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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist.

Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Hollywood Celebrity at Age Cher Age 75 Years Old and Her Mother Age 98 Years Old. This is What Hollywood Celebrities Who Drink The Blood of Children, Take Baths In The Blood of Children and Use The Skin of Children As A Facial Masks Look Like In Their Upper Years. This is What Adrenochrome Junkies Look Like. What is Adrenochrome? Adrenochrome is Blood That The Elite Harvest From Babies and Childre Who Must Purposely Be Terrified Damn Near To eath Before The Elites Drain The Blood From Their Body.


This is A Picture of Hollywood Celebrity/Singer Celine Dion During The Time She Was Addicted To Adrenochroe and The Picturs On The Right Are Celine Dion Right Before She Was Executed. Her Adrenochrome Supply Was aken Away From Her Once She Was Captured and Arrested Committing Heinous Crimnes Against Children. Hollywood Celebrities Are Modern Day Vampires Who Feed off of The Blood and Life Force of Babies and Children.

1- Medicinal Mushrooms are Not of This Earth And They May Be the Secret to a More Evolved Human Race - Click HERE To View.

2- Kennedy Jr. Warns Parents About Danger of Using Largely Untested COVID Vaccines On Kids - Click HERE To View.

3- U.S. Says it Won’t Join The World Health Organization Linked Effort to Develop, Distribute Coronavirus Vaccine. - Click HERE To View.

4- The People of Tennessee Have Had Enough Of The Lock Down - Click HERE To View.

5- Forget N95 Masks. These Space Helmets Are The Latest Pandemic Fashion Accessory - Click HERE To View.

6- A School In The UK Has Banned All Forms Of Physical Contact Betwen Children - This School Goes as Far as Punishing Any Child Who Breaks Their "No Contact" Rule. At This Point All I Can Say "Parents If You Care About Your Childrens Mental Health and Overall Well Being The Time Has Come For You To Stand Up and Fight For Your Childs Human Rights." Remain Compliant and You and Your Childs Right To Exist Will Soon Disappear. - Click HERE To View.

7- Germany Uncovers Major Pedophile Ring With 30,000 Members - Click HERE To View.

8- A Picture of Mayor Lightfoot Then and Now - These are Two Pictures of Mayor Lightfoot. One Picture is of Her Before The DEMONcrats Invaded Her Spirit. The Picture On The Right is Mayor Lightfoot After DEMONcrats Took Over Her Soul. - Click HERE To View.

9- Trump's Secret Weapon Revealed - Click HERE To View.

10- UN Appoints Teenage Prostitution Advocate for Top Post - Click HERE To View.

11- DEMONcrats Vow Not To Accept Election Results If They Lose - They'll Claim Russian Interference. - Click HERE To View.

12- BLM Rioters Cause Estimated $100,000 In Damages In Manhattan, NY - Click HERE To View.

13- Ethan Is Supreme, YouTube star and Beauty Influencer, Dead at 17 - My Condolences Go Out To Ethans Family, Friends and His YouTube Followers. I Had Not Heard About Ethan Until His Death I Am Saddened By His Sudden Passing at Such a Young Age. I Am Also Concearned About The Image He Portrayed Online and The Type of Lasting 'Influence' He Had On His Young YouTube Followers.

What Many Might Not Understand is YouTube is Owned and Managed By The Same Satanic Cabal System That is Trying Verey Hard To Degrade and Destroy Humanity. YouTube Consistently Uses Children and Young Adults To Negatively Influence Those Who Follow Certain YouTube Celebrities That The Cabal Set In Place, Sponsor and Pay.

Based On what I've Learned About "Ethan Is Supreme" YouTube Channel The Cabal Used This Young Man To Promote Their Negative "Gender-Bender- Agenda." The Cabals Gender Bender Agenda Involves Confusing Children and Young Adults of Their Sexuality/Gender and Promoting Promiscuous, Abusive, Deviant Sexual Activity with Same Sex Partners.

The End Goal is To Degrade The Male Masculinity By Allowing Boys, Teens and Young Men To Wear Make Up, Dress Pose as Women. The Cabals Gender Bender Agenda Has Been Ongoing For Decades, Only Now Is' Being Blatantly Promoted and Forced Upon Children Who Are Not Old or Mature Enough To Make Those Life Altering 'Sex Changing' Decisions.

Children, Teens, Young Gravitate To YouTube and Sadly Children Like Ethan Are Being Used and Exploited By The Cabal To Cause Gender Confusion. Those Who Run YouTube Have No Morals or Scrupples. If They Did They Would Have NEVER Used Ethan Who Was a Vulnerable Child Himself To Promote Sexual/Gender Dysfunction.

We Live In A Very DANGEROUS World and Children Are Prey On This Planet. Parents MUST Step In, Pay Attention, Get Actively Involved In Your Childrens Social Activities and Pay Attention To The People Your Children Get Involved With Both On/Offline. R.I.P. Ethan. - Click HERE To View.

14- Heads Up! New Smart Police Helmet Scans For Body Temp, Biometrics and Uses Facial Recognition - The Era of Robo-Cop Emerges Here On Earth - Click HERE To View.

15- The Sheep Cannot Handle The Truth - Click HERE To View.

16- The 9D Arcturian Council: Atlantis & The Orion Wars Are Back - Click HERE To View.

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