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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist.

Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Most of What We 'THINK' We See Is Trick Photography an Illussion and or Pre Planned Staged Event. Hollywood Being The Master of Deceit Has Always Played a Very BIG Role In Creating The Visuals of Our False Reality.

This Picture Supposedly is a Depiction of The Raging Massive Fires in California and or Oregan. Take Note of The People Lounging and Playing Golf. If The Fires Were as Severe as They ARFe Depicted in This Picture, TRust Me These People Would Not Be Standing Around Lounging and Playing Golf. As Shakespear Once Said "The World is But The Grandest Stage."

1- Close Up Video Clips of Space Crafts - Click HERE To View.

2- Did You Know? - Click HERE To View.,

3- Detailed Breakdown of The Healing Holographic Med Beds - Click HERE To View.

4- Trump Officials Propose Collecting DNA From Citizens Sponsoring Immigrants, Expanded Biometrics Term - Click HERE To View.

5- Enter Austin "At Your Own Risk" - Texas Billboards Warn Motorists Amid Police Cuts - Click HERE To View.

6- China Combines "Track & Trace" System with Notorious Social Credit Score - If You've Ever Wtchd The NetFlixd Series 'Black Mirror' You Most Likely Watched The Episode Where China Based Their Citizens Lives On Their 'Social Credit Scores.' Well, This NetFlix Series is Based On Reality. Many TV Programs and Hollywood Movies Reveal The Truth of Upcoming Events. People Should Pay Attention To The Movies and TV Programs They Watch, Truth is Being Revealed Take Heed. - Click HERE To View.

7- Secret Space Program Moon and Mars Facilities - Click HERE To View.

8- Nacht Waffen Pilot with Penny Bradley Interviewing Ileana Star Traveler SSP Experiences

9- We Are The Key And If Ever There Was a Time For Humanity To Fight That Timne is Now

10- Names and Definitions of Various Alien Races - Click HERE To View.

11- Thousands of People Witness a Large UFO Hovering Over New Jersey On September 14, 2020 - Let The False Alien Invasion Begin. A Few Weeks Ago I Posted A Video Created By Tolec of The Andromedan Council. This Important Was Removed and Banned From ALL Social Media Platforms.

In The Video Tolec Warned The American Public of The Cabal's Plan To Stage an Alien Invasion/Attack On America and Abroad.

For Those Who Are Keeping Up with What The Cabal Have Planned You Should Be Aware and Prepared for The Sighting of Ships In The Skies and On The Ground. This is Just The Beginning of The Cabals Pre Planned Staged Alien Invasion/Attack. Many of You Will See All Types of Alien Ships.

These Ships are Now Becoming More Visible In The Skies Over America, Some of The Ships Have Been Reversed Engineered From Actual Alien Ships That Have Previously Crashed Landed On Earth and or Were Shot Down. Some Are Authentic Alien Ships Piloted By Various Alien Races Who Are Working with with The Cabal or are In Battle To Save Humanity.

Based On My Own Research The Cabals Staged COVID-19 PLANdemic Did Not Go as They Had Planned. Hence We Are Now Entering Their Back Up Plan To 'Stage an Alien Attack Over New York City and California'.

The Alien Attack Might Extend Into Other States, at This Point I'm Not 100% Sure How Far They Plan On Going with This Staged Event.

The Cabals End Goal Is Always To Instill Fear, Uncertainty Into The Minds of The US Public By Causing as Much Damage, Destruction, Chaos and Harm To Human Life as Possible.

As I Explained in My Previous Update Post The Cabal and The Negative Alien Races Who Have Colluded and Worked with Them For Many Decades Have Reached Then End of Their Reign Over Humanity, at This Point They Have Nothing Left To Lose, So They Are Pulling Out All Stocks

These Human/Alien Beings are Void of Emotion, Life Means Nothing To Them, So They Will Do Whatever They Feel is Neccesary To Destroy The Human Species. The Aliens Who Created The Current Version of Humanity Have Already Designed The Next Species That Will Take The Place of Humans.

ALL Life Forms Have Always Been Replaceable and We Are Not The 1st Version of Humans They've Decided To Destroy, We Are However The ONLY Version Which They Created That Reached This Far In The Awakening Process and Fought To Survive.

