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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

This is a Picture of a Legit Voter Ballot. Any Voter Ballot That Does Not Have Two Tiny Laser Imprints On Them is A False Ballot. The American Public Who Cast a Vote For Trump/Biden Their Ballots Were Imprinted with These Two Tiny Laser Markings. Under Infrared Light These Laser Imprinted Markings Will Appear On The Voters Ballot. These Are The Ballots Being Counted as Legit Ballot, Any Other Ballot is Considered FALSE and Planted By The Democratic Government Party.

1- Police Expose Global Child Abuse Ring Centered in Australia - Click HERE To View.

2- Florida to Allow Citizens to Shoot Rioters & Looters Who Target Their Property - Click HERE To View.

3- Republicans File FCC Complaints Against Networks Claiming Biden is 'President-Elect' - Click HERE To View.

4- Islamists Behead Over 50 People in Mozambique During Village Slaughter - Click HERE To View.

5- Korean 'Time Traveler' Who Accurately Predicted April 2020 Korean Election Predicts Trumps Re Elected 2020 US President - Click HERE To View.

6- Biden Says 'We’ll Have Contact Tracers, All Wear Masks to ‘Pull Country Together’ - Those Who Do Not Comply To These and Other Draconian Rules Which Include a Series of Forced Vaccinations For Children and Adults Under Biden's New World Order Regime Will Be Fined, Sent To Jail and or Sent To FEMA Camps That Are Located Throughout The United States.

Yall' Hated Trump So Much and You Wanted Him Out of Office So Bad You Didn't Give A Rats Ass Who You Voted Into Office. Well Guess What? You Voted In A Habitual Child Rapists. Biden Not Only Raped and Tortured His Own Children, He Raped, Tortured and Possibly Murdered Hundreds if Not Thousands of Missing and Trafficked Children.

Joe Biden Then Passed His Family Trait and Discussing Lust For Sexing Babies and Children Onto His Son 'Hunter Biden.' The FBI, CIA And Trump Have Several Lap Tops Filled with Videos and Pictures That Will Make Your Stomach Curdle in Discust. Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, Kamala Harris and Many Other US Government Officials Names Appear On The Hard Drives of These Laptops

Because Trump Haters Did Not Take The Time To Research and Find Out What's Really Going On,They Have No Idea That Joe Biden, His Son Hunter Biden and His Side Kick Kamala Harris Made MILLIONS of Dollars Selling America To China and They ALL Work In Conjunction With The Global Satanic Cabal Cult Who's Goal is To Keep Humanity Enslaved Under A 4th Reich NAZI/China Communist Regime, Disguised as 'The New World Order.

I Hope ALL You Trump Haters and Biden Supporters Are Proud and Happy With Yourselves. Your Hate Towards Trump, Your Blind Ignorance and Vote For Biden Contributes To The Destruction of America and The Demise Of You, Your Families and The Lives of MILLIONS of People Here in America and Throughout The World. So, I Guess Yall' Trump Haters and Biden Supporters Can Pat Yourselves On The Back For a Job Well Done. - Click HERE To View.

7- Whoopi Goldberg Tells Trump Supporters to 'Suck it Up' - Any Celebrity Who Openly Supports A Child RAPIST and Murderer as Their President Should Be Locked Up, Because They Are No Better Then The RAPIST They Support. Just Like Biden Whoopi Goldberg is a Traitor to The United States. She and Those Who Think Like Her Should Be Tarred, Feathered and Chased Out of The United States - Click HERE To View.

9- 'The Great Reset' Admits Covid Lockdown Plan for Global Depression Takeover - Click HERE To View.

10- BANNED Videos - Click HERE To View.

11- Kerry Cassidy of 'Project Camelot' Interviewed By Robert David Steele In Regard To The Ongoing Space War That is Being Played Out On Earth - Click HERE To View.

12- Louisa and James Fetzer of 'The GoldFish Report' Discuss Blockchain Ballots, Failed Coup Attempt and Trump Victory - Click HERE To View.


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