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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist.

Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

I Wonder if TheModel wearing This Dress is Aware That The Print On The Dress She's Wearing Contains Pedophile Symbols and The Cabals Color Code of Black and White? Wow Talk About 'In Your Face.'

1- The Latest Conversation Fumble From Preseditential Elect Joe Biden - Anyone Who Votes This Jack Ass Into Office is a Jack Ass.. - Click HERE To View.

2- Joe Biden Promises Fewer Fires, Floods, and Hurricanes if He Wins in November - So Now He Inadvertently Admits He/They Can Control The Weather and Earthly Catastrophic Events. Keep Talking Joe, Cause We're Listening. - Click HERE To View.

3- This Is How Teachers In England Have Been Ordered To Grade Student Papers Amid The COVID PLANdemic - This Is Just Utterly Ridiculous and Plain Stupid. People of The World ARe Being Payed Like A Grand Baby Piano Over a Fake Virus That Doesn't Technically Exist and is Not at All Transmissable - Click HERE To View.

4- Senator Cruz Calls for Criminal Investigation Into Netflix’s ‘Cuties’ - Click HERE To View.

5- RFK Jr. & Children’s Health Defense Sue University of California For Making Flu Shot Mandatory - Click HERE To View.

6- Over 3000 Miles of Apocalyptic Amoke Reveal What Looks Like a Giant "Rogue Planet" Above Earth! - Click HERE To View.

7- Heads Up! Mask-Enforcing Humanoid Robots Set to Invade Office Spaces - "As some Wall Street banks have summoned traders and other employees back to offices, their ability to enforce distancing measures will be challenging unless human-like mask-detecting robots are deployed.

Pepper, designed by SoftBank Robotics, is the world's first social humanoid robot able to recognize faces and basic human emotions. The robot stands 120 cm (47 inches) uses optical sensors and artificial intelligence to recognize if people are wearing masks." Once gain This is Technology Being Used as Weapon Against The People - Click HERE To View.

8- New Smart Police Helmet Scans For Body Temp, Biometrics and Uses Facial Recognition - Like A Theif In The Night America Has Unknowingly Entered Into The 1984 Orwellian Dystopian Era. Many People Did Not See This Coming,

However, Myself and Many Other Like Minded People Began WARNING The American Public Years Ago About The Dangers of A.I./SMART Technology and How The Cabal Would One Day Use ALL of This Grand Technology as a Weapon Against The American Public.

No One Listened and Very Few Took Heed To Our WARNINGS and Now Here We Are Today. If You Remember Nothing Else, Remember This 'Technology In The Hands and Minds of Evil For All Concearned Could Prove Dangerous and Deadly." - Click HERE To View.

9- Russia, China Accused of Space War Operating Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.) from Satellites - Click HERE To View.

10- Gail of Gaia of 'Free Range' Talks with Drake Bailey and Discusses Current Events & Answers Questions - Click HERE To View.

11- Louisa and Jim Fetzer of The Goldfish Report Discuss Current Pertinent News Topics - Click HERE To View.

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