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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

This is The Federal Reserve Bank Located In New York City. The Federal Reserve is a an ILLEGAL Entioty Tha Wa Created By The Cabal To Be Used as a Tool To Enslave Peopple of The World. As of Today THe Frederal Reserve Building Located in NYC Is In Preparatoon To Be Demolished. Demolition is Scheduled Sometime In The Year 2021. After The Demolition Takes Place A Large Area of New York City That Surrounds The Federal Reserve Building Will Be Closed Off To The Public Indefinetly anmd or Permanently.

1- Miles Johnston of The Bases Projects Interviews Julie Phelps - Julie Phelps is a Former/Current Participant of The Secret Space Program. In This Interview She Talks About The Horrific Conditions In The Underground Bases Where Millions of Children, Women Adults Were/Are Being Held Prisoner and Are Now Being Rescued.

She Talks In Graphic Detail of The Horrific Experiments That Are Being Performed On These Enslaved Victims. Their Bodies Are Being Ripped Open, They Are Being Decapitated and Purposely Kept Alive To Endure Pain We Will NEVER Be Able To Comprehend.

Their Captors Are Being Executd On The Spot and Many of The Vicftims Both Children and Adults Begged To Be Killed, Because Can Not Be Saved. Many of The Enslaved Prisoners That They Were Experimenting On Had To Be Destroyed, Because THere Was Nothing That Could Be Done To Save Them and Restore Their Bodies.

If You Can Not Handle The Ugly, Horrific Truth of What Goes On In Underground Laboratory Bases Do Not Watch or Listen To This Video. - Click HERE To View.

2- How COVID-19 Travels Through A.I. and 5G Frequency - Click HERE To View.

3- Rap Artist Kanye West Threeatens To Threatens To Relewase Kardashian Family Secrets If His Wife Imposes an Intervention - Kim Kardashian is Kaye Wests Handler. Kanye West Is Under MK Ultra Mind Control To Keep Him Quite and In Their Control. Every Now and Then Kanye West Suffers With an MK Ultra Mind Control Break Down.

During an MK Ultra Break Down His Memories Begin To Resurface and While He is Able Too He Wants To Reveal The Truth Of What's Going On and What's Being Done To Him. Tis iks What Is Happening To Kanye West Right Now.

He Does Not Have Bi Polar Disorder, Like Mnay Other Hollywood Celebrities Kanye West is Under MK Ultra Mind Control. His Wife Kim Kardashian is His Handler and She Helps To Keep Him In Control and In Line When He is In Public.

Hollywood Celebrities Are Made To Look Crazy and They Throw Them in a Mental Institution or They'll Act Out By Over Using Drugs, Getting into Fights etc. and Then They Get Thrown In Jail. The Main Thing Wrong Wikth Them is Their MK Ultra Mind Control, is Breaking Down, Wearing Thin and They Are Fighting To Remember Who They Are Before They Are Placed Back Under MK Ultra.

Even Though Hollywood Celebrities Have Done Their Shyt Just Like Everyone Else, What's Being Dne To Them Goes Beyond Diabolical. They Too Are Imprisoned and Controlled By The Satanic Cabal, Just Like We All Are. Only Difference is Hollywood Celebrities Have Glitz, Glamour and Money To Cushion Their Lives a Little.. - Click HERE To View.

4- NIH Says 5G Can Actuallyt Create COVID-19 - This is What I've Been Tryin' To Tell Yall' The COVID-19 Virus is Already In Your Body and 5G Activates It. If You've Received Vaccinations at Any Point In Your Life Time COVID-19 and Many Other Viruse Were Injected Into Your Body. The Viruses Lie Dormant Until They Are Activated By 5G or By Any Other Method They Have Pre Programmed Into The Virus. - Click HERE To View.

5- Actress Demi Moore Mouth Kissing Boy Actor From Harry Potter Series - Click HERE To View.

6- Hollywood Celebrity Women Who Are Pedophiles - Click HERE To View.

7- Wake Up, Walk Downstairs and Have Breakfast With A Giraffe - Click HERE To View.

8- 76 Politicians, 178 Celebrities and 7 Sports Stars: the Scale of VIP Child Sex Abuse Inquiry Click HERE To View.

9- Elon Musk Says Nueralink Brain Implant Will Stream Music Right Into Your Head - Proceed With CAUTION, This Is Part of Their Trans Human Agenda, Mixing Humans with Machine. Keep In Mind Once You Become Part Machime, They Have Control Over Every Aspect of Your Lives and Just Like A Computer You Can Be Hacked and Turned Off/Killed With The Click of a Button - Click HERE To View.

10- Card Carrying Satanist Meet Up At The Capital Building in Washington State - Click HERE To View.

11- We Are Living Through HULU Series 'A Handmaids Tale' - Anyones Who's Watched The HULU Series 'A Handmaids Tale' Might Understand How DANGEROUS It is to Comply with Wearing Masks.. A Hand Maids Tale Was The EVIL Satanic Cabal's Way of 'Predictive Programming.'

Programming The Public Through Television/Movies Of Their Diabolical Future Plans.

I Keep Trying To Advise The Public To PAY ATTENTION To What You Watch On TV and at The Movies, They Use Hollywood To Tell You What They Are Planning To Do To You and Your Families.

STOP Looking at Everything as Just Fun, Entertainment, Because Theres A lot More Being Said Then Just What You THINK You See On The Screen. - Click HERE To View.

12- Pedophile Codes The Elite Use To Order a Child - Click HERE To View.

13- Florida County Orders Residents to Adhere to ‘Facial Covering Requirements’ at Home - Click HERE To View.

14- Actor Bob Saget's Discusting Sense of Humor - A Few Years Ago I Watched a Video with That Guy 'Bob Saget' Star of 'Full House' Family Show Featuring The Olson Twins. Anyway Bob Saget Was Saying Some Real Horrible Discusting Things. I Was In Shock and I Could Not Believe it Was Him Talking Like That.

Here's The Video. Many Are Saying He Meant it as a Joke, But This Was Not a Joke. This is What These Hollywood Celebrities Connected To The Cabal Do To Children and Women. This Aint' No Damn Joke. - Click HERE To View.

15- Tom Hanks and His Involvement In Pizza Gate - Click HERE To View.

16- The Truth About COVID-19 Tests - Be Sure To READ The Article Listed Belows Gary's Video. Click HERE To View.

17- The Gold Fish Report - This Weeks Topic of Discussion The Deep States Plan To Re Enslave Americans Via Their Banking 'No Cash' Banking System - Click HERE To View.

18- Hillary Clinton Child Torture Video - WARNING This Video Is Not Suitable For Children and Might Not Be Suitabe For Some Adults - Click HERE To View.

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