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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- 7@7: Seven [UK] & Gregory Sams on Plandemic 2020, "The State is out of Date" & "The Sun of God" - Click HERE To View.

2- Kerry Cassidy Of 'Project Camelot' Interviewed By Chaz Farrell - Click HERE To View.

3- Fires, Riots, Censorship, Election Theft, and Propaganda, In Case You Haven't Noticed, America is Under Attack - Click HERE To View.

4- Biden Gets Confused Again Reading the Teleprompter as He Attacks President Trump in Michigan - Click HERE To View.

5- While America was Sleep! Q was setting stage for Mass Arrest & Executions of Traitors - Click HERE To View.

6- Wildfire North of Sacramento Started and Fueled By Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.) is Largest in California History - ONE of The Goals of These Massive Fires That Are Purposely Set is To Destroy Food Crops - Click HERE To View.

7- Netflix Releases ‘Cuties’ Movie About Child Dancers And … ‘It’s Worse Than You Could Imagine’

8- The 2020 VMAs: A Dystopian Abomination - Click HERE To View.

9- Police In The UK Raid & Arrest Pregnant Woman For Creating Facebook Event About COVID-19 Lockdown. - Click HERE To View.

10- The Q Team’s Takedown of the Cabal from A to Z - Click HERE To View.

11- Benjamin Fullford Weekly Exo Politics Report: Controlled Implosion of U.S. Continues with Government-Sponsored Violence - Click HERE To View.

12- Illuminati Insider Reveals Secret Plans For the World! - Click HERE To View.

13- Arcturian Directive 207 Revelations - Click HERE To View.

14- PVC-Clad Models Clutch Demonic Dolls and Sprout Devil’s Horns in Bizarre Chinese Catwalk Show - Click HERE To View.

15- World Health Organization Director Says 'The World Cannot Go back to the Way Things Were…His Solution?' A New World Order! - Click HERE To View.

16- Child Abuse at the Hands of Psychopaths Who Want to Reshape the World - Click HERE To View.

17- Neuro Weapons, 'Directed Energy Weapons' (D.E.W.) Mind Control = Targeted Individuals -

I Find It Disturbing and Very Sad, That To This Day The Bulk of The Human Adult Population Still Do Not Understand, Believe or Remain In Deep Denial That "Direct Energy Weapons" and Mind Control Technologies Exist. These Dark Technologies Have Existed and Been Used as a Mind

Control Weapon Against Humans Since The 1940's.

Wake Up People, We Are In a Very Serious War/Battle For The Survival of Humanity and The Continuous Use of Advanced Alien Derived Technology is Part of This War.

At This Point The Mind and Body of Every Human On This Planet is 'Targeted' and Can Easily Be Controlled By Use of These Advanced Technologies. This is Not Based On Fantasy or a Great Sci Fi Movie, This is Reality.

I've Consistently Stated "Advanced Alie Based Technology In The Hands and Minds of Those Who Ptromote an EVIL Agenda Could Be Dangerous and Deadly To The Those Who are

Not Aware"and Here We Are Today.

We're In The Midst of a War That Not Only Destroys Buildings, Homes and Land, This is a War That Can Attack and Control The Human Mind and Consciousness.

I Understand This Information Might Seem Scary and Unreal For Many People. However, Please Keep This In Mind At This Point Humanity is Being Attacked From All Angles and From Every Level, "What You Allow Yourselves To Learn and Know Might Help Save Your Life and What You Choose To Blindly Ignore and Dismiss Might Be The Cause of Your Demise."

Thus Far They've Systemically Poisoned and Destroyed The Air We Breath, The Food, Water Supply and The Land Farmers Use To Grow and Harvest The Food Supply. Let's Not Dicuss

The Toxic Poisons/Chemicals/Diseases and Viruses That Are Purposely Placed In ALL Vaccines.

The Satanic 'Human' Cabal and Their Alien Rulers Do Not Have a Conscious, They View Humans as Live Guinea Pigs and Earth is Their Laboratory.

Through Our Collective 'Knowledge' Humanity Can and Will WIN This War Against The Satanic Cabal and Their Dark Alien Rulers. The 1st BIG Step For Humanity is For Adults To Fill Their Minds with as Much Knowledge as Possible. No One Can Do The Work For You, You MUST Have The Desire To Do It On Your Own.

ALL Technology That Humanity Enjoys and Thinks of as 'Entertainment' Has Been 'WEAPONIZED' and is Being Used To Cause Detrimental Harm to Humnans. For Detailed Information On Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.) and Mind Control Technology That The Cabal Are Currently

Using as a Weapon Against The Human Populations Please Take A Moment and Listen To This Short Video.

Please Stay Awake, Aware and Keep Yourselves and Your Families Safe. - Click HERE To View.

18- Deborah Tavares Immediate Disclosure - Click HERE To View.

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