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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

I'll Just Leave This Here For Yall' To Figure Out.

1- Do Not Fall For The Cabal's Jesus Returns/Alien Invasion Holographic B.S. - The Cabal are at Their Wits End Right Now and They Will Try ANYTHING at This Point To Deceive The Public to Regain Their Control Over Those of Us Who Are Wide Awake and Aware. Sadly Due To Their Own Arrogance and Ignorance The Onres Who Wil Must Likely Fall For This Type of B.S. Are Those Who Out Their Rioting, Causing Destruction and They Don't Know Why.

Then There are ThoseWho Blindly Comply To Wearing a Mask/Muzzle, Some Are Even Sitrting at Home Making Masks and Selling Them To The Public.

These Are The People Who Are Willing To Comply, Give Up Their Freedoms Without The Thought of Researching and Educating Themselves So They Can Get a True Understanding of What This Diaboloical Agenda is All About.

I Remember Years Ago When Their Holographic Jesus Christ Returns/Alien War Deceit Agenda/Plan Was Accidently/Coincidentlly Released Online, I Was Among The 1st To Read Their Diabolical Plans.

The Alien War Has Been In Existence Since Before They Created TRhis Version of Human. The Alien War Has Been Ongoing Since The Beginning of Time Its' Raging Around Us Right Now..

The War is' Happening In The Skies, In Undereground Bases and In The Oceans of The World. They Kept The Galactic War Hidden From Us, Because They Are Aliens, They Create Planets/Worlds, They Can Do Anything, Including Cloaking a Galactic War.

Moving On. I Mean No Disrespect To nyone, But If Jesus Himself Were Really Coming Back To 'Save' Those Who In His and Gods Eyes Earned The Right To Be 'Saved' I'm Quite Sure He Would Have Returned To 'Save' His People A Hell of a Long Time Ago, Before We Reached This Point In Time.

Our Life and The Core of Our Existrence On This Planet Is Not About Waiting Around For God To Send Jesus Down To Earth To Save Us. Its' About Humans Waking Up, Realizing The Horrific Game of Deceit That Has Been Played On Them and Working Together to Save Themselves and Their Species.

"Humans Are The Saviours They Have Been Looking For, Because The True Gods You Seek Lives Within All of YOU, Not Outside of YOU, It Is YOU." - Click HERE To View.

2- Companies Who Process Aborted Fetal Tissue In The Food Supply - Click HERE To View.

3- I'm Calling Out ALL Mind Controlled Cabal Minions Who Are Abusing The Elderly WHY?

Because . . . . . - Those Who Abuse and Purposely Cause Harm To The Elderly Should Be Dealt with In a Swift Very Harsh and Very Painful Manner and Then Throw Them In 4X4 Concrete Cell and Forget About Them. I Have No Respect Towards Anyone Who Abuses The Eldrly, The Disabled, Babies/Children Animals as Far as I Am Concerned These Type of Beings Are Un Worthy of Life.

Lately There's Been A Lot of Reports of These Sick Demented Satanic Beings/Things Going Around and Randomly Attacking The Elderly. These Are Either Demonic 'Walk Ins' or Mind Controlled Cabal Minions aka Sleeper Cells Who've Been Trained/Programmed To Attack The American Public.

Maybe Just Maybe These Random Attacks Against The Elderly are Mini False Flag, Staged Events Designed To Scare/Intimidate Certain Groups of People and Emotionally Rouse Up The Public.

Trust Me There is an Agenda Hidden Behind These Random Real and or Fake Attacks Against The Elderly. On This Planet, Nothing Happens By Coincidence or Accident Everythinjg is Predcisely Staged for a Reason. - Click HERE To View.

4- Bill Gates Accused of Crimes Against Humanity in Italy Parliament - Keep In Mind They Gotta Play This Game Out For The Sleepers and For Those Who Want To See Some Type of Punishment Given To These Satanic Criminals. Those of Us Awake and Aware Already Know The Biological Bill Gates and His Wife Melinda Gates Was Executed In A Country Outside of America For Injury/Death Crimes Related To Their Poisonous Vaccines.

The Bill Gates Being Tried Before Parliament is a Clone and This is a Staged Event To Bring Some Type of Justice and Closure To The People Who Were Victims of Bill and Melinda Gates Vaccine Attrocities Against Humanity. - Click HERE To View.

5- D.C. Exempts Lawmakers, Government Employees From New Mask Order - Click HERE To View.

6- This is For The Obeying Dumbed Down Mind Controlled Idiots Walking Around Wearing a Mask 24/7 Here Ya Go - Click HERE To View.

7- United States Space Taxi - Click HERE To View.

8- Joe Biden Assaulting a Child In Public - Click HERE To View.

9- The Pentagon Has Recovered Off Planet Ships - Click HERE To View.

10- “Out of Shadows”: A Documentary About Hollywood and the Occult Elite - Click HERE To View.

11- Yugoslavian Woman Issues Warning to All Americans - Click HERE To View.

12- Shocking Revelations From FBI Investigator John DeSouza! - Click HERE To View.

13- Watch The Latest Banned COVID-19 Videos - Click HERE To View.

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