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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Sadly Those Who Are Afraid and Continue Buying Into The B.S., Will Follow Every Rule Posted On This Bilboard. Fear and Ignorance Can Control Your Life.

1- Who Are The 'EXPERTS' Who Are Predicting A "Twindemic?" - WTF Is a "Twindemic?" This is Nothing More Then "Infection/Election" B.S. Medical Propaganda To Scare Those Who Don't Have A Rats Ass Clue of What's Really Going On Behind The Scenes.

They Want The Public To Remain Scared, So They'll Remain Locked Indoors and They'll Stay Away From The Voting Machines. The Democrats Want You To Cast Your Votes By Mail. They Know Damn Well 'Mail In Votes' Can and Are Already Being Corrupted In a Variety of Ways Unknown to The Average American. Whoever You Choose To Vote For If at All Possible 'Vote In Person, Not By Mail.'

As For 'Absentee Ballots' Which are Mailed To People Who Are Unable To Physically Travel To Their Local Voting Polls, In Honesty I Am Leary About 'Absentee Ballots' as Well Because it Has To Travel and Be Processed Through The Mail System.

Thousands of Absentee Ballots Have Been Known to To Disappear and Then Magically They Reappear After The Election. Even When You Vote In Person The Voting Machines Have Been Tampered with and or Pre-Rigged. No Matter How You Slice It, How You Use It The American System For Voting is RIGGED.

TAKE NOTE: Between Now and The Date of The Election The Corrupt Satanic Cabal Based Democrats Are Going To Create A Variety of False Flag Attacks To Scare You and Divert Your Attention. Their Main Target Are People Who Are Going To Vote 'Republican.'

The 2nd Wave of The Fake COVID-19 Plandemic Is Underway Right Now and Its' Gonna Start Within The School System.Their Hope is to Shut Down The Schoiols as They Report an Increase in COVID-19 Cases Among Kids Who Are Physically Attending School. The End Goal iks to Place The Public Back on Full Lock Down Before The Elections.

Look at What They Are Doing, Invisible Medical "Experts' are Now Pushing a 'Twindemic'. Again I Ask WTF is a 'Twindemic?' Oh It's COVID-19 Mixed with The Flu Season. WTF Happened To Flu Season This Year? It Was Taken Over By COVID-19. No One Had The Flu This Year, But Most People Who Would Have Been Diagnoised with The Flu Were Diagnosed with COVID-19.

But The Next Flu Season They've Already Predicted COVID-19 Will Be Mixed with Regular Flu Season. Do Yall' See and Comprehend The Mind Game They Are Pushing On The People Who Don't Have a Clue. The Clueless React Out of Fear Instead of Common Sense. Through Their Fear They Are Pre Programmed To Obey Rules/Regulations Without Any Question.

Sadly Because of Their Lack of Knowing The Truth ABout What's Really Taking Place The Bulk of The American Public Once Again Will Be Mind Screwed Into Falling for The B.S.. That's On Them.

In This Day and Age Most Adults Walk Around With A Hand Held Computer Plastered To The Pawn of Their Hand. That Hand Held Computer Provides Access To An Endless Flow of Vital Information Needed To Navigate Through This MEGA Planetary/Global Transition. - Click HERE To View.

2- Virtual Classes Just Began and Already Parents are Pissed - So let me get this straight. In certain states They want parents to sign a waiver stating they will not hover and watch over their children while they are participating in online classes. On the other hand its' ok for the teachers to use their cameras to spy on you and your children in your home.

If the teacher's don't like what they see in a child's bedroom/house they can discipline the child by kicking him/her out of the virtual classroom.

Oh Hell No, I can see already online teaching is going to breach and create many 'Violations of 'Privacy in the Home'

Just like everything else Virtual Home Schooling is Rigged to control parents and students inside their own homes. Parents Turn your cameras off, use your own creativity and intelligence to teach and educate your kids at home.

Parents have been educating their children at home for hundreds of years before sending their kids to school and solely relying on teachers who are pre programmed to promote and follow various hidden agendas that Do Not properly Educate your children but they Indoctrinate your children to think and behave in a certain way.

