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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

This Should Be Self Explanatory. Three Top Traders of America In a Lab In Wuhan China.

1- Kerry Cassidy o Project Caelot Is Interviewed By Jean - Claude - This is an EXCELLENT Interview Packed With Detailed Information. - Click HERE To View.

2- Kery Cassidy's Travel Blog From Heathrow Airport in The UK - This is What Happens When The Public Willingly Complies To The Cabal's Every Satanic Whim - Click HERE To View.

3- The History Of Aliens On Earthh - Click HERE To View.

4- Hollywood Sex Cult Owned 11 Day Cares - Click HERE To View.

5- ATTENTION; OBEYING Compliant Mask/Muzzle Wearers - Speacial Note: I am Not Referring To People Who Have To Wear A Mask Because They Have an Illness, Disability and Weakened Immune Systems. I Am Talking To The Dumbed Down Idiots Who Are Wearing Masks Just Because They Were Told Too.

I am Talking To The Dumbed Down MAsk/Muzzle Wearing Idiots Who Took It Upon Themselves To Condemn Those of Us Who Have The Courage To Stand Up and Speak Out For Our Right Not To Wear a Mask If We Choose.

I Am Talking To The Dumbed Down Mind Controlled Mask/Muzzle Wearing Idiots Who Have Not Done a Lick of Research, If They Did They Would Know The Medical and Health DANGERS Of Wearing a Mask All Day When There is No Need Too.

I Am Talking To The Dumbed Down Mask/Muzzle Wearing Idiots Who's Outright Stupidity is Putting ALL The American Public at Risk of Losing Their Civil Rights. In This Reality Your Obediant Compliance To Shyt You Do Not Undrstand Could Lead To Your Death. - Click HERE To View.

6- I Believe The American Public Is Under a Form of Mass Mind Control - They've Been Using Mass Mind Control On The American Public Since The 1970's. The Use of Smart Phones and All These Smart Devices and 5G Installed In Some Areas. For OVVER 30 Years They've Been Poisoning The American Public With Nano Dust/Nano Bots.

Over The Last Three Decades We've Ingested, Absorbed, Inhaled, Been Sprayed Like Roaches and Injected with Poison. The Technology Has Been Turned Against Us and Is Now Being Used as a Weapon To Destroy Us.

They Had The Ability To Mind Control People For Decades. Yeah Some Humans Are Crazy and They'll Do Crazy Things, But This In My Oppinion Goes Several Steps Beyond Crazy. Regular Humans Do Not Do Things Like This To Each Other. Theres a Lot More Going On Here. Or These Could Be Actual Demon Walk Ins. - Click HERE To View.

7- America Speaks - Click HERE To View.

8- These Dumbed Down Mind Controlled Mask/Muzzle Wearers Are Turning Violent Towards Those Who choose Not to Wear a Mask - Be Careful out there utter stupidity is running rapid. This whole mask wearing B.S. was set up to cause further division among the people.

However the mind controlled sleepers are too dumned down to figure out they are being played like a pawn in a game by the very same satanic cabal who they think gives a shit about their health and well being.

They are using the idiot obeying mask/muzzle wearers to promote their evil agendas and they are falling for the BS hook line and sinker. These idiots are helping to make the satanic cabals job a lot easier.

Most likely These violen dumbed down mask/muzzle wearers will be the first on line to get vaccinated. They won't even know how dangerous and deadly the vaccines are because they are too ignorant to take the time to educate their minds of the mind game that's being played on them. Their ignorance wil most likely lead to their early deaths. - Click HERE To View.

9- The General Public Are Purchasing These Life Like Infant Baby Dolls - These Life Like Infant Bay Dolls Mainly Appeal To Doll Collectors and Parents Who's Children Have Grown Up and Left Home or Couples Who Can't Have Children These Life Like Infant Dolls Bring Them Comfort and There is Nothing Wrong with That.

On The Flip Side I Aint' Stupid and I Know These Infant Baby Dols Don't Sell Past $1,000-$1,500. These Infant Dolls Sold On 'ETSY' are Being Sold For THOUSANDS of Dollars.

My Guess is These Dolls Are Being Sold To The Satanic Elite Pedophile Cabal and They Most Likely are Modeled After The Babies They are Trafficking and Selling.

Purchase The Life Like Doll and They'll Ship The Human Baby. I Could Be Wrong, But I Doubt It Because 'Etsy' Has Already Been Linked To The WayFair Child Online Trafficking Scandal.

This is Yet Another Discusting Way To Market a LIVE Human Baby For Sale To The Elite Pedophiles. I Hope Like Hell I Am Wrong, But I Don't Think So.

If They Actually Ship The Doll 9 Out of 10 Times The Doll is Being Used In ome Type of Ritualistic Way. They Are Already Making Life Like Silicone Toddlers and Little Girls and They Are Being Sold as Sex Toys To Pedophiles, So This Here Doesn't Surprise Me at All. It Just Pisses Me Off and Makes Me Very Angry. - Click HERE To View.

10- Pedo Gate an Indepth Explanation - Click HERE To View.

11- Brave American Woman Speaks Out - Click HERE To View.

12- If Someone Tells You You Have To Wear A Mask - Click HERE To View.

13- Its' Just A Mask - Click HERE To View.

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