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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH,  Live Links That Are Published In This Newsletter Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....  

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research,  Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU  Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children. 

You Can Not Catch C-Virus From Another Person. WHY? Because Through Vaccinations The C-Virus Has Already Been Injected Into Your Body Along With Other Virus and Diseases. I Just Posted an Article Where The CDC Finally Admits They Have Been Injecting Viruses Into Our Bodies For Many Decades.

Whatever Illness You Get Has Already Been Injected Into Your Body. They Have Various Methods and Technologies They Use To Activate The Diseases and Illnesses That Are Sskleep and Lie Dormant In Your Body Until They Are Activated.

A Few Years Ago The CDC Had a Nerve To Appologize To The Public For Injecting Cancer Cells Into Millions of Childrens Bodies via The Polio Vaccine that Was Given To Babies and Children Born In The Mid 1950's to Early 1960's. BIG Question 'How Did Active Cancer Cells Wind Up In Over 40 Million Polio Vaccines?

The Deliberate Poisoning of The American Public Is Not New, They Just Didn't Tell Us That We Were and Still Are Their. Human Guinea Pigs. They've Committed Heinous Medical Crimes Upon The People of America.

These Are 'War Crimes' and All Responsibl;e Will Now Pay The Piper By Forfeiting Their Lives.. Trust, What You Do Not See in The Forefront is Happening Behind The Scenes. Mass Arrests and Execution of These Monsters Commence..

1- They Are Considering Bribing The Public Into Getting Vacciated Wth The C-Virus Vaccine - If They Feel They Have To Bribe The Public By Paying Them $1,000 To Get Vaccinated For The Fake C-VIrus That Alone Should Set Off WARNING Bells. Sadly I'm Quite Sure They'll Be THOUSANDS of Ill Informed People Willing To Stand Gladly In Line and Get Vaccinated For Free. Add $1,000 To The Pot and MILLIONS of Ill Informed Americans Will Stand In Line To Get Vaccinated.

If You Do Not Know What Is In This Vaccine and You Do Not Know The Side Affects That Can Come with The Vaccine and If You Value Your Life and Your Childrens Lives You'd Stay Away From This Cabal Derived Vaccine.

Over The Past Few Months I've Posted Many Detailed Videos and Articles Explaining About This Alleged C-Virus and The Cabals Diabolical Vaccine Plan. This Vaccine Is Not Meant To CURE You of ANY Illness or Disease, Its' Specifically Designed To Make You Severely Ill, Connect Your Body To 5G and A Main Frame Computer or It Will Outright Kill You.

ONE Of The Main Ingredients of COVID-19 Vaccine Are Nano Bots? Nano Bots Are Microscopic Computers That Can Be Injected Into The Human Body. Once Injected THe Nano Bots Can Then Be Activated and Programmed By A Main Frame Computer System That is Sitting In an Office Somnewhere.

The Nano Bots Injected Into Your Body Will Receive Signals From Networeks That Carry 5G. Think of Your Smart Phone as Your Personal 'Remote Control' That Will Be Used To Control YOU. Any Human Who Is Injected with Nano Bots Can and Will Be Controlled and Programmed Like A Robot. The COVID-19 Vaccine is The Final Stage of The Cabals Diabolical Agenda That Will Transform The Human Species Into Obeying, Mind Controlled Trans Humans.

They Are Planning To Inject Your Body with Un Natural Chemicals, Poisons and Computerized Nanobots. If You Have No Problem with That, By All Means Stand In Line, Get Vaccinated and Maybe They'll Pay You $1,000 For Your LIFE.

Those of You Who Value Your Lives and Truly Understand The Serious Consequences Associated with The Roll Out of These Diaboloical Cabal Based Vaccines Grab Your Kids and Walk, No Run In The Opposit Direction. Do Not Follow The Misguided and Un Informed Sleepers aka Sheeple People.

Look at It This Way. "The Cabal Are Being Hunted Down Jailed and or Executed Right After The Military Tribunals. Many Are Being Exdecuted On The Spot Where They Stand. At This Point They The Cabal Hve NOTHING To Lose and Their Promise To The American Public Was "Whenever They Fall and Get Captured They Will Do Whatever They Can To Harm, Destroy and Take Out As People As Possible By Committing an Act of Mass Genocide."

So, If You Feel Lucky and You Truly Believe The Cabal Have Your Best Interest at Heart By All Means Line Up, Roll Up Your Sleeves and Take The Vaccine Jab.

Mnay of You Might Hate Me For Being So Harsh and Blunt and That's ok, It Doesn't Bother Me. I'm Not Doing This To Make Friends or Get a Million 'Likes.' I'm Doing This Because I Genuinly Care The Survival of Humanity, and I Agreed To Take On This Assignment.

At This Point It Willl Be Of No Use To Sugar Coat The Harsh and Ugly Truth. Those of You Who Have Followed MY Work Throughout The Years Should Have Very Good Understanding of THe Seriousness of Our Stance at This Point.

In This Group We're Up To The Black Pill, We've Long Bypassed The The Red, White and Blue Pill. If You're In This Group You Will Be "Black Pilled," There is No More Time To Waste and We've Come Too Far To Go Backwards. - Click HERE To View.

3- Up Coming Laws In New York City - Click HERE To View.

4- Senior Merck Scientist (Dr. Maurice Hilleman) Admits Cancer and Aids Caused By Vaccines - Click HERE To View.

5- Benjamin Fulford On The Sudden Resignation of Japan Prime Minister Shinzo Abe - Click HERE To View.

6- COVID-19: Trigger for a New World Order. Economic Stagnation and Social Destruction - Click HERE To View.

7- Main Stream Media News Continues To 'Trump' Up Controversy - Click HERE To View.

8- Plandemic Part II - Click HERE To View.

9- Trump: 'CNN Has No Choice' But to Fire Cuomo Over Leaked Sexual Harassment Recording Click HERE To View.

10- COVID Hystera: Students Excluded For Turning Their Heads In Class - Do Not Put Your Children Through This B.S.. Let Them Stay Home From School. The More You Expose Your Childre To This B.S. The More Damage You Are Causing Them On A Psychological Level. Parents Wherever You Live STOP Playing Into The Satanic Cabals Diabolical Psychological Game.

They Cant Play or Win If You Don't Play Alonbg with Them.. The System is Toying With The Minds of Your Children. A Damaged Mind Is Very Difficult To Repair. ALL Parents Need To Start Thinking About The Psychological Damage This COVID-19 SCAMdemic Is Inflicting Upon The Minds of The Children. - Click HERE To View.

11- People Fleeing Collapsing Cities, Oppressive States - Click HERE To View.

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