On A Possitive Note The Federation of The Galactic Council Who Are Our Alies Have Stated They Would Not Sit Back and Allow The Negative Alien Races To Wreak Havoc and Destroy The Human Species or This Planet and Starting Over Again is Not an Option On The Table This Time Around.

Many of You Might See an Actual Alien Battle Take Place On The Ground and In The Skies, Various Alien Races at This Point Are Actually In Battle for Control Of Earth and Humanity. Our Galactic Alies Are Battling with The Negative Alien Races To Protect and Preserve The Human Species. Most of These Alien Races Be It Good or Bad Have an Agenda and That's Just The Way It Is.

I Can't Tell Any of You What To Do or What Not To do or How To React To This 'End Game' That's In Full Process. Over The Years Many People Like Myself Have Done All We Could To Prepare The Public for This Time 'The End Game.' Now Its' Up To Every Adult Individual To Process The Information We've Shared To The Best of Their Ability.

Sadly Those Who Have Not Payed Attention to The Information We've Put Out There Will Might Have a Rough Time Emotionally Processing The Harsh Truth of What Humanity is Now Being Forced To Confront. Those Who've Done Their Own Research and Have Kept Themselves Diligently Informed Will Have A Better Understanding of What's Been Pre Scripted and Being Played Out Before Their Eyes. Now More The Ever Utilizing Your Critical Thinking Skills Will Prove Vital.

REMEMBER: As Shakespear Once Said "All The World is But a Grand Stage." Through The Eyes and Minds of The Audience, Which is "YOU" If You Want To Emotionally and Physically Survive This End Game and Show You MUST Utilize and Master Your Discernment.

The Human Species Was Created With The DNA of Over 22+ Different Alien Species. Like it or Not, Believe It or Not ALL of You Are The Human Version The Aliens Who Seeded The Human Species.

Because You Are Aliens All of You Were Born with Many Unique Galactic Abilities and Powers. Through Genetic Sequencing Your Galactic Abilities Were Purposely Shut Down In Order To Keep You Enslaved Throughout Your Life On This Planet.

There Are Millions of People Like Myself Who Were Born with The Ability To Tap Into Our Gallactic Powers and Memories. ALL of You Have The Same Abilities But You Must First Remember Who You Are, Accept Who You Are and Your Memories and Your Galactic Abilities Will Automatically Restored. YOU Must Be Willing To Do The Hard Work of Restoring Yourselves, No One Can Do The Work For You.

ONE of The Main Reasons Why The Alien Races Who Createdd Humanity Now Want To Destroy Humanity is They Fear The 'Awakening' of Humanity. Once Humans Wake Up, Realize Who They Are and Step Back Into Their Galactic Abilities The Negative Aliens Who've Been Harnessing Your Powers and Using Your Powers To Enslave You Will No Longer Have Control Over You, Matter a Fact They and Their Cabal Minions Would Be Afraid of You. This Why Galactic History Has Been Kept Hidden Since The Beginning of Time.

I'm Here To Tell All of You, Your Earthly Physical Bodies In No Way Define Who You Are as A Galactic Being. You All Are Infinite Beings of Light and Energy. You Are The Past, The Present and The Future.

Try Not To Be Afraid, Because You're Existence Will Not End Here On Earth. Earth is Just a Mere Mini Pit Stop. Your Existence ExtendS Far Beyond Earth Into Many Galaxies That Reach Beyond The Stars.

Myself and Millions Like Me Speak From Our Own Personal Experience Because We've Harnessed and Held Onto Our Galactic Abilities Throughout OLur Lives On This Planet.

While Living and Existing Here On Earth We've Harnessed The Ability To Travel To and Live On Many Other Planets, Star Systems and Galaxies That Exist Beyond The Confines of Earth.

ALL of You Have The Strength and Power Genetically Progammed Within You To Re Claim and Harness Your Galactic Abilities. You Must To Be Willing To Think and Move The Limits of Earths Boundaries That Was Purposely and Genetically Programmed Into You.

Just Like Programming a Computer You Have To Literally Re Write Your Genetic Sequence. Its' Not as Complicated as Many of You Might Think.

Its' All A Matter of Simply Opening Your Mind To Accept New Ideals and New Ways of Being and Existing When/If You Are Ready To Move Beyond The Confines of Earths Enslavement and The Cabal's New World Orders NAZI Based Totalitarium Regime. Every Individual Has The Right To Make This Choice For Themselves.

Until We Connect Again Remain Strong and Keep Safe. Everyone... -

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