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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Ths is Self Explanatory..

1- Gen. Michael Flynn: 'If We Don't Act, 2% of The People Are About to Control The Other 98% - Click HERE To View.

2- It Was The Democrats . . . . . - For Those Who Want To Vote Democrate You Better Know Who The Hell You Are Voting Into Office, Before You Cast Your Vote In The November 2020 Presidential Elections. In Case You Do Not Know This, It Was' The Democrats That Refused 4 Different Immediate Relief Funds That The Republicans Set Forth. These Relief Funds Would Have Extended The Desperately Needed Un Employment Benefits for Millions of Amereicans Who Are Out of Work and Who's Businesses Have Been Destroyed In The Ongoing Riots.

It Was The Democrats Who DENIED Foor Different 'Rent Eviction Proposals' Which Would Have Protected over 28 MILLION Americans Who Are Now Facing Eviction From Their Homes and Apartments Because of Non Rent/Mortgage Payments. What Makes This Worse is The Democrats Did Not Even Present/Offer Not ONE Counter Proposal. Their SILENCE Speaks Very LOUD..

In Case You Don't Know, Its' The Democrats That Want To Destroy America and Enslave The American Public. Its' The Democrats Who Are Largely Responsible For Child Abduction, Sex Trafficking, Satanic Ritual Abuse Against Children and They Are Largely Responsible For The Murder and Slaughter of MILLIONS of Babies and Children.

Its' The Democrats That Want To De Fund The Police Departments, Leaving Americans Un Protected From The BLM/ANTIFA Psychopathic Maniacs. Its' The Democrats Who Want To Keep The American Public On Lock Down and Enforce The Wearing of Full Face Coverings and Other Draconian Laws and Rules.

In Case You Don't Know This Its' The Democrats That Don't Give A Rats Ass About The American Public. Its' The Democrats Who Stand Behind ANTIFA/BLM Terrorist. Its' The Democrats Who Want To Kill Off 95% of The American Public and Re Enslave The Remaining 5%. REMEMBER This When You Cast Your Vote in November 2020 Presidential Election. - Click HERE To View.

3- Court Documents Reveal, Underage Girl Forced To Have Sex With Prince Andrew -

4- Those Who Have Been Executed or Sent To Prison For LIFE Have Been Replaced With Clones Doubles, Digital Holographic Technology and or Their Videos Have Been Pre Recorded. They Are Replacing The Hollywood Celebrities and Government Officias with Clones To Appease The Sleepers Who Remain Oblivious To What's Really Going On. - Click HERE To View.

5- Creepy Joe Biden - This is The Guy The American Public Who Are Voting For The Democratic Party Want To Vote Into Office as The Next President. I'll Just Leave This Here For Yall'. SHARE This With Your Friends and Family Who Suppoort The Corrupt Pedophilic Democratic Party, Cause They Neede A Harsh Reality Check and Wake Up Call.

Hate Me If You Want But I'm Tellin' The TRUTH. Besides Those Who Want To Vote For Biden as Their Next President Need To Know He's Already Been EXECUTED for Among Other Things Conmitting Heinous Sexual Crimes Against Children/Women.

Those Who Vote For Biden Will Actually Be Voting For a Robotic Clone.. The Biological Biden THat Was EXECUTED Has Been Replaced With a Synthetic Clone.. Just Thought The Democratic Supporters Should Know The TRUTH. - Click HERE To View

6- Alien Abduction Caught On Video - Click HERE To View.

7- Trump and Q TEAM Turn 5G TOWERS into Tesla 432 HZ Harmony - Click HERE To View.

8- We WARNED You - Click HERE To View.

9- Harmonic Egg Uses Tesla Technology For Sound Healing - Click HERE To View.

10- Those Who Are Willingly Wearing Masks Will Most Likely Follow The Reccommendation 'Without Question' To Wear Goggles - Fake Dr. Fauci Wants Americans To Wear Full Face Shields and He Also Wants You To Wear Masks and Practice Social Distancing with Family/Friends While Your In The Comfort of Your Own Home. Again They Are Doing This Because The Bulk of The American Public OBEYED Their First Order To Wear Masks Without Researching or Questionning Their True Motives.

Maybe If Main Stream Media News Did a Report On How Many People Have Become Serioiusly Ill and Have Died From Serious Diseases and Respiratory Illness From Wearing Masks That Are Liuterally Depriving Your Body and Brain of Oxygen. I Know MSM News Will Not Report The Truth of The DANGERS Of Wearing Masks and How Many People Have Died From Wearing Masks Because of Their Blind Obedience. - Click HERE To View.

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