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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

ALL Main Stream Media News Outlets Are The Enemy of The United States.

1- U.N. in Crisis as UNICEF Joins W.H.O. to Face Endemic Sex Abuse Claims - Click HERE To View.

2- NY TIMES: Up to 90% Who’ve Tested COVID-Positive Wrongly Diagnosed! TRUTH: A Whole Lot Worse! - Click HERE To View.

3- Tweeted Message From Trump - 'Today FLOTUS And I Tested Positve For COVID-19 We Well Begin Our Quarantine And Our Recovery Process Immediately. We Will Get Through This "ToGetHer." Break Down of Coded Message 'Military Operations In Full Process Arrests of The Cabal Underway. - Click HERE To View,

4- Chris Wallace The Man Who Hosted The Presidential Debate Between Trump and Biden Visited Epstein Island - Click HERE To View.

5- Trump Nor His Wife Melania Do Not Have COVID-19 - Military Operations Are Happening Behind The Scenes - Click HERE To View

6- Disney to Lay off 28,000 Workers, Citing COVID Slowdown and California’s ‘Unwillingness’ to Lift Restrictions - My Heart Goes Out To The Workers During This Massive Lay Off, BUT Disney Land and Disney World Are Pedophiles Playground. Just Think How Many Children Are Trafficked Each DCy Through These Childrens Theme Parks. Walt Disney Himself Was A Pedophile and He Created These Parks For The Purpose of Luring In Children. - Click HERE To View.

7- Julian Assange Is “Hearing Voices” And At “High Risk Of Suicide,” Psychiatrist Says - The Cabal Are Using Their Infamous 'Voice To Skull' Technology To Make Julian Assange Committ Suicide. 'Voice To Skull' Can Be Used To Literally Transmit Voices Into A Persons Mind. Just Imagine The Messages They Are Pumping Into Julian Assange's Mind. 'Voice To Skull' Technology Can Drive A Targeted Person Insane and Cause Them To Committ Suicide. - Click HERE To View.

8- Trump Supporter Outside WR Hospital: He Fought for Us, 'I'm Going to Fight for Him' - Click HERE To View.

9- Michigan Governor Whitmer's Shutdown 'in Violation' of Constitution, Supreme Court Rules - Click HERE To View.

10- Half of NYC's Restaurants and Bars to Permanently Close Due to COVID-19 - Click HERE To View.

11- UFO Sightings Increase World Wide - Click HERE To View.

12- Meteor/UFO Creates'Escape Pod' Over Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - Click HERE To View.

13- The EVIL Secrets Behind Pinocchio - Click HERE To View.

14- Peter Pan's DARK Side - Disney's Dark Secrets About Peter Pan - Click HERE To View.

15- Disney's Dark Secrets About Snow White - Click HERE To View.

16- The Gold Fish Report Blog Of White House Press Releases - Click HERE To View

17- Trump Win Probability and Manifestation at Galactic Completion - Click HERE To View.

18- Covid-19: Up to £10,000 Fine for Failure to Self-Isolate in England - Click HERE To View.

19- Crete Priest Gets 9 Months In Jail For Violating Masks Mandation - This is Where The Satanic Cabal and Their Minions Who THINK They Rule This Planet and ALL of Humanity Are Using This FAKE PLANdemic To Further EnslavE and STEAL Basic Human RIGHTS of The People.

There Are No Laws Stating That People MUST Wear A Mask, Therefore Wearing A Mask is Voluntary. Also There is No Scientif Proof That States Wearing a Mask Will Protect People From A Virus That is Being Generated By 5G and Direct Energy Weapons 'D.E.W.' - Click HERE To View.

20- Six Months After The Pandemic Started: Manhattan Offices Are Only 10% Full - Click HERE To View.

21- Pelosi’s Entire Family Has Generational Corruption, Tied to 4 Families That Have Run CA for 80+ Years Like Game of Thrones - Click HERE To View.

22- The Intentional Duumbing Down of America - Click HERE To View.

23- 2021: The Year of the Deadliest Vaccine - Click HERE To View.

24- Truthj Stream Media Digital Library - Click HERE To View.

25- Capain Mark Richards Space Command - Click HERE To View.

26- Discernment in the Truth and Lightworker Communities - Click HERE To View.

27- Power OFF - Plunged into Darkness Have a PLAN - Click HERE To View.

28- Secret Space Program 60 and Back Cloning Facilities on Planetary Corporations Mars Bases Click HERE To View.

29- Neuralink Implants and Cybernetics Implants from Planetary Corporations - Click HERE To View.

30- The Fake Debate - There Are No Words ,They Used A Fake Biden - Click HERE To View.

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