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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- The Story of The Annunaki - Click HERE To View.

2- Bill Gates and MIT Unveil Quantum Dot Technology to Mark Children’s Skin So They Can Be Scanned For Vaccine Compliance - Click HERE To View.

3- How To Destroy, Shut Down Big Tech Once and For All - Click HERE To View.

4- Woman Suffers Brain Injury From Coronavirus Cotton Swab Test - Click HERE To View.

5- World Governments Using High Tech Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.) To Physically, Emotionally, Sexually, Spiritually Target and Torture Its' Citizens 'Harry's Story' - Just When You Thought World Governbnment Heinous Crimes Against Its' Citizens Could Get Any Worse.

Targeted Individuals or 'TI's as They Are Referred Too Are Earth Humans Who Are Randomly or Purposely Selected By Their Criminal Government of Their Country To Be Psychologically Tortured By Use of Non Treaceable Direct Energy Weapons.

Direct Energy Weapons Are Noyt Traceable Yet This High Tech Technology Can Be Used In Many Ways To Psychologically Torture A Persons Mind Without Being Physically Near Them. When The Person Seeks Help From Family, Friends, Doctors Hospitals etc.

Because There is No Traceable Evidence That They Are Being Physchologically Tortured and or Gang Stalked Family Members, Friends and Doctors Dismiss The Person, View Them as Crazy and Put Them On Prescribed Medication.

With No One To Turn Too or Confide In One Can Only Imagine The Isolation, Fear and Frustration a Targeted Individual Must Feel On A Daily Basis. Targeted Indivuals Can Suffer Alone For Weeks, Months, Years and Decades, Until Their Targeting STOPS or On Until They Are Driven To Commit Suicide.

I Don't Truly Know or Understand WHY These Demented Bastards Feel A Need To Psychologically Torture A Person, But To Purposely Destroy A Persons Mind Is ONE of Their Most Cruelest, Diabolical Games These Satanic, Heartless, Soulless Monsters Can Do. I Assume They Get A 'High' off of Psychologically Torturing People With Their High Tech Non Traceable Weaponry. Truyst Me These Satanic Psychopaths Would Not Wste Their Time if There Wasn't Something In It For Them.

The Next Time You Encounter A Person Who's Family, Frieds, Socety and Doctors Have Labeled as Crazy, Psychologically Un Ballanced etc. THINK Again, Because It is My Personal Belief That Who Hear Voices In Their Head, Talk To Themselves, See People/Things That Aren't There or Are Un Explainable, These People Are Not Crazy, They Most Likely Individuals That Have Been Targeted By Their Own Government To Be Physchologically Tortured For No Good Reason.

They Continue Doing This Because They Can and They Know They Can Get Away With Committing This Horriific Crime Against The People of THe World Because Their High Tech Direct Energy Weapons Are Non Traceable.

REMEMBER The Cabals End Goal Is To Reduce The Human Population By 95% and YES They Have Created Many Cruel and Painful Ways To Reach Their Goals. The End Goal of Psychologically Torturing a Person is To Hopefully Drive The Targeted Individual To The Point Where They Go Insane and Commit Suicide. Click HERE To View.

6- World Governments Using High Tech Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.) To Physically, Emotionally, Sexually, Spiritually Target and Torture Its' Citizens - 'Sibo's' Horrific Story of Being Psychologically Tortured Electronically By The UK Government For Over 10 Years - Click HERE To View.

7- Targeted Individual Harry and Caprice Speak Out With Psychotherapists Gill Plage - Its' TIME For The World Public To Understand The Nightmare Targeted Individuals Are Go Through On A Daily Basis. During This Taping of This Episode The Computers, Cameras and Equipment of The Guests Who Appeared On This Show Were Targeted and Shut Down. WHY? Those Who Are Doing The Targeting Do Not Want Victims of Targeting To Speak Out. - Click HERE To View.

8- Online Support for Targeted Individuals and Victims of Gang Stalking and Mind Control - Click HERE To View.

9- UK ‘Sleepwalking’ To Mental Health Crisis as Pandemic Takes Its Toll - Click HERE To View.

10- Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani Speaks Openly To The American Public - Click HERE To View.

10- There Is No PANDEMIC - As I've Mentioned Mnay Times Over The Past Several Months, COVID-19 Was Created and is Being Spread Among The World Populace By Using Direct Energy Weapons (D.E.W.) and 5G. The Human Body Can Not With Stand 5G Technology, This is Why People Around The World Are Getting Sick With Severe Flu Like Symptoms.

The Dearthg Rate Numbers Have Been Purpoosely Heightened To Instill FEAR and Help Promote Their Diabolical Agenda of Killing Off 95% of Humanity. The Center For Disease (C.D.C.) Control Along With The World Health Organization (W.H.O.) Have Already Been FORCED To Admit 1- There NEVER Was a Pandemic

2- Those Who Died Had Other Health Related Issues and Diseases. 3- The COVID-19 Testing is Completely BOGUS. 4- Less Then ONE Percent of The Human Population Died As a Result of This Entire Pre Planned Staged Event. I Repeat Those Who Died Suffered With Other Pre Existing Medical Conditions and Diseases. Their Physicval Bodies Could Not With Stand The Negative Effects of 5G Along With Their Pre Existing Illnesses and Disease.

