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SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Barry Soetoro/Malik Shabazz and Michael Lavagnn Robinson Better Known as Barrack Obama and Michelle Obama. The Rogue Portion of The CIA Works In Conjunction With The Cabal. The CIA Identifies and Recruits Those They Want To Work Within The United States Government Decades In Advance. In Most Cases They Begin Grooming Their Future Goverment Actors When They Are Bbaies, Toddlers, Children Very Early Teens. It Depends On What Type of Government Role They Want Them To Play.

Because of Barry/Malik's Mixed Heritage and The Fcat That He is Hitler's Grandson. His Biological Father is Malcolm X and His Biological Mother is Hitler's Youngest Daughter. Hitler's Youngrest Daughter Was Born After American Goverment Allowed Hitler Entry Into The United States After WWII.

The CIA Began Grooming Barry/Malik To Play His Role as U.S. President Before He Reached One Years Old. Grooming Children To Play Specific Roles in This Diabolical Scripted Game is a Very Cruel and Brutal. They First Must Fracture a Persons Mind By Extensive Emotional/Physical/Sexual Abuse and Torture.

If The Victim Survives They Eventually Lose All Connection With Who They Were Truly Born To Be. Once THe Victims Mind is Fractured They Can Program Their Minds To Accept A New Personalit/Personna. This is Just ONE of Many Ways The CIA Creates Characters To Play Scripted Roles in This Twisted Global Game of Deceit, Lies, Manipulation and Control.

Based On My Research Michael LaVaughn Robinson Was Drafted Into His Scripted Role While He Was Still In Highschool. He Was a Jock a Highschool Football Player. I Am Not 100% Sure If Michael Wanted To Transition Into a Woman or If He Was Groomed/Programmed To Play The Role of Obama's Transgendered Male Wife. Either Way The Cabal's End Goal Was To Mind Screw The American Public and That's Exactly What They Accomplished.

It Is Said The Biological Person Who Was Originally Groomed To Played The Role of Barack Hussein Obama Was Killed Off and Replaced By Human Look a Likes and or Synthetic A.I. Clones Soon After He Became President. Michael LaVaugnn Robinson aka Michelle Obama Was Executed and Replaced By A Clone and Or Body Double In September of 2019. Barrack Obama's Clone/Body Double is Still Running Loose, But it is Said They Are In Process Capturing/Deactivating/Executing The Clones/Doubles Shortly.

Over Centuries With The Ongoing Help of Negative Alien Species, The Cabal Have Become True MASTERS of Deceit, Mind Manipulation and Psychological Warfare. How Else Could They Have Pre Planned, Staged and Kept Humanity Enslaved In This False Reality For So Long?

1- Caroline Bosmans Satanic Clothing Line For Children - These Are The Clothes Hollywood Celebrities Purchase For Their Children. It is My Personal Belief That The Chldren, Toddlers and Bbaies They Use To Market These Stanic Clothing Lines are Children Who've Been Kidnapped or Have Breeded In Underground Laboratories and They Have No Identitification or Parents. - Click HERE To View.

2- Lawyers Suing WHO for 'Crimes Against Humanity' Over COVID Lockdowns - Click HERE To View.

3- Deep Underground Military Bases and 2021 Trump Positive Breakthroughs - Join Alfred Webre in one of his interviews with Gene Decoder and Karen MacDonald. Gene has come forward as a whistleblower with information regarding the liberation of deep underground military bases and the emancipation of human trafficked children from these bases. - Click HERE To View.

4- Westpac Bank Fined $400 Million for Aiding and Abetting Paedophiles and Another $900 Million for Money Laundering - Click HERE To View.

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