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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Oct 12, 2020

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist.

Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Please, Take A Moment To Use Your Critical THINKING Skills - 'If These Are Just Some of The Harmful Poisonous Ingredients They Put Not ONLY In Flu Shots, But In ALL Vaccines, What Type of Ingredients Do You THINK The Satanic Cabal Who Own BIG Pharma Will Put in The COVID-19 Vaccine?

Keep In Mind COVID-19 Is NOT a Natuiral Virus. COVID-19 Is a Biololgical Weapon That Was Created In a Laboratory In Wuhan China and It Was Purposely Released Onto The Public In China. COVID-19 Is Powered/Activated Within The Human Body By 5G. Using Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.) COVID-19 Can Be DirectlyTargeted at a Specific Individual, Groups of People and or Entire Neighborhoods, States etc.

Over The Past 6 Years, I've Written Detailed Commentaries, Posted Many Detailed Articles and Videos That Talked About The DANGERS of 5G, Direct Energy Weapons and The Creation of ALL Devices, Appliances Labeled as "SMART" and How The Satanic Cabal Would WEAPONIZE D.E.W., 5G and ALL Devices Labeled as 'SMART" and Use These Technologies Along with Artificial Intelligence as a Weapon To Manipulate, MIND Control, Sicken, Harm, Attack and Kill Off The American Public and Sadly We've Reached That Point.

During The Mid 1990's The Satanic Cabal Ordered The Military Industrial Complex To Spray Nano Particles/SMART Dust In The Air. Nano Particles Are Minniaturized Computers That Can Secretly Be Absorbed and Placed Into The Human Body In A Variety of Ways Without The Persons Knowledge, These Miniaturized Computers Can Be WEAPONIZED With ALL Types of Diseases and Viruses That Will Lay Dormant In The Human Body Until it is Activated By 5G, Direct Energy Weapoons or Additional Vaccines.

Currently Nano Particles SMART Dust Is In The Air We Breath, OurFood/Water Supply and Its' Injected Into The Human Body Via ALL Types of Vaccines Including The Flu Vaccine. Right Now EVERY Person Who Lives In America Their Bodies are Heavily Infected With Nano Particles/SMART Dust.

The Bio Weapon Virus COVID-19 is Already In Your Body. It Lies Dormant Until The Cabal Activiate it Inside Your System Via 5G, Direct Energy Weapons or Any Additional Vaccines You Allow Them To Inject Into Your Body.

COVID-19 Bioweapon Can Not Be Transmitted From Person To Person, It is Not Airborn and No One Can Catch What Has Already Been INJECTED/INGESTED or ABSORBED Into Their Body. In Short This Whole Social Distancing and Mask Wearing Nonsense is Total B.S.

The Cabal Are Once Again Using FAKE COVID-19 as Another Tool To Manipulate and Mind Control Those Who They Know Will Not Take Time To Do Their Own Research. Sadly, Instead Most Americans Continue To Blindly Believe and Do Whatever They Are Told To Do Out of Fear, Ignorance and Without Question.

Getting Back To The Poisonous Ingredients They Place In The Flu Shot and ALL Vaccines.. Take A Good Hard Look at The Chart Above, Take Note of ALL The Ingredients and Ask Yourself "Am I Comfortable Allowing These Psychopaths To Inject These Toxic Poisons Into My Body and Into The Bodies of My Children/Grandchildren?"

STOP and Ask Yourself "What Are The Ingredients In The COVID-19 Vaccine?, How Can They Create a Vaccine For A Virus That Technically Does NOT Exist?"

When You Blindly Follow Rules Without Thought or Question You Surrender Your POWER To Those Who Lie, Control, Manipulate, Decieve and Enslave Humanity. This is The Most IMPORTANT Thought To Keep In Mind 'The Satanic Beings Who Created These Vaccines Are The Same Beings Who Want To Kill Off 95% of The Human Population.' That Thought Alone Should Discourage You From Allowing These Psychopaths To Inject YOU or Your Children/Grandschildren with Any Vaccine,

At a Later Date I Will Discuss The Vast Difference Between a Vaccine an, an Antidote. Trumps Medical Team is Releasing an Organically Derrived Antidote That Will CURE and REMOVE ALL Poisons and Toxins From Your Body. This Antidote Will Not Be MANDATORY and It Can Be Taken By Pill Form or Injection On A Voluntary Basis. However The Satanic Cabal Will Try To Make Their COVID-19 Vaccine MANDATORY.

I Seriously Encourage ALL Adults To Stay ALERT and Informed of The Cabals End Game Agenda. It Is Said 'Those Who Are Walking Around Wearing a Mask 24/7 Are The Ones Who'll Be First To Stand In line For The Cabals Poison COVID--19 Vaccine.'

Blind Ignorance Will Cause Them To Become Deathly Ill, Permanently Damage and or Transform Their DNA or it Will Kill Them Immediately. You and Your Childrens/Grandchildrens Health, Well Being and LIFE Depend On YOU and It Is Up To Every Emotionally Strong Adult To Stay ALERT and INFORMED.

1- CV-19 and Vaccination Information – Rights/Articles/Forms/Petitions - Click HERE To View

2- Great Barington Declaration - Click HERE To View.

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