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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


Updated: Nov 25, 2020

SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- Thousands of Doctors Declare Lock Down Harmful to Public Health, Call for Immediate Reopening of U.S. - Click HERE To View.

2- The GoldFish Report Weekly Geopolitical Nes Update - Click HERE To View.

3- The GoldFish Report Daily Tweeter News Feed - Click HERE To View.

4- Those Responsible for the COVID-19 Fake Crisis to Be Sued for Crimes Against Humanity and Child Abuse - Click HERE To View.

5- The Coronavirus 5G Connection and Coverup - Click HERE To View.

6- Law Enforcement Across the U.S. Overwhelmingly REFUSING to Enforce COVID-19 Orders - Click HERE To View.

7- America’s Social Credit System Is Worse than China’s - Click HERE To View.

8- UK Government Official Boris Johnson Confirms Plans To Create a COVID Free Pass - This is Socialism and Dictatorship in The Making and If The Public Doesn't Stand Up and Stop It Now, They Will Become Slaves of Socialism. Its' Way Past Time For People of The World To Rise The Fuck Up and Physically Snatch These Demon Government Officials Out Office. They Do Not CONTROL Your LIVES Unless You Allow Them Too. Get Them Out of Office and STOP Waiting For Someone Else To Do It. YOU Are The SAVIORS YOU Have Been Waiting For, Get To Work and Stop Sittin' Around Waiting'.

This Message is Also For The Dumbed Down American Public What The Fuck Are Yall' Waitin' For, For Them To Tell You To Lay Down and Die? The American Government Is No Longer In Charge of ANYTHING They Have Betrayed The People They Were Hired To Serve and Protect By VIOLATING Their Basic RIGHTS, Therefore The Public Has Every Right To Physically Remove Them From Office. These Demons Hold No POWER Over YOU, Unless YOU Give Them That Control Over You. STOP Being A Bunch of P-ssies By Allowing Them To CONTROL Your LIVES.

At This Point None of Them Deserve To Be In Control Over A Damn Paper Bag, Let Alone Have Control Over Millions of Human Lives Here In America. Take CHARGE Of Your Own God Damn Lives You Do Not Need These Satanic Cabal Idiots Telling You How To Live Your Lives. Wake The Fuck Up People or You'll Be Dead,

Guess What? These Satanic Psychopaths Have Plans To MURDER 95% of Humanity, Now If YOU Think You Can Dodge That Bullet Then You May Continue To Sit Back and Do NOTHING, Do You Feel That Lucky?

The Sleepers Are Sittin' Around Allowing A lot of Shyt To Happen as They Wait For What? Trump?, Q Team?, The Aliens?, God? Sorry, Boo Boo This is YOUR Life and YOU Are The Savior You've Been Sittin' Around Waiting For, So, Get To Work or Be Prepared To Die, Because Yall' Sleepers Are Being Bamboozled and Lead Straight To Slaughter.

Like Me or Not, I Really Don't Give A Fuck Because My Task and Mission In All of This is To Reveal The Harsh and Ugly Truth, and I Am Not Here To Sugar Coat The Truth for