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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Those Who Own and Control Satanic Hollywood Have Been Switching The Gender of Children and Adults Since The Very Beginning. Through Trauma Based Mind Control THey Begin Grooming Children To Change Their Gender at a Very Young Age. When It is Time For Them To Step Into Their Scripted Role They've Already Made The Transition To The Opposite Gender.

Once The Child Gets Into Their Late Teens Early Twenties Memories of Who They Were Begin To Re Surface and This Confuses and Scares Themn Because They Don't Know Who They Are Biologically. This is ONE Of The Reasons Many Young Hollywood Celebrities That Have Grown Up In Hollywood Douse Themselves Into Drugs and Alcohol. They Can Suffer Wth Severe Emotional, Sexual Identity Disorders and Dysfunction.

To Fuck With and Alter Someones Mind and Identity Is The Worse Type of Childhood Abuse. Anyone an d Everyone Rsponsible For Psychologically/Sexually Damaging These Kids Should Hang By A Rope Until Every Bone In Their Neck Cracks and Breaks.

1- Tucker Carlson Says New York Times Plans To DOX His New Home After He Moved Due To ANTIFA Vandalism and Threats - I Am Not A Carlson Tucker Fan, Because I Really Don't Agree or Feel A Lot of What He Says, However Its' His Right To Speak Truth as He Understands It. Its' WRONG For Anyone To Attack or Threaten The Lives of Those Who Do Not Agree with The Narrative.

We Are All Unique Individuals and We Have Different Ideals and Beliefs. Sure, We Can Get Mad at Each Other, Dislike Each Other Fuss, Argue and Cuss at Each Other

However You Can Easily Step Over The Bundaries When You Get So Low That You Think Its' Ok To Resort To Terrorizing People In Their Homes and Threatening Someones Life and The Life of Their Family Just Because They Disagree with The Narrative You're Trying To Push.

NYT Is Showing Their True Colors By Harrassing Tucker Carlson Because He's Expressing His Point of View By Exposing The Truth, Whatever That Might Be, Besides Stupid How Does This Make NYT Look? - Click HERE To View.

2- This is Why Trump Ordered The Center For Disease Control (C.D.C.) and The World Health Organization (WHO) To Forward Their COVID-19 Medical Data To The White House Staff For Investigation - Suddely and Mysteriously The C.D.C. and The W.H.O. Lost Large Batches of Their COVID-19 Data. This is Why Trump RECENTLLY Ended The United States Relationship With The Center For Dissease Control (C.D.C.) and With The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) The C.D.C. and The W.H.O. Are Now Appologizing To The American Public For LYING about COVID-19 Numbers.

How Many of Yall' Realize The COVID-19 Test Kits Have Been Puposely Tainted With The The COVID-19 Virus? Most People Tested For COVID-19 Tested Positive. WHY? Because They Are Putting The Virus In Your Body When You Go In For The Test.

Why Are They Doing This? They Are Doing it For Many Reasons. The Main Two Reasons 1- To Harm and Kill as Many Americans as Possible. 2- And Make BIG Money Doing It.

Did You Know? Hospitals Make $14,000.00 off Of Every Person Who Test Possitive For COVID-19 and They Earn Between $35,000.000 $45,000.00 For Every Person They Place On A Ventilator Diagnosed with COVID-19.

If/When A Patient Dies of COVID-19 The MILLION Dollar Life Insurance Policy That You Did Not Know You Had Can Be Cashed In and Split Between The Hospital and The Evil Beings Known as The Cabal, Illuminati, The Family etc.

There is A Very BIG and EVIL Agenda Behind The COVID-19 HOAX. The Bulk of THe American Public Would Already Know This If They Took The Time To Research and Educate Themselves, Instead of Just Blindly BELIEVING The B.S. That Your Local Main Stream Media News Outlets Spoon Feeds To You Every Day. Guess What? They Too Are Gettng PAID Big Money To LIE To The American Public.

For Those Who Do Not Know This "Wearing A Mask" is Part of Their Game and Always The Bulk of The Ill Informed American Public Fell Right In Line with Their Game of 'Control.'

The Mask Yall' Are OBEDIENTLY Slapping On Your Face Every Day, Guess What They Are Doing Your Body More Harm Then Good. WHY?

Your Body Needs OXYGEN, Wearing a Mask All Day Long is Depriving Your Body and Your Brain of OXYGEN. THINK People Every Time You Take a Breath You Naturally Breath Out Carbon Dioxide and You Naturally Breaths In OXYGEN. What Do You Think Will Happpen When Periodically Throughout Your Day You Cover Your Mouth and Nose and Block The Natural Flow of Oxygen That Your Body Needs To Survive? - Click HERE To View.

3- CBS News Cazught In Another COVID-19 Lie - Click HERE To View.

