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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH,  Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....  

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research,  Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU  Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children. 

1- Why Are They Witholding The Release of If Hydroxychloroquine? - Hydroxychloroquine Has Been Around For Hundreds of Years, In Many Countries It Has Been Used To Successfully Treat Malaria and Many Deadly and Harsh Illnesses. The BIG Question is 'Why Is 'Hydroxychloroquine' Consistently Being Denied To The American Public During The COVID-19 PLANdemic?'

The Answer is Quite Simple '1) Those Trying Desperately To Hold Onto Their Remaining Power Want To Cause Serious Harm and Death To As Many People as Possible. 2) They Know Hydroxychloroquine Will Heal Our Pineal Glands. Once Our Pineal Glands Are Restored and Activated Our Memories of Our Galactic Heritage and Our Galactic Super Powers Are Restored. 3) They Can Not Make Any Money On Curing The Public, Because Hydroxychloroquine Can Be Easily Extracted and Used From A Plant. '

If Those Pushing To Make Mask Wearing Mandatory Truly Cared About THe Health of The Publicv, They'd Have No Quams AboutThe Release of Hydroxychloroquine. Instead They Continue To Fight Against Trump Beause He Wants Hydroxychloroquine Released.

From The Democrats The Battle of Hydroxychloroquine Has Nothing at All To Do with Protecting The American Public From The COVID-19 PLANdemic. This is About Upcoming ELECTION That That The Democrats Want Desperately To Win.

Once They Get Rid of Trump They'll Have Full Access To The American Public. Most Americans Who'd Vote For The Democrats Have No Idea The Evil The Democrats Plan To Unleash If They Win The Election.

To Put It Bluntly Trump and His Army Is Standing Between Us and The Democratic Satanist Who Want To Destroy America and Kill off as Many Americans as Possible. Trump Haters Its' Time For Yall' To Pull Your Heads Out of Your Behinds. This Battle for Control Runs Very Deep Down The Rabbit Hole. Its' Not About Republican vs Democrat, Whites vs Blacks ANTIFA/BLM, Catholic vs Muslim, Heterosexual vs GLBT etc. This War is About Preserving The Human Species.

If The United States Crumbles and Falls all Other Countries Will Collapse. There is a SATANIC Cult That Runs This Planet Alongside Groups of Negative Very Evil Alien Species. At Some Point During Th 1940's The American Democratic Party and Some of The Republican Party Began Working Hand In Hand With These Nehative Et's and The Satanic Cabal Cult.

The American Public Was Sold Out To Alien Races Decades Ago When Eissenhower Was President. Legal Galactic/Earth Treaties Were Signed, Agreements Were Made and The American Public Had No Knowledge and No Say So In This Business Matter That Determined The Fatge of Our Existence and Our Lives On This Planet .

We've Reached The 'End Game' The Satanic Cabal and Neghative ET Species Are In Full Battle For Control of This Planet and Humanity. Presently Every Human Born On This Planet is Being Used as a Pawn in a Very Deadly Game For Control of Earth. Whichever Side Wins The Battle Will Determine If The Human Species Lives or is Destroyed. America is The Epic Center of This Planetary War. - Click HERE To View.

2- I Am My Brothers Keeper - Click HERE To View.

3- Love This Song Created and Song By The People In Brittain The Name of The Song is "Stick Your Fucking Vaccines Up Your Ass." - Ok American Public Flu Season is Approaching and Once Again Pharmacy In The US Are Already Pushing Flu Vaccines On The Public.

How Many of The Ill Informed American Idiots Are Going To Allow Themselves and Their Children To Be Vaccinated This Year? If You Don't Know The Vaccines Are Filed with All Types of DANGEROUS Chemicals ad Poiisons That Are Designed To Sicken You, Weaken and Destroy Your Immune Systems.

How Many American Idiots Are Gonna Stand To Get Their Flu Vaccine. The End All Agenda is To Kill You. I Can't Make That Fact Any Clearer, You Either Figure This Shyt Out or Risk Becoming Ill or Dying. The Depopulation Agenda is On Full Speed at This Point. - Click HERE To View.

4- Any Parent Who Accepts This For Their Child and Thinks This is ok, is Heavily Mind Controlled and or Brain Dead. - Do Yall' Realize The Emotional Trauma This B.S. Mask Wearing is Inflicting On Children. Has ANYONE Stopped To Figure Out The Long Term Psychological Damage This B.S. Mask Wearing Will Have Not Only Children But Adults.

Take These Goddamn Mask Off NOW! The CDC Has Already Admitted That They LIED Mask Wearing Does Not Protect From Jack Shyt. You Can Not Transfer a Virus THat Has Already Been Injected Into Your Body via Vaccines.

WTF Up and Remove The Masks, You Look Like Mind Controlled Robotic Idiots. THINK About How Your IGNORANCE is Affecting Your Children.. - Click HERE To View.

5- Joe Bidens Clone Falls Asleep On Live TV - Click HERE To View.

6- Monster Beats and Chokes Girlfriends To Death - Get a 2X4 Stick, Beat The Living Crap Out of This POS, Choke Him and Then Hang Him Til' He's Dead. Let Him FEEL The Pain He Inflicted On This Baby Before He Murdered Him.

If You Can't Do That Throw Him in 4X4 Cell, Give Him A Piss Bucket and Nothing Else. Throw Him Some Stale Bread Crumbs and Hot Water and Let Him Suffer Til' He Rots To Death. I Have No Pity or Like for POS Like This Thing. Women Need To WTF Up and STOP Bringing These POS Men/Women Around Your Kids Just Cause You Want Fuckin' Companionship.

Your Kids Come First, Not These POS Who Hate, Abuse and Kill Your Kids Because They Are Not Their Biological Children So They Don't Give A Fuck. There Are Good, Loyal, Loving, People Out There That Will Accept You and Your Children, But Its' Up To People To Take The Time and Seek Out The Good People and Stop Settling For These Shyt Heads, Especially If You Have Children.

What You Do On Your Own is One Thing, But When You Have Kids You Have To Think Twice About Who You Allow Them To Be Around and Who You Allow To Look After Them. If Your Companion is Not Their Biological Parent You Have To Monitor Their Interaction with Your Kids or Be Prepared For Shyt Like This Happen.

People in This World are Very EVIL and Children Are Targeted Prey On This Planet and Parents You Better Huryt Up and Figure Shyt Out.. Your Kid Will Suffer For Your Ignorance. Click HERE To View.

7- Gail Of Gaia Interviews Drake Bailey - Click HERE To View.

8- COVID-19 Caused By TESLA Technology - Click HERE To View.

9- Laura Eisenhower,Magenta Pixie,Jen McCarty, Liam McGenity, Charles Ward and Charlie Freak COVID-19 Chat - Click HERE To View.

10- Has CONTACT Begun? - Click HERE To View.

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