - Click HERE To View.

7- Not Wearing a Mask? Ohio Starts Hotline to Report People Who Refuse - Click HERE To View.

8- Just In Cse You Forgot - For Those Who Still Worship In The Catholic Church or Any Church.. Here's a Little Reminder of What These Freaks Who Run The Church Represent. - Click HERE To View.

9- FESIG Crystal Goh Hypnosis Session for Ileana, Cybernetics Labs, Holographic Medical Pods

10- Ellen Grills Sandra Bullock On Adrenochrome Usage - Click HERE To View.

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