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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist.

Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Hopefully Everyones Device Has The Ability To Enlarge

The Print On This Screen Shot, This Screen Shot Reveals

A List of Names of Children Who's Adrenochrome (Human

Blood) Was Being Tapped and Screened For Its' Potency.

The Satanic Cabal, Elite, Government Officials,

Hollywood Celebrities, Pro Athletes and Any One Who is

a Card Carrying Member of This Global Satanic Cult Have

Specific Preference When It Comes To Draining,

Processing and Harvesting A Childs Adrenochrome


For These Modern Day Vampires Each Blood Type

Has a Different Potency and Taste.

Besides Drinking Adrenochrome (Human Blood) as a Get

High Elixir, De Ageing Processor, They Also Use

Childrens Adrenochrome (Human Blood) as The Main

Ingredient In Shampoos, Shower Gels, Bath Saltz, Make

Up, Perfumes/Colognes etc.

They Have Special Cabal Owned Companies Who

Manufacture Their Products Made From The Harvested

Blood of Children and Adults They've Tortured.

Sacrificed and Murdered.

Adrenochrome (Human Blood) Elixir and The Products Made

with Adrenochrome (Human Blood) Are Not Sold To The

General Public.

Their Blood Products Are ONLY Sold To and Brought By

The Satanic Cabal, The Elite, Hollywood Celebrities,

Pro Athletes and Anyone Who is A Card Carrying Member

of Their Global Satanic Cult.

As a Diabolical Joke On Humanity The Satanic Cabal For

Many, Many, Decades Have Secretly Mixed The Blood and

Flesh of The Babies, Children and Adults That They've

Tortured, Sacrificed and Murdered Into The Food/Water

Supply That We Consume.

Many of The Hygienic Products, Perfumes, Make Up, Body

Creams/Lotions, Bath Saltz etc. That We The People

Purchase On a Daily Basis is Tainted with The Blood and

Flesh of The Children and Adults They've Murdered.

Several Times In The Past I've Posted Detailed

Articles and Videos That Listed The Well Known Brand

Named Cabal Owned Corporate Companies Who Process Human

Flesh and Blood In Their Food

Seasonings/Beverages/Bottled Water/Food Products and

Hygienic Products. I Will Re Posts A Listing of These


ALL Cabal Owned Fast Food Chains, Grocery Stores, and

Restaraunts Mix Human Blood and Human Flesh Into The

Food and Beverages They Serve and Sell To Their


Most Owners of These Food Establishments are Unaware of

How The Food They Sell is Processed Before The Supplies

Reach Their Fast Food Chains, Grocery Stores and


The Diabolical Destruction of Our Food/Water/Product

Supply Goes Way Beyond The Average Store Owner. There

Are Many Different Levels To The Deliberate Poisoning

and Tainting of Our Food/Water Supply.

To This Day The Main Culprits Who Work at The Top Level

Will Always Remain Hidden, Because They Are Weak,

Small Minded Cowards.

Sadly The Names of The Children Who Appear On This List

and Many More List Like This Have Been Targeted,

Kidnapped, Trafficked, Enslaved, Tortured, Sexually

Abused, Drained of Their Life Force, Sacrificed and


Do Not Let Their Deaths Be In Vain, Always Remember

That Their Lives Mattered. Today Their 'Silent

Screams'For Help is Heard Throughout The World and We

Will Rescue Every Human Enslaved On This Planet and One

Day Humanity Will Honor The Lives and Passing of Those

Who's Silent Screams We Did Not Hear.

In Loving Respect and Memory of ALL Who Needlessly

Suffered and Continue To Suffer at The Hands of The

Satanic Cabal Cult, The World Hears Your Cries and

Millions Upon Millions of Earth's Human and The

Galactic Finest Military Fleets Have Been Sent To

Rescue You. Hold On, We Are Coming.

Written By

3rd In Command of The Star Traveler Light Fleet Sen-I

(Susan Blocker)

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