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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Oct 28, 2020

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

Back During The 1980's-1990's A Seriers of Childrens Trading Cards Known as "The Garbage Pale Kids" Were Very Popular Among Children. These Cards Were Created By The Satanic Cabal To Boast and Mock The Millions of Children They Have Kidnapped, Trafficked Tortured and Murdered.

At First Glance Parents/Adults Just See A Bunch of Colorful Cartoon Characters Depicting 'The Garbage Pale Kids Kids In A Variety of Vicarious Predicaments. Parents Purchase The Cards For Their Children and Children njoy Them and Trade Them Amongst Each Other, No Harm Done Here.

However Those Who Have Researched The Diabolical History of The Satanic Cabal Cult They Will Soon Understand That They Worship Muloch A God Who Demands His Worshippers Torture Sacrifice and Murder Babies and Children In His Honor.

The Series of Garbage Pale Kids' Trading Cards Depict The Many Ways The Cabal Have Continuously Sacrificed, Tortured and Murdered Billions of Babies and Children Throughout The Centuries and YES, Their Vengeance Against Bbaies and Children Continues On Today.

1- One of The Ways The Cabal Torture Bbauies and Children is By Peeling The Skin off of Their Face and Then Will Eat The Skin of The Childs Face Right In Front of The Screaming, Terrified Baby , Child. Hence The Term "Eat My Face."

2- Another Form of Torture The Cabal Use On Babies and Children is To Pierce Their Skin With Hooks and Then Leave Them Hanging On A Wall Until They Are Dead. They Also Tie Rope Around Their Feet and Hang Them Upside Down and Beat Them Mercileslly Until They Are Unconscious or Dead. Once The Child is Dead The Cabal Will Cook and Eat The Childs Body.

This Picture Represents The Child Being Sacrificed as a Food Source for These Demons. They Also Ground U and Place Grind Up and Mix The Remains of Children They've Murdered Into The Worlds Food Supply, Then They Sit Back Laugh and Mock The People Because They Are Unaware of What Has Been Placed In The Food Supply, They Just Continue Eating.

3- Its' A Known Fact That The Cabal Enjoy Keeping Tokens of The Babies and Children They've Murdered. While THe Child is Dead or Still Alive They Will Disenebowel, Decapitate Their Bodies and Create All Types of Gruesome Trinkets Using The Body Parts.

4- Burning and Cooking Babies and Children While They Are Still Alive is Another Form of Torture and Sacrifice. Centuries Ago During The Holiday That We Now Refer To as Easter The Gods of Child Sacrifice Demaned That ALL Babies Who Were The 1st Born In Their Families Be Sacrificed In Fire. Parents Would Literally Throw Their Infants In A Large Fiery Pit and Stand There and Listen Too and Watch Them Scream In Agony Until They Were Dead. If There is a Loving GOD What Type of GOD Would Allow This To Continue For Centuries?

5- Scaring Babies and Children Until They Lose Control of Their Bowels Is Another Form of Torture. Sometimes They'll Make The Child Eat Their Own Poop, Just For The Hell of It. The Satanic Cabal Will Also Eat and Smear The Childs Bowels All Over Their Bodies During Various Satanic Rituals..

6- This Card Represents The Satanic Cabal; Mocking THe Bbaies and Children They Have Tortued and Murdered.

7- One of The Many Child Victims That Were Murdered By Those Playing The Role of A Government Official Was a Young Teenage Aged Girl Who Savagely Raped, Tortured and By Hillary Rodham Clinton and Her Female Lover. After They Raped The Young Teenager They Tortured Her By Using a Cheese Grater To Scrape Her Face off.

Both Hillary Rodham Clinton and Her Female Lover Proceeded To Mock The Girl They Had Just Tortured and Terrorized. Hillary Placed The Skin of The Girls Face Onto Her Face and Her and Her Lover Began Seductively Dancing In Front of The Girl As She Lay There In Horrendous Pain, Perfusely Bleeding and Dying. Hence The Name of THis Card is 'De Faced.'

These Diabolical Playing Cards Were Basically Designed To Subliminally Pre Program The Minds of Children To Accept This Type of Satanic Behavior. This is Known as 'Social Engineering' The Minds of The Public. The Social Engineering Worked Very Well Because Millions of Parents Saw Nothing Wrong With Purchasing These Trading Cards For Their Children. As Long as The Public Accepts Whatever These Satanist Do, They Will Continue To Mind Screw The Public.

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