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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

This is a Promo Picture From The Show "The Voice." Every Hollywood Celebrity Singer/Entertainer Who Sits In These Chairs and Acts As a Judge For "The Voice" is a Satanist Owned and Controlled By The Satanic Cult Cabal That Rules This Planet. Take Note of The Color "Red" and How It Surrounds The Judges and Flows Onto The Stage.

The Color RED and The Way It is Being Displayed On This Stage Set is RepresentING The Thousands Upon Thousands of Babies and Children The Cabal Have Ritualistically Sacrificed and Consumed Their Flesh and Drank Their Blood.

Whenever The Audience in Attendance and or at Home Screams and Cheers For The Performers in Front of These Ritualistic Stage Sets They Are Uknowingly Participating In A Symbolic Satanic Sacrifice.

Just Thought You Should Know The Truth...

1- Current Update On The Babies, Children, Teens and Adults Being Rescued From Underground Bases By Special Military Op - I Did Not Write This Particular Article, But I Can Verify That Based On My Own Extensive, Grueling, Ongoing Research Surrounding The Topic of The Global Rescue Mission What is Being Said In This Article is True. Matter A Fact Most of THe Horrific Details Has Been Purpoely Omitted.

The Conditions In These Underground Bases are Horrific To Say The Least. Rows of Electrified Cages Stacked From Floor To Ceiling Stretching Miles Long. Each Cage Houses One Baby, Child, Teen or Adult. Their Lives Consist of Rape, Sodomy, Starvation, Torture, Eperimentation and Non Stop Pain.

Many of Them Have NEVER Seen Sunlight, They've Spent Their Entire Lives Underground. This Rescue Mission is One of The Most Difficult Tasks They've Had To Complete. How Do You 'SAFELY' Rescue Millions of People From Underground? The Air Underground is Very Different From The Oxygenated Air We Breath Above Ground.

Many Who Were Rescued Died The Minute The Sunlight, and Air Above Ground Hit Them. Their Skin Melted Away and Their Internal Organs Exploded. Their Bodxies Could Not Process The Oxygen. If You Listen To an of Trumps Press Confrences You'll Notice He Always Mentions The Amount of Ventilators That Has Been Built and Shipped All Over The World.

These Ventilators Are Not For The Fake COVID-19 PLANdemic The Ventilators Are Being Shipped To Countries That Have Taken Part In The Rescue of Millions of People Imprisoned Underground. The Ventilators Are Being Used To Stabilize The Vital Signs of Those Being Rescued.

Many of The Victims Health Conditions Are So Bad, They Are Being Humanely Put To Sleep, Because There is Nothing That Can Be Done For Them. Many Were Created in Laboratories and They Were Born Missing Eyes, Ears Many Were Born Without A Face, Some Were Born as Hybrid Aliens and Animals.

I Recently Saw A Video of A Half Reptilian Alien and Half Human Baby and a Half Human Half Lion Being. Doing This Work and Seeing All That I've Seen I No Longer Have The Words To Describe The Human Attrocities That are Ongoing On This Planet. You Have To See It For Yourselves To Believe It and Even Then You Might Have Doubts. - Click HERE To View.

2- Oregon’s Air Quality is so Far Beyond ‘Hazardous’ That No One Knows What it Means for Health - Click HERE To View.

3- Giuliani: George Soros is Funding Black Lives Matter to 'Overthrow Our Government' - Click HERE To View.

4- “Planetary Emergency Plan 2.0” Declared – Club of Rome - Click HERE To View.

6- Due To Trump Hatred The Democrats Are Supporting War and Rioting - Click HERE To View.

7- Louisa Welcomes Jim Fetzer and Drake Bailey for a Conversation about the Enemy Responsible for 9/11 - Click HERE To View.

8- Earth Cam Captures UFO - Click HERE To View.

9- Extraterrestrials Walking Among Us - Click HERE To View.

10- Nacht Waffen Pilot with Penny Bradley Interviewing Ileana Star Traveler SSP Experiences - Click HERE To View.

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