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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist.

Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

I'll Just Leave This Here For Yall' To Figure Out.. Yall' Do Kn ow This is A Cabal Agenda To Promote Gender/ Sexual Dysmorphia Among Toddlers and Children. The End Goal is To Confuse Children About Their Sexual Orientation and Gender. M ale/Female/Penis/Vagina and In Some Cases Babies are Born With Both Penis and Vagina, The Medical Name For This Condition is 'Hemorphodite.' Then There Are Gays/Lesbians and Bi Sexuals Any After All That I Have Just Listed is Bull Shit Made Up By The Satanic Cabal.

1- Hollywood Gender Switching Designed To Deceive The American Public - Many Hollywood Celebrities Born Male Are Forecfully Programmed/Conditioned at a Young Age To Live Out Their Lives as Female. Many Hollywood Celebrities Born as Female Are Forcefully Programmed/Conditioned at a Young Age To Live Out Their Lives as a Male.

In Short NOTHING In Hollywood is What It Appears To Be, Its' All A Staged Show and it Begins with Programming The Minds of Children at a Very Young Age Before They are Allowed To 'Naturally' Form Their Own Gender/Sexual Identity. - Click HERE To View.

2- Was Michael Jackson Spotted at The 2020 Emmy's Dressed In Disguise? - Click HERE To View.

3- AHK app 58 Maitre - Two Part Mini Series About Alien Species - Click HERE To View Part 1

4- Direct Energy Weapons Used To Start Massive Deadly Fires Througghout The United States - Click HERE To View

5- Massive Fire Breaks Out in Huawei 5G Research Facility in China - Oooops, Oh Well. I Believe This Was an Intentional Hit. BIG Question is 'What Country Took THis Building Out?" - Click HERE To View.

6- Universal Basic Income - Click HERE To View.

7- Former Astronauts Reveal Why They never went back on the Moon - Trust and Believe The've Had Many Missions Back On The Moon Since Their First Failed Visit Where The liens Kicked Them Out of There - Click HERE To View.

8- Humanity’s Tremendous Growth Cycle ∞The 9D Arcturian Council - Click HERE To View.

9- Police Raid in Vietnam Finds More Than 300,000 Used Condoms Being Packed for Resale Click HERE To View.

10- Trump Team 'Underground Clean Up' - Massive Military Rescue Of Millions of Human Babies, Children, Adults and Alien/Human/Animal Hybrid Genetic Beings That Have Been Held Captive and Enslaved In Massive Underground Tunnels Located Throughout The United States and Throughout The World.

The Article Below Explains A Little About The MASSIVE Ongoing Military Rescue. I Did Not Write This Article BUT Based On My Extensive Research and My Own News Sources Expresses The Truth, However It Does Nort Go Into FULL Detail To Include The Alien War That is Taking Place Underground During This Massive Rescue Mission.

There are Several Negative Alien Species and Cabal Demons That Live Underground. The Millions of Humans That They Have Held Captive and Enslaved Underground are Considered to Be Their 'PROPERTY' and Food Source. They Are In Full Battle with The Military and Our Galactic Allies To Protect Their Human Property/Cargo.

Many Victims Who Have Been Rescued and Brought Above Ground Instantly Died, Because Their Body and Internal Organs Exploded. The Victims Have Been Enslaved Underground, Locked In Electrofied Cage ALL of Their Lives.

Many Have NEVER Seen Sun Light or Ventured Above Ground. Their Bodies and Internal Organs Are Not Used to Brathinjg In Oxygenated Air. The Envireonment Underground is Completely Different Then The Envireonment Above Ground.

These Victims Have Spent Most if Not ALL of Their Lives Living Close To 5-10 MILES Underground. Their Bodies and Inernal Organs Have Adapted To Living Below The Surface of Earth. Taking THem Out of Their 'Natural' Envireonment Caused Their Bodies To Go Into Imnmediate Shock.

Thousands of The Victims Instantly Experienced Respiratory Issues Cardiac Fauilure and Their Imnternal Organs Burst When They Were Suddenly Exposed To Oxygenated Air. The Skin On Their Bodies Began To Peel Off The Moment They Were Exposed To The Air and The Sun. This is The Militaries 1st Rescue Mission of This Magnitude, No One Knew What To Expect and Mistakes Were Made During The Early Part of THe Rescue Mission.

During Trumps Daily/Weekly Press Briefings He Often Mentions How The US Has Manufactured and Shipped Thousands of Ventilators and and ALL Types of Medical Supplies Within The US and To Many Other Countries. These Supplies and Ventilators Are Not for The Staged COVID PLANdemic They Are for The MILIONS of People Being Rescued From Underground Bases.

In The Midst of This MASSIVE Military Rescue There is a Full Stage Alien War Taking Place Underground. The Aliens are Trying Very Hard To Protect Their Human 'Property, Cargo and Food Supply.'

The Article That Will Follow My Commentary Does Not Talk About The Alien Portion of This Ongoing Rescue Mission or The Dire Medical Condition of The Victims. I've Seen Pictures and Video of The Victims That Have Been Enslaved Underground and Its' Horrible To Say The Least.

The Military Doctors Had To Put Many of The Victims To Sleep, Their Condition and Their Suffering is Heart Wrenching. They Were Breeding Human/Animal/Alien Hybrids and Using Them as Lab Experiments. Some of The Victims Were Born Half Human Half Animal, Half Alien, Half Animal etc.

These Are Living, Breathing Beings with Emotions and Feelings. These Mad Satanic Scientist Purposely Created Them To Use Them for Experimental Purposes Withouit Any Regard For The Emotional/Physical Suffering They Would Be Forced To Endure Throughout Their Lives without Their Consent.

The Human and Hybrid Victims Are Being Transported off Planet for A Physical/Emotional Medical Treatment. Many Are Receiving Treatment Aboard Galactic Medical Ships That Are Hovering Above Our Heads. The Galactics Are Utilizing Their Advanced Technology To Physically and Emotionally Restore as Mnay Victims as They Can.

Once They Are Healed They Will Be Transported To Other Planets Where They Will Receive Ongoing Support and Care. They Will Not Be Returned To Earth, Because They Will Not Remember Their Lives Here On Earth. Their Memories Will Be Swiped and New Memories Will Be Implanted/Uploaded To Their Conscious. - Click HERE To View.

10- AMAZON Launches a Surveilance Drone Inside Your Home - New Security Drone Flies Around and Spies On You In Your House - Click HERE To View.

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