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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- A Private Equity Firm Bought Ancestry, and Its Trove of DNA, for $4.7B - For ALL Of You Who Donated Your DNA By Using THe Homebased Ancenstrial Kits Do You Know Who Has Your DNA and What They Can Do With It? I Told Yall' Those Ancestry Home Kits Were Just A Scam To Steal and Harvest Your DNA.

Once They Have Your DNA They Can Do Whatever THey Choose with Your DNA Including Creating As Many Clones of YOU A They Want.. Last I Heard The Cabal Have Created a Least 100 Clones of EVERY Human Being Born On This Planet.

I Don't THink Yoiu Want To Know What They Do With Your Clones. Leave Those Home Ancestry Kits Alone. I Notice Companies Start Pushing These Kits Around Holiday Time. Don't Buy Into The B.S.. They Are Not Telling You The Truth About Your Real Genetics, If They Were You'd Know That 95% of Your DNA is ALIEN DNA, Not Human. - Click HERE To View.

2- Trump Signs Executive Orders On Coronavirus Relief - Click HERE To View.

3- Inspite of What Cabal Owned Fact Check States This Picture is 100% True - Children Are and Have Been For Decades Trafficked To Underground Bases and YES Therre are Several Different Species of Negative Aliens Who Live(d) Underground.

Some of The Children Trafficked To Underground Bases Are Food To These Aliens and Some of The Children Are Being Shipped Off Planet and Sold To Other Negative Alien Species. Off Planet, Aliens Use The Children For Slaved Labor, Food and For Experimental and Human/Alien Breeding Purposes.

As For Cabal Owned Fake A.I. Based Fact Checker "Fuck You" and All Those Who Programmed You. - Click HERE To View.

4- Stores Are Now Marketing Matching Masks To Go With Outfits - This is What Happens When You Blindly OBEY The B.S. You're Killing Yourselves and Most Americans are Too Dumb Down To Realize The DANGERS of Wearing Masks Long Term..

If You Don't Figure it Out Soon It Will Be Too Late For You and or Your Children. I'm Done Talking About The DANGERS of Mask Wearing Do Whatever You Feel is Best For You and Your Children, But Do Not Say You Were Not WARNED.. - Click HERE To View.

5- This Is The 'Kill Room' - I Heard About These Rooms and The Dentist Like Chair. After They Finish Torturing and or Killing The Children They Remove Their Teeth and Finger Prints and Yes That is Anthony Bourdain. Prison is Way Too Easy and Too Good For These Homicidal, Psychopathic Demons They ALL Need To Be Tortured To Death. I Have No Pity Towards ANYONE Who Tortures, Harms and Murders Children. Get Rid of These Demons ASAP - Click HERE To View.

6- Businesses That Support The Cabal By Selling Cabal Based Mercandise Should Be Shut Down Stores Selling Stuff LIke This Are Working With The Cabal and They Too Should Be Shut Down or Deep House Cleaning Needs To Be Done, Starting at The Very Top Level.. Parents, Teens and Young Adults Need To Educate Themselves as To The True Meaning of This Symbolism. Stop Buying This Shyt You're Making Yourselves and Your Children Walking Targets for The Cabal.

7- Demons Walk Among Us and This Lady Must Be One Of Them - Click HERE To View.

8- John F. Kennedy Jr. and Melania Trump - Click HERE To View.

9- This is Horribly Sad - To create a human/animal hybrid is the worse thing these sick psychopathic satanic so called scientist could do. May all these sick bastards burn and rot on hell for what they've done to the poor, helpless beings they have created.

These poor beings are probably afraid in pain and confused. They are trapped in bodies that are not meant for them. Why would anyone do this to another living being. These human/animal hybrids deserve peace, they do not deserve to suffer like this. - Click HERE To View.

10- Megachurch pastor Joel Osteen joins Black Lives Matter march with the family of George Floyd - This Bastard Is Just as Fake as The George Floyd False Flag Staged Event. It Was Hushed Up Real Quick.

A Few Weeks Ago The Actor Who Played The Role of George Floyd Was ARRESTED and Taken To An Un Known Location. They Hurried Up and Squashed The Story and Pulled it Off of The Internet.

I Don't Know Who They Buried, But It Wasn't 'George Floyd'. Sleepers You've Been Mind Screwed Again and I Don't Feel Sorry For Any of You. You Keep Falling For The B.S., So You Must Enjoy It.

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