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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- Child Star 'Shirley Temple' Suffered Sexual Abuse and Exploitation As A Child Actor - Abuse Against Child Stars Inj Hollywood is Systemic and Has Been Ongoing Since The Crreation of Hollywoods - Click HERE To View.

2- The Best IUs Yet To Come - Click HERE To View.

3- CDC Study Finds Overwhelming Majority Of People Getting Coronavirus Wore Masks - People Wearing Mask 24/7 Are Being Poisoned By Breathing In Their Own Germs - Click HERE To View.

4- Breathtaking' Declassifications Before Election - Click HERE To View.

5- Louisa of The Goldfish Report is Mad as Hell and She's Not Taking it Anymore - Many Of Us Who Have Dedicated Our Time and Our Lives To Fight For The Freedom of Humanity Feel Angry, Frustrated and Tired and We Need Support and We Need To See Real Change. A Whole Lot of Good Talk Going Around, But When Is Change Going To Surface. We Can't Keep Fighting THe Battle and Placing Our Lives On Hold Without Seeing Results. I Stand Side By Side With Louisa's Anger and Frustration. - Click HERE To View.

6- Suing Those Responsible For Committing Crimes Against Humanity Under The Guise of COVID-19 - Click HERE To View.

7- Lawyers Suing WHO for 'Crimes Against Humanity' Over COVID Lockdowns - Click HERE To View.

8- New DARPA-Funded Tech Promises to Diagnose COVID-19 Through Implantable Biochip - These Psychoathic Satanist Will Come Up With Anything Just To Implant Humans With Their Diabolical Transhumanistic Microchips. Do Not Fall For This B.S. Their End Goal of Microchipping The Public is For Mass Control of The Human Mind, Body and Spirit. - Click HERE To View.

9- Who Do You Support - Click HERE To View.

10- It Wasn't Just The Jews Who Were Enslaved and Executed During Hitler's Reign of Terror During This Time There Were Different Ethnic Races of People Who Were Executed For No Reason. The Holocaust is Not Just About Jewish People Who Were Enslaved and Executed BUT It is About ALL Races of People Who Executed During The Reign of Hitler. Hitler Did Not Just Want To Get Rid of The Jews, Hitler Wanted To Get Rid of Any Race of People That He Deemed Inferior.

However Fake History ONLY Focuses On The Annihilation of The Jewish Culture When In Fact There Were People Who Represented Many Cultures During This Time Who Were Executed Because They Were Not Condsidered To Be A Pure Bred Arian Race. Same Thing Goes For Slavery. Black People Were Not The Only Race of People Who Were Enslaved, There Were Many Different Ethnic Races of People Were Captured, Removed From Their Homes and Used as Slaves.

Once Again Fake History Only Talks About The Enslavement of Black People. Here's Another Tip They Do Not Talk About. Most People Believe That Only White People Enslaved Black People, WRONG Again, There Were Well To Do Black People Who Enslaved Black People.

Fake History is Total B.S., Because They Indoctrinate People By Telling Them Only What They Want Them To Know, Instead of Telling The Full Truth.

The Execution of This Young Girl Was Horrific, But Lets Not Forget About ALL People of Many Different Races Babies, Toddlers, Children, Teens Young Adults, Adults, Elderly, Those Who Were Sick Physically/Emotionally Disabled Who Were Executed During Hitler's Psychopathic Reign Terror. - Click HERE To View.

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