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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- EXCELLENT Video These Doctors Are Speaking The Truth - Americans Are Being LIED Too. Its' Time For The American 'ZOMBIE' Public To Wake Up Out of Their Slumber Take The Damn Muzzle/Masks Off Your Faces and Face Reality.. Enough of This B.S. That's Going On.

The American Public MUST Stand Up and Fight To Take Back America From These Lying Ass Satanic Nazi Cabal Democratic Tyrants.

Sign Up For Free and LISTEN To The Video That's Been REMOVED From Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Other Social Media Platforms. They Are Hiding The CURES From You and Your Families.

THINK, If These Cabal Based Corporations Cared About The Health and Well Being of The Public Why Are They Keeping This Video From You and Your Families? ANSWER: They Don't Wont The Public To Be Cured. WHY? Because They Want You and Your Families Dead and Gone and That's The Truth Whether You Wanna Hear It or Not.

Thousands of People Needlessly Died Because They Are Witholding The CURE That Dr. 'Death' Fauci Knew About Decades Ago. For Yall' Trump Haters, Many of Yall' Laughed at Trump When He Mentioned This Medicine, But Did Any of You Do The Research? I Don't Think So, Because if You Did You Would Have Known Trump Was Telling You The Truth. - Click HERE To View.

2- Trump Adviser Claims China Sent 'Weaponized Virus - Click HERE To View.

3- More Then 100 Police Agencies Pull Out Of DNC Convention - If I Am Not Mistaken Wasn't There a Recent Demand and Push For Police Departments To Be Defunded? Most Likely it Was The 'Demoncrats' That Ordered The Defunding of Police Departments and They Are The Likely The Cause Why Over 100 Police Agencies Are Now Saying 'Hell No We Aint' Risking Our Lives To Protect Those Who Want To Defund The Agencies That Write Our Checks.' - Click HERE To View.

4- FDA Delays on HCQ Outpatient Approval Are Causing Deaths Daily - Click HERE To View.

5- Excellent, BUT It Needs To Be BROADCASTED In Every State Local Main Stream Media News Outlets - To This Day The Bulk of The American Public Are Not Aware of What's Going On Because This and Other Vital Life Saving News Topics Are Not Being Aired On TV, So How Will They Hear About This?

The Bulk of The American Public ONLY BelieveS What's Broadcasted By Their Local Main Stream Media News Outlets. If They Don't Hear This News On Their TV's It Doesn't Exist To The Sleeping Zombies.

The Way I See It, Its' Way Past Time For Main Stream Media News To Be Disamantled So A Reliable News Source Can Take Over. ALL Of The News That We Who Are Awake and Aware Are Experiencing is By Passing The Bulk of The American Public.

They Are Not Researching or Looking For This Type of VITAL News and Information. How In Hell Are We Supposed To Wake The Sleepers Up When In Their Minds The Only Trustworthy News Source They Believe In Is Their Local MSM News Outlets.

The Sleepers Would Rather Attack Those Of Use Who Are Awake and Aware and Have Done Our Work. The Sleepers Would Rather Believe The Lies That Their Local MSM Outlets Shoves Down Their Throats Every Day, Then To Look and Venture Out Beyond Their Comfort Zones. Hate Me If You Want, But That is The Harsh Truth.

Last I Checked Here I The US The Awakened Make Up Less Then 20% of The US Adult Population, So That Means The Sleepers Make Up 80% of The Adult American Public. This Article is Good News, But How Much of THe American Public Who Are Not Online Researching Will Know About This? - Click HERE To View.

6- Former Child Star Orlando Brown of The Hit TV Comedy 'That's So Raven' Acusses Actor Will Smith of Rape - Former Child Star Orlando Brown of The Hit TV Comedy 'That's So Raven' Acusses Actor Will Smith of Rape. Over The Years I've Researched Extensively The Very Dark Side of Hollywood. I've Watched and Listened To Quite a Few Videos of Male Celebrities/Rap Artists Openly Admit How They Were Sexually Abused/Raped By Fellow Clebrities.

Its' Like The Older Celebrities Have To 'Sexually Break In' The Younger Celebrities To Maintain and or Elevate Their Celebrity and Financial Status.

Some Celebrities Who Sexually Abuse The New Younger Hollywood Celebrities Might Also Become Their 'Handlers.' 'Handlers' Keep Their 'Students' Psychologically In Check Through a Variety of Mind Control Methods.

The First Step To Controlling That Person Usually Starts By Sexually Abusing Them. Children/Adults Who are Sexually Abused One or More Times By One Abuser Eventually Cower To That Person. Sexual Abuse Can Psychologically Break Down The Victims Mind and Will.

Orlando Brown Like Many Other Former Child Hollywood Celebrities as Adult is Suffering The Emotional Trauma of The Abuse He Endured as a Child Hollywood Celebrity.

The Emotional Trauma of Being Abused Can Manifest Itself In Many Different Ways. So, Before You Pre Judge Orlando Brown and Think He's Just Crazy REMEMBER What I've Talked About Concearning This Video.

I Too Am a SURVIVOR of Childhood Abuse and as an Adult I've Experienced First Hand The Emotional Trauma and Side Affects of The Abuse I Endured as a Child.

I Wont Say if Will Smith Was His Abuser, Because I Don't Know That, But I Will Say Based On What I'm Seeing In This Video Orlando Brown is Not Lying. I Can See and Emotionally Feel His Anger, Pain and Hurt.

He's A Grown Man Admitting He Was Raped as A Child, Not Many Men Will Admit To Being Sexually Abused Let Alone Call Out Their 'Abuser'. - Click HERE To View.

7- Trump Signs Executive Orders Trenendously Lowering The Cost of Prescription Drugs - Click HERE To View.

8- Big Tech Commits MEDICAL TREASON by Censoring Doctors’ Video Revealing Covid-19 CURE Being Suppressed by Big Pharma / Big Science Fraudsters - Click HERE To View.

9- Shirley Temple & The Disturbing History of Baby Burlesk - As You'll See From This Video Hollywood Has Had A Very Bad Habit of Sexually Exploiting Children Since Day One. Shirley Temple Started Her Hollywood Career as a Toddler of 3 Years Old.

Her First Film Was Entitled 'Baby Burlesque' Where at Age Three Hollywood Producers Thought it Was a Good Idea To Star 3 Year Old Baby Shirley Temple as a Burlesque Hooker. They Also Feautured Other 3-4 Year Old Babies in The Perverted 'Baby Burlesque' Mini Movie Series.

As I've Asked Before, I'll Ask Again "Where In Hell Were These Childrens Parents and Why Did The Parents Allow Their Children To Be Used and Sexually Exploited? Shirley Temple's Hoillywood Career Began In The 1930's Here We Are In The Year 2020 and This Shyt is Still Going On In Hollywood. Hollywood Is Just Another Tool The Satanic Cabal Use To Abuse and Sexually Exploiit Children. Tell Me I'm Wrong.. - Click HERE To View.

10- CA Child Psychiatrist: 'We Are Training an Entire Generation of Children to Live in Fear' Click HERE To View.

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