4- Do Not Get The COVID-19 Vaccine - Click HERE To View.

5- The Masking of America - Click HERE To View.

6- This is How Television PROGRAMMING Plants Subliminal Messages Into The Mind of Viewers Click HERE To View.

7- Attack on Christianity, All Religions - California Bans Singing In Church Mask or No Mask

8- The Race Is On To Put Humanity Back To Sleep - Yup, They Are Searching For Certain Types of Alien DNA. They Need To Know What Type of Powers and Abilities Each One of Us Has. The More The Public Awakens The More Powerful We Become as a Collective.

They Are More Afraid of Us Then We Are of THem, Because They Are Aware of Alien Abilities and They Know We Will Over Power Them. The Race is On To Shut Us Up, Put Us Back To Sleep or Else We Will Bring Forth Their Demise. - Click HERE To View.

9- New York Nursing Home Horrors are Worse The Imagined - Years Ago The Cabal Stated That The Annihilatio of Humanity Would Begin By Causing Harm and Death To The Elderly, Homeless and The Disabled Who Are Emotionally/Physically Disabled, Weak, Sickly, Vulnerable and Do Not Have Consistent Support of Family or Friends.

Over The Past Few Weeks I've Researched and Wacthed Many Videos of The Elderly Being Cared For In Nursing Home Where Hidden Cameras Had Been Placed By Staff Members or Family Members of Victims of Nursing Home Abuse. What I Saw Was Discusting and Deplorable. No One Should Ever Be Treated In This Manner.

It Does Not Surprise Me How at This Time Nursing Homes Are Being Called Out For How They Treat The Elderly and The Disabled Who Are In Their Care. The People THey Hire To Work In Nursing Home and Other Healthcare Facilities Need To Go Through Serious Background Checks Before Being Allowed To Work With Any Human Being.

They Need To Perform Frequent Surprise Spot Checks and Visit These Nursing Home Facilities Un Announced. ALL Workers Should Be Required To Go Through Psychological and Drug Screening Every 4-6 Months.

On The Flip Side People Who Work In Live In Healthcare Facilities and Nursing Homes Should Be Paid Descent Salaries For The Work They Are Hired To Do. Many of These Facilities That House The Disabled and The Elderly Are Not Adequatly Staffed and They Do Not Pay Descent Wages.

Taking Care of The Disabled/Elderly Can Be a Rewarding Job For Those Who Have a True Desire and Love To Help People Who Require Assistance In Taking Care of Themselves. But If Workers Are Not Appreciated, Overworked, Because The Facility is Understaffed and They Are Not Given Incentives, Possitive Feedback, Support and Paid Descent Wages, What Do You Expect Will Happen?

These are Human Beings Not Robotic Machines, They Have Feelings and Emotions and Their Anger and Frustrations Can Reach A Boilinhg Point. This is Where Abuse of The Clioents Creeps In. Trust Me What's Happening In Nursing Care Facilities Is Not Occurring By Accident, Like Everything Else On This Planet it Was Systemically and Purposely Designed and Set Up To Cause The Most Damage To The Most Vulnerable In Our Population. There's a Diabolical Satanic Cabal Agenda Behind Just About Everything That Goes On, Onn This Planet. - Click HERE To View.

10- Gang of Women Allowed Pedophiles To Rape Children as Young as Three Years Old - I Hate To Say This, But I Will Since We Are Cleaning House These Three Need To Be Executed. Its' One Thinbg When an Adult Decides To Sell Her Body For Drugs and Money.

However When Adults Allow Toddlers and Kids To Be Raped and Abused For Money and Drugs or For Any Reason, That is Inexcusable.

These Three Slimey, Grimey Hags Need To Forfeit Their Right To Exist or They Should Remain Locked Up In Solitary Confinement For The Rest of Their Miserable Lives. Give Them a Bucket To Piss and Shyt In, A Bucket of Water and A Blanket To Cover Their Nasty Asses When They Lay On The Hard Cement Floor To Sleep.

I Know My Metghod of Punishment Sounds Harsh and Very Cruel But When It Comes To Abusing Babies, Children, Elderly, Disabled and Animals I Feel No Pity Towards The Abuser or Anyonre Who Enables The Abuser.

When A Person Sexually or Physically Abuses A Baby/Child They Can Be Scarred Emotionally For The Rest of Their Lives. Ofte Times Sexual, Physical Emotional Abuse Causes Psychological Trauma That Can't Be Repaired.

Children Can Carry Memories of Abuse with Them Throughout Their Lives. Why Would Anyone Want To Give That Psychological Burden To A Child? - Click HERE To View.

11- Man Who Never Was Tested For COVID-19 Received a Call That He Testd Possitive for COVID19 - Click HERE To View.

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