There is No Test Available For COVID-19, Because COVID-19 Is NOT A Virus. The Physical Symptoms of COVID-19 Are Being Generated By High Tech Technology Using 5G, Direct Energy Weapons and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) This Whole PLANdemic is Yet Another Cabal Based False Flag, Staged Event That Expanded Globally.

Unless You Have A Weak Immune System or Pre Existing Illness Where You MUST Protect Yourself By Wearing a Face Mask, There is No Virus That You Need To Protect Yourselves From. Wearing A Face Mask and Practicing Social Distancing Can Not Protect You From A PLANdemic Created and Spread By Direct Energy Weapons, 5G and Artificial Intelligence (A.I.)

There Are Several Different Types of Corona Virus That Live In The Human Body and The Envireonment Do Not Cause Illness or Death. COVID-19 Stands For 'Certificate Of Vaccinatioin ID.' This Was The Cabals Diabolical Plan To Force Their FAKE COVID-19 Vaccinations Onto The World Populace.

Its' The FAKE Cabal Based Vaccine That People of The World Need To Be Worried About. Depending On How Your Body Reacts To The FAKE Vaccine For COVID-19 It Will Either End Your Life Quickly or Slowly or it Will Alter Your DNA and Transform You Into an Emotionless, Obeying, Robotic Being. The Next Species They Planned On Creating Was a 'Trans Human Being."

The Upcoming COVID-19 Vaccines Contain Many Toxic/Poisonous Ingredients Along With Nano Chips. Nano Chips are Miniaturized Computers That Can Be Pre Programmed or Programmed at A Later Time. Once The Nano Chips Enter Your Body You Can Be Programmed To Do and Act In Accordance To How You Are Programmed.

COVID-19 Was/Is The Precursor To Encourage The People To Accept Being Vaccinated. Once Fear is Instilled Within A Persons Mind They Will Do Whatever They Are Told To Do In Order To Protect Themselves anfd Threir Families and This Includes Allowing Themselves and Their Children To Willingly Accept A Vaccination That Will Most Likely End Their Lives No Matter How You Look at It.

If You Remember NOTHING Else, Remember This 'These Psychopathic Satanist Enjoy Feasting Off Of The Publics Ignorance.' I Can't Stress This Enough "In This Day and Age Whether You Want To Take On The Responsibility or Not "It Is YOUR Choice To Keep Yourselves Informed or NOT. Good/Bad or Indifferent Your Life and The Lives of Those You Love Will Be Affected By The Chices or Lack of Choices You Make During This DANGEROUS Time In The History of Humanity." Click HERE To View.

11- The TRUTH and The Beginning of The Take Down Of Democratic Vice Presidential Elect Kamal(a) Harris - Kamal(a) is A Cabal (MALE) Puppet Who Was Groomed and Trained Probably Since His Childhood To Play The Role of Vice President During The 2020 Fake, Staged Presidential Election. - Click HERE To View.

12- Former FAKE President Barack Obama BUSTED! - Obama Had Sex With a Male and The Man That Obama Had Sex With is Telling ALL The Juicy Details. Trump Has The Video. - Click HERE To View.

13- Church Pastor Brings Out The TRUTH About COVID-19 and The Plan To Micro Chip The Human Population - Click HERE To View.

14- Nancy Pelosi Drunk as a Skunk - Click HERE To View.

15- Reptilian/Demons Shap Shifting On Live News Broadcast - George Floyd's Family is Shape Shifting Reptilian Demons. For Those Who Do Not This A Black Man Named George Floyd Was NOT Killed. The Entire Fiasco Was Another One of The Cabal's Pre Planned Staged, False Flag Events. The Man Who Played The Scripted "I Can't Breath" Role Was Arrested and Taken To an Un Disclosed Location Months Ago.

Why Did The Cabal Do This? To Create More Racial Tension Between Blacks/Whites. Their Goal Was To Creat Violent/Destrructive Racial Riots Throughout The United States During The Summer Months.

Every Year For The Past 5 Years The Cabal Create A Scripted Scenario of To Promote Their Black Against White Racial Agenda. Racial Baiting Has Been Ongoing In The US For Over 5 Decades. This is What The Cabal Have Been Doing For Mnay Years To Keep The American Public Tense, Angry and In A Destructive Negative Mind Set.

Anywhooo In This Video You'll See Three of George Floyd's FAKE Family Members Shape Shifting On A Live News Broadcast. Their Facial Apopearance Shifts Between Human and Reptilian Alien. For Whatever Reasons Reptilian Aliens Have A Difficult Time Staying In Human Form While They Are Being Filmed On Camera.

Over The Years I've Seen Many Reptilian Beings Shape Shift On Live Television. I Guess The Cabal Could Not Hire Any Humans To Play The Role of George Floyd's Family, So The Reptilians Took On The Role of Playing George Floyd's Family. - Click HERE To View.

16- Actor Chris Rock "Eyes" Shape Shift Into Reptilian "Eyes" During An Interview - Many Stars Have Sold heir Souls To The Devil and In Doing So They've Given Permission For Negative Alien Entities/Demons To Possess Their Physical Body at Any Time. - Click HERE To View.

17- Doctor Exposes The Cabals Plan To Bring In 'The Dystopian New World Order.'

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