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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Wow... This Is Powerful Truth. This Is What's Happening Right Now Here In America.. As I've Mentioned A Few Days Ago. Being Forced To Wear A Mask Has Nothing At All To Do With a COVID-19 PLANdemic..

This is About CONTROLLNG The Public Through Loss of Personal Identity/Self Expression and Silence. Its' Also About MakingThe Public Weak, Sick and Un Healthy. When You Arw Weak and Sick You Don't Fight Back and You Are More Apt To Accept Whatever Those Who Are Trying Desperately To Hang On To Their Diaboliocal Power Want You To Accept.

What The Public Is Not Being Told is The Truth of THe DANGERS Associated with Wearing a Face Mask When It Does Not Give You Any Possitive Health Benefits Nor Does it Proect You Fro THe Fake COVID-19 PLANdemic. Wearing A Face Masks Promotes Health Risks ThaT You Are Not Being Told About That Can Make You and Your Children Seriously Ill or Kill You Instantly.

The Main Health Risk is Lack of Needed Oxygen Suply To Your Body and Brain, Legionaires Disease and Many Other Deadly Illnesses. Main Stream Media News Has Yet To Report On THe Deaths and Health Related Injuries That Have Occurred Because People Here In America Are Being Forced To Wear Masks When There is No Need For Them.

Can You Imagine The DANGER You Are Putting Your Children and Babies Through When You Cover Their Face and Mouths with a Mask? Its' Summer Here In America. Its' Hot and Difficult To Breath Without Wearing A Mask. Can You Imagine What Its' Like For A Child Forced To Wear a Mask Who Has Asthma or A Respiraotor Disease Constricts His Lungs and Makes it Hardx For Him To Breat hy and Take In Oxygen?

In Case You Do Not Get It, Mask Block Off A % of Life Saving Oxygen. If You Are Not Taking In 100% Oxygen You Are Causing Harm To Yourselves and Your Children. It is a 'Medical' Crime To Prevent People FRom Taking In 100% OXYGEN.

These Satanist Who Are Trying Their Best To Remain In Power Are Tryting To Kill You and Your Families. This Whole COVID-19/Mask Wearing PLANDEMIC Part of Their Diabolical 'Kill Switch' Human Depopulation Plan.

Those of You Who Willingly Obey Every Diabolicalo Rule They Set Forth Without Concern For Your Well Being or Question Will Most Likly Become Their 1st Victims. When You OBEY Without Queston or Thought You Make Their Job of Causing Harm and Getting Rid of You A lot Easier..

1- The Dark Side of Disney Sex Trafficking & Clicd Predators - Click HERE To View.

2- We Are Not The Firest Civilization To Live On Planet Earth - Click HERE To View.

3- Adult Film Star Ron Jeremy Gets 20 More Sexual Assault Counts, Faces 250 Years In Prison - Click HERE To View.

4- MSNBC Producer Quits, Calls Network 'Cancer' That’s Dividing Americans - Click HERE To View.

5-Wisconsin CPS Repoorts Foster Parents Tortured Their Foster Children Ages 9-15 By Placing Them In Cages As Punishment. - Judge Orders The Foster Parents Pay $20,000 Jail Fine/Bond. This Corrupt Cabal Sponsoreed Judge Needs To Be Locked In A Tiny Cage For The Rest of His Life Right Alongside These Monsters Who Call Themselves Foster Parents.

CPS Here In The United States Work Hand In Hand With These Corrupt Judges Who Don't Give A Rats Ass About The Safety and Well Being of Children Placed In Foster Care.

YES, There Are 'Some' CPS Workers and Family Court Judges Who Genuinly Care About The Well Being of The Children That Are Placed In Their Care. They Took An OATH To Uphold The Laws of Their Jobs.

Then You Have Those Judges and CPS Workers Who Are Controlled Like Puppets and or Work Side By Side with The Cabal as High Paid Minions. Those Are The Ones Who Are Rabbid and DANGEROUS Because They Don't Give A Fuck About The Well Being That Come Into Their Care.

They Are The Ones Helping To Tortrure and Traffick The Children. Each Child LIFE They Fuck Over Is Nothing More Then An Extra BIG Dollar Sign To Them. - Click HERE To View.

7- Tokyo 'Flying Car' Firm Takes Off - Click HERE To View.

8- 3-Year-Old Girl Lifted to the Sky After Getting Caught on Kite at Kite Fair - Click HERE To View.

9- This Could Be The Suffering You Inflict On Your Child When You o Not Take The Time To Research The Dangers of Vaccines - Click HERE To View.

10- Can't Breath? Take The Freakin' Mask Off Idiot - Its' Complicated For Me To Expain But Forcing The Public To Wear A Mask and The 'I Can't Breath' Logo Go Hand In Hand and There is No Coincidence Between Wearing The Mask and 'I Can't Breath' Logo.

Its' All Part of The Cabal's Diabolical Psychological Mind Game.. The Masks Are Not About Protecting The Public From The Fake PLANdemic Its' About Causing Physical/Psychological Harm To Those Who Blindly OBEY and Wear The Mask.

Most of The American Public Have No Idea The Damage Wearing These Masks are Causing Their Body and Their Brains Cells. Mask Wearing is Equivalent To Self Destrruction and The Bulk of The Public Who Wear These Masks Without Thought Have No Idea of The Destruction They Are Causing To Their Own Brain and Body.

We Wont Even Talk About Parents Who Put Masks On Their Babies and Children. This is What Happens When The Public Simply OBEYS False Rules Set Forth By Those Who Want and Believe In In Decreasing The Population Without Question or Doing Your Own Research, YOU Are Causing Yourselves Harm. - Click HERE To View.

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