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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Self Explanatory--

1- This is a Guided Tour From The Outside of Plant 42 Where Lockheed Skunkworks Designs and Build Antigravity Craft - Click HERE To View.

2- Ohio Priest Arrested On Sex Trafficking Charges - Click HERE To View.

3- THE STING: Patriot Robert Trump Went Undercover for the FBI to Stop BCCI, Hillary Clinton’s BNL Fraud in Iraqgate - Trump Haters Hate Trump, But How Many of YOU and YOUR Families Would Be Risk YOUR Lives and Be Willing To Physically Get Involved In Helping To Take Down The Satanic Cabal That Has Ruled This Planet For Thousands Upon Thousands of Years?

I'm Waiting For Your Answer. Its' Easy To Sit Back In Your Comfy Worlds and Riddicule Someone, When You're Not Willing To Lift a Finger To Help. Half of Yall' Trump Haters Wont Even Click a Your SHARE Buttons if The Article Isn't Bashing Trump In Someway.

How Many of Yall' Trump Haters Knew Trump's Brother Died? You Didn't Know Because You Were Too Busy Hating a Man Who Freely Took On The Task of Saving Your Sorry Asses.. His Younger Broither Volunteered To Assist and He Too Like Thousands of Others Who Were Brave Enough To Take On This Mission, Lost His Life. - Click HERE To View.

4- Trump Holds a Rare White House Funeral for His Younger Brother, Robert - Click HERE To View.

5- Drum Roll Please........ I Now Present To You Michael Lavaughnn Robinson - Michael LaVaughnn Played The Acting Role of Michelle Obama, The Fake Wife of The Previous Fake President Barry Soetoro (Soetoro is Just ONE of Barack's Aliasas) aka Barack Hussein (Insane) Obama.. Buckle Up Bitches Cause Your Ride On This Merry Go Round Is Gonna Get A lot More Bumpier. - Click HERETo View. - Click HERE To View.

6- Normalizing Pedophilia: Classrooms Now Teaching That Pedophilia Is A Sexual Orientation People Often Ask This Question "Why Is Trump Allowing THis To Go On?" The Nswer is 'Trump Wants The Sleepers To Wake Up and See For Themselves The Corruption That is Taking Place , Right Before Their Eyes.

To This Day There Are Many People Who Are In Deep Denial and They Do Not Believe Anything iks Wrong and In There Minds Nothing is Going On and Everything is Based Conspiracy, These Hardcore Deniers See Un Deniable Proof Before That Corruption By a Satanic Cabal Exist and Pedophilia Plagues This Planet.

The Sleepers MIUSTR See and Acknowledge Corruption Before it is Removed and Destroyed. Removing The Corruption Why The Bulk of AMericans Are In Denial Will Cause It To Manifrest Again Over Tme.

Trump Is Also Exposing The Corrupt Governors Who Badly Maintain Democratic States. Governors Who Run Democratic States are Responsible for The Educational Systems In Their Distriucts and Sttaes. This is Blatant Wake Up Call For Parents of School Aged Kids. If You Do Not Like or Agree with The School's Curricullum, Parents Need To Get Up Off of Their Butts and Advocate For Their Childrens Education.

No One at This Point Has The Luxury of Sitting Back, Doing Nothing and Expect Possitive Change To Appear Out of No Where. This is Not a ONE Man Job and Trump is Not Responsible For All The Problems of The World. We ALL Must Work Beside Trump To Help Make Change. - Click HERE To View.

7- Do You Know Which Vaccine(s) Administered To Your Child(ren) Contained Alluminum? - Click HERE To View.

8- This Man Speaks The Truth The Truth That Many People Are Afraid To Spaek - To Remain SILENT Is To Be In Agreement. - Click HERE To View.

9- 'Q' Trump and The Future - This is an EXCELLENT Video Interview. For Those What To Know What Trump is All About and What's Been Going On Behind The Scenes I Encourage EVERY Adult To Make The TIME To LISTEN To This EXTRAORDINARY Video.

Those Who Dislike Trump Have No UNDERSTANDING of What He's Up Against and ALL That He Has ACCOMPLISHED To Make LIFE Better For YOU and YOUR Families. Trump Haters Are Mind Screwed By Main Stream Media News and They Do Not THINK For Themselves.

Instead They ALLOW Main Stream Media News To Tell Them What To THINK and FEEL Toiwards Another Person. The Bulk of Americans Are Too Lazy and Too Busy HATING, Because Main Stream Media Purposely LIES To The Public, By Painting a NEGATIVE Picture Of Someomne THat They Hate.

This is Why Most Trump Haters Do Not Have A Rats Ass Clue of WTF Is Going On 'Behind The Scenes.' Well, If Trump Haters Take The Time To LISTEN To This Video, They Might Not EVER Like Trump, But If They Have Any Common Sense Left In Their Brain They Will at Least Support Trump For What He Has Accomplished Thus Far and For The Tasks He Copntinues Working On Behind The Scenes.

Tru Haterso Damn Busy HATING Trump To Realize He Has ABOLISHED The Federal Reserve, He Got Rid of TAXES, ALL DEBT, Including YOURS Has and Will Continue To Be ABOLISHED. I Wont Even Begin To Talk About Trump Taking On The Horrendous Task of RESCUING MILLIONS of Children Held Prisoner From Underground Bases Located Within The US and Abroad.

I'll Say This Again It Aint About Trump Being A Republican President Its' About The HUMUNGOUS Tasks That He AGREED To Take On To Help Fix The Satanic Cabal Corruption That Has ENSLAVED ALL of Humanitry. LISTEN To Thius Video and EDUCATE Yourselves and STOP Being So STUPID, HATEFUL and SELFISH.

When This is All Said and Done YOUR Life, The Lives of Your Kids and Family Are At Stake and If YOU Do Not Know WTF is Going On Because Your Too Busy Hating Trump Because MSM Told You Too, Well That's On YOU. YOU, Your Kids and Family Will Remain Enslaved To The Satanic Cabal Who By The Want To Kill Off 95% of Humanity.

Those Who Choose To Remain Stuck On STUPID and Allow Their Hate To Rule Their Common Sense Will Suffer Because of Their IGNORANCE and That Will Be YOUR Choice. LISTEN, LEARN and SHARE This Video.. - Click HERE To VIew.

10- Thousands Sign Petition Demanding Netflix Remove 'Cuties' - 'Cuties' Is A Film About An 11 Year Old TWERK Team - Click HERE To View.

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