Virtual Learning via computers is designed for teachers to Spy on you and your kids in your home. In my personal oppinion, This whole virtual learning thing is nothing more then a crock of Bull Shit being promoted by a corrupted educational system that is rigged with hidden agendas that do not have your childs best interest at heart. - Click HERE To View.

3- Pedophilia, Abuse of Children and Reptilians Eating Children Was NEVER Hidden We Just Didn't See The Blatant Signs - Click HERE To View.

4- Pedophilia and Eating The Flesh of Children Was Never Truly Hidden From The Public - We Just Didn't See The Blatant Clues They Set Before. Those of Us Whight Have Saw These Statues, Might Have Just Viewed Them as Harmless Artwork and Nothing More.

Who Would Have Thought These Statues Were Telling The Truth? 'Normal' Humans Do Not Rape, Torture, Sacrifice, Drink and Eat The Flesh and Blood of Babies, Children and Adults.

In General Being a Pedivore (Humans Who Eat Human Flesh) is Not In Our Nature. However For Those Who Participate in Satanic Rituals Eating Human Flesh, Imparticular The Flesh of Children Is an Honorable Sacrifice to A God Named 'Molech.'

Molech is One of The 'Gods' Who Demand That Humans Sacrifice Their Children To Him for Whatever Reasons. This is ONE of The Reasons I Personally Choose Not To Worship/Idolize any GOD.

There are Many God Like Dieties, In Honesty Worshippers Have No Idea of Who or What They Have Worshipping and Believing In. People Tend To Worhhip Who and What They Are Told To Worship, Based On Their Families Religious Structure and History.

Again Many People Were Indoctrinated To Beliueve it is A Sin To Question AnythingThat Has To Do With Religion. When It Comes To Religion On This Planet Most People Who Follow Religion Have Been Indoctrinated To Keep Quiet, Don't Ask Questions, Just Follow the Program.

Many People Are Unknowingly Worshipping These Ancient GODS/Aliens Who Have No Respect or Like Towards Humans. For Me The True GOD/Life Force of All Dwells Within Me, Not Outside of Me or in Any Other Person or Religious Diety.

Look at These Piictures and Get an Uderstanding of What Can Happen When You Blindly Give Your Soul Essence To a Being Who Claims He/She is Your God.. - Click HERE To View.

5- Yet Another Form of Pedophilia - Little Girls Being Sexually Exploited and Used To Promote a Service/Product. This is The Lolwsest of The Low and These Little Girls Parents Need To Be Horse Whipped and Thrown Underneath A Jail Cell. Those Who Promote and Sponser These Little Girls Should Be Hung By Their Balls/Tits Til' Dead. - Click HERE To View.

6- The Hidden Affects of The COVID-19 PLANdemic That Very Few People Are Talking About What About Those Who Die or Become Mentally and or Physically Sick From "Social Distancing" Themselves From Their 'Normal' Routine ie; Participating In School, Work, Activities with Family Friends etc. LKets Not Even Talk bout The Rise of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse Cases.

'Social Distancing' is a Fuckin' Crock of Bull Shit That Should Have NEVER Been Activated in The 1st Fuckin' Place. By Nature Humans are Social Being and They Thrive off of Physically Connecting with Each Other.

Remove Physical Connection and You Stir Up A Recipe for Disaster. Lets' Keep It REAL 'How Many People Have Committed Suicide, How Many People Have Been Beaten To Death By Their Spouses, Lovers, Parents, Care Takers etc. How Many People Have Suffered Emotional/Mental Breakdowns During The Social Distancing B.,S.?

How Come These Topics Are Not Being Bought To The Publics Attention and Addressed By Lying Ass Main Stream Media News? People Dying and Suffering Behind The Lies of COVID-19 Does Not Suit Their Agenda.

These Important Topics Are Hidden Away and Not Talked About and Brought To The Publics Attention. How Fuckin' Convenient.. - Click HERE To View.

7- Who Are The Lyrans? - Click HERE To View.

8- Amazon Adveryising and Selling 'Pizzagate' Clothing For Babies - Click HERE To View.

9- Who is The Cartoon Character 'Mr. Burns' Of The Simpsons Based Off Of? - Click HERE To View.

10- The Cabal Agenda 'De Masculating Men and Turning Men Into Women.' - Click HERE To View.

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