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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- Pleiadian Situation Update - Click HERE To View.

2- This Man Was Was Most Likely a Sacrifice at A Elite Cabal Satanic Ritual - They Generally Rape, Sodomize, Torture Their Victims So Their Victims Fear Causes Their Body To Produce and Release The Chemical Known as 'Adrenochrome' Into The Blood Stream

Among Other Things These Elite Satanic MOdern Day Vampires Use Adrenochrome To Get High Off of. Adrenochrome is The Drug Choice of The Elite. The Human Body Produces The Most Potent Adrenochrome When Their Victims Are Terrified and Traumatized.

Based On My Research and From The Countless Pictures and Videos I've Viewed Over The Year These Vampyric Satanist Have Many Horrific Methods That They Use To Terrify Their Victims.

They've Literally Locked Babies and Toddlers Inside Walls. They've Locked Children and Adults In Caskets with Dead Bodies.

They Scare Their Victims Nearly To Death Before Releasing Them. Their Next Step is to Cut Their Victims Body Open Drain/Harvest and Consume Their Blood.. Many Diabolical Methods Are Used To Traumatize Their Victims Both Psychologically and Physically. Forcing Their Victims Body To Produce The Highest Quality 'Adrenochrome' is Their Top Priority.

Race and Ethnicity Does Not Matter as Long as You Are Human and Your Body Procuces Blood/Adrenochrome Anyone at Any Time Can Become a Victim If They Are In The WRONG Place at The WRONG Time.

They Are Currently Warning The Public To Be Cautious In Certain State Parks, Camping Grounds etc. Trump, The Military, The Militia and The Galactics Have Rescued and Are Still In Process of Rescuing Millions Upon Millions of Children and Adults.

Their Victims Are Enslaved In High Tech Underground Bases That Are Located Throughout The US/World. These Bases Connect To Each Other Via High Speed Underground Levitating Rail System. Many of The Rail Systems Lead To and Connect To Secret Tunnels That Are Built Under The Homes of Many Hollywood Celebrities, The Elite Cabal and Governmet Officials.

This Satanic Cult Is Not Limitd To The United States, This Satanic Underground Cult Network Spans Throughout The Entire World and Humdreds of Millions of Elite Cult Satanist and Their Minions Are Involved.

Their Lower Level Minions Can Be Anyone From A Grade School, Teacher, A Stay at Home Mom To The Pastore Who Preaches at Your Local Neighborhood Church. They Blend Within The Communities They Live In.

This is ONE of The Reasons This Satanic Cult Has Virtually Existed Un Noticed On This Planet For Centuries. In Generakl Satanist and Those Who Work For Them Do Not Go Around Wearing Signs On Their Backs. - Click HERE To View.

2- What If? - Click HERE To View.

3- Walt Disney was a dark Occultist. Behind Disney's Magic Kingdom is Great Darkness - Click HERE To View.

4- The US In Crisis - Click HERE To View.

5- Operation Lock Step From The Rockefeller Playbook - Click HERE To View.

6- The Plot - Click HERE To View.

7- Emily Was 6 Months Old - Click HERE To View.

8- Federal Judge Rules Cuomo, De Blasio Exceeded Authority by Restricting Religious Services While Condoning Protests - Click HERE To View.

9- EMERGENCY: Pelosi Says She’s Removing Trump & Making Herself President Under COG Martial Law - Yall' Do Know That Nancy Pelosi is In Custody, BUT She Was Let Out To Assist Trump. So This Whole Thing She's Doing Here is Nothing More Then a BIG Show. They Gotta Play it Off Because The Bulk of Americans Still Have No Idea of What's Going On. Besides if They Removed Trump The Vice President Pence Would Take Over.

Oooooops But Vice President Pence Has Already Been Executed. Remember About Two Months Ago Trump Said "Vice President Pence Is Taking a Long Trip Far Away." Have Yall' Seen Vice President Pence Lately? If You Have You've Seen His Clone or His Body Double..

Those Who Are Voting Democrat I Present To You, YOUR New 'Wanna Be' Preident The Babbling Convicted Criminal Idiot 'Nancy Pelosi." Enjoy...... - Click HERE To View.

10- Human Awakening - Click HERE To View.

11- Just In Case Yall' Forgot What Elite Hollywood Modern Day Vampires Look Like When They Are Fiening For Their Drug 'Adrenochrome' (The Blood of Children) - Just Like Vampires They Shrivel Up When Exposed To Sun Light and When They Don't Get Their Daily Fix of Childrens Blood. Can Yall' Believe These Are Pictures of Now Deceased Singer 'Celine Dion' at Her Worst.

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