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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist.

Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

What Are Panda Eyes? Panda Eyes Appear Around A Childs Eyes When That Child Has Been Raped/Sodomized. The Tiny Blood Vessels Around The Childs Eyes Pop When The Child's Anus/Vagina Are Penetrated.

1- The Covid Mask - Click HERE To View.

2- August 18, 2020 The Release of The Movie 'Plandemic.' - Click HERE To View

3- Its' Just A Mask - Click HERE To View.

4- Humans Are Ruled By The Aliens Who Genetically Created Humans -

What Does It Really Mean? The Truth Might Not Be For Everyone, None

The Less Humanity Still Has a Right To Know and it is Up to Each

Individual to Process The Truth on their Own Terms.

Humanities Present Dire Situation Goes Much Deeper Then

What Many People Dare To See or Understand. It Falls

Deeper Into a Rabbit Hole that was Created by Then All

World Leaders Combined. Matter a Fact Our Presidents,

Governments Have Very Little Control Over What Will

Happen Next To Humanity.

Over the Years I've Consistently Talked about The

Involvement of Aliens/Off World Beings In Humanities

Affairs. Like it or Not Aliens are Greatly Involved in

The Affairs of Humans. They Created Every Human Race

that Ever Existed On This Planet Including The Present


As Our Creators They've Also Destroyed The Human

Species Several Times In The Past By Creating a Variety

of Catastrophic Events ie; Floods, Ice Age, Fires,

Plagues etc.

The Bible and Those Who Follow Religion Refer To These

Catastrophic Events as God's Wrath, End of Times, The

Rapture etc. Still and All its' All Alien Generated.

Some Alien Races View Earth Humans as Nothing More Then

Hateful, Destructive Ignorant Beings. In There Eyes We

Have No Respect for This Planet or Human/Animal Life.

To Then we are Worthless Eaters.

In The Beginning Humans Were Created as a Slave Race.

We Were Designed To Do The Work Aliens Did Not Want To

Do and to Pro Create So They Would Not Have To

Continuously Create More of Us When We Died.

Each Species Createdx Beforee Us Was Annihilated for

One Reason or The Other. They Were Mainly Destroyed

Because They Could No Longer Control Their Human


The Reason The Aliens Want To Destroy The Current

Version of Human is Because They Can Not Prevent The

Awakening of Humanity. They Fear Us Finding Out The

Truth of Who We Are, Why We Were Created and The Many

Galactic Powers We Inherited.

Our Existence To The Alien Rlers is a Game. From Their

Point of View Humans Born on This Planet are To Be Used

as Slaves and Pawns In Their Sick Diabolical Game.

The Aliens Who Rule Earth Claim They are Superior To

Humans Because They are More Powerul and Smarter, Then

Us, In Actuality They Are Extremely Ignorant In Many


The One Thing Aliens Who Rule Over Earth Do Not Have

and Have Been Trying To Learn From The Humans They

Created is The Ability to Feel and Express Emotions.

Emotionless Beings are Nothing More Then Robots Who Can

Only Process Their Next Move Through Logical

Calculations By Passing Feelings and Emotions.

If These Aliens Had the Ability of Conveying Emotions

They"d Know that Humans Are Living, Breathing Beings

and it is WRONG to Simply DESTROY Living A Living Being

Just Because . . . . Your Losing A Game You


Humans Are Entrapped in A MATRIX and Are Being Used as

Live Pawns In a Diabolical Game That Was Created By

Several Alien Species Who Earth.

Humanity Once Again Has Reached a Point of Being

Destroyed. Once They Destroy Us Once Again They Will

Recreate This Diabolical Game With a New Set of Live


The Awakening of Humanity Should Be A Wonderful

Occasion, But in Reality it Triggers The Annihilation

of Our Species. REMEMBER This is Their Game and They

Set The Rules and When We Don't Play By Their Rules We

Are Harshly Penalized.

The Awakening is Not a Part of Their Game Original Game

Rules. Keeping Humans Dumbed Down and Asleep Keeps

Their Game Flowing, Because They Can Continue To

Control Their Pawns. They Can Not Control Pawns Who

Have Awakened and Figured Out The Game Rules.

If You've Played The Game 'The Sims' You Might

Understand How Easily it is For These Aliens To Gain

Control of Every Aspect of Our Lives.

Not By Coincidence or Accident The Game 'The Sims' Was

Created and Mirrored off of Our Life Here On Earth. In

The Sims Game You Create and Control The Lives of

Computerized People.

These Computerized People Convey Feelings and Emotions

and it is Up To You to Decide How Tragic or Easy Their

Life Will Be. You Control Every Aspect of Their Lives

How They Will Survive, Live and When and How They Will


Due To Our Awakening The MATRIX We Are Entrapped In is

Beginning To weaken and Fall Apart. In Some Weird Way

Earth Humnas Have Already Won This Game, If We Had Not

Won They Would Not Be Deperately Trying To Put Us Back

To Sleep.

Our Awakening Scares The Hell Out of Those Who Created

Us. WHY? Because We Have Powers That They Don't Have or

Understand. Rather Then Learning From Us They Feel It

is Easiest To Destroy Us.

Our Death Means They Can Re Establish Their Power and

Control By Starting Over and Creating A New MATRIX with

New Pawns/Slaves.

How Do We Fix This and Save Humanity Before Its'

Destroyed? In Honesty I Don't Know. Blaming Trump and

All World Governments is Useless Because it is Not

Their Fault and This Situation is Out if Their Control.

Free Will NEVER Existed and I Don't Think It Ever Will

Exist On This Planet, Because This Planet Was Created

as A Prison, a Game, A MATRIX.

Anyone Who Incarnates or is Born On Earth is Entrapped

in This MATRIX til' Their Death and Even Then I Am

Unsure of What Happens After Death. We Are Alien

Hybrids and We Have Powers and Abilities To Create and

Change The Course of Our Fate.

However Changing Our Fate Requires Humanity Coming

Together and Forming an Alliance. Just Like The Alien

Rulers Said Humans Have No Respect For Themselves or

For Life in General. We Murder and Kill Each Other Over

Stupid Materialistic Shyt.

How Are We Going To Come Together To Save Each Other?

We Constantly Hate and Condemn Each Other Over Stupid

Stuff That is Created By Those Who Created and Enslave

Humanity. How Are We Going To Transverse Our Hate

Towards Each Other Into A Kum By Ya Moment?

Whatever Humans Plan On Doing The Time To Do It is NOW,

Because Like it or Not, Believe it or Not Humanity is

Facing EXTINCTION Once Again.

There is No Reasoning or Pleading with The Alien Over

Lord's Who Rule This Planet, Because They Have No

Emotions. We Are Nothing More Then Pawns in Their

Diabolical Game That They Created.

There Are No Saviours Rushing In To Rrescue Humanity.

Its' Up To Humans To Save Themselves if That's Even

Possible. If We Fail This Time Around We Will Be The

7th Human Species To Be Destroyed On This Planet.

5- Chicago Shuts Down Its Business District, Raises Bridges, Launches Social Media Surveillance Click HERE To View.

6- Live Hearing On 'Aluminum' Being Placed In Vaccines - Click HERE To View.

7- Gail of 'Free Range' Interviews Drake Bailey - Click HERE To View.

8- Louisa of 'The GoldFish Report' James Fetzer Weekly Political Report - Click HERE To View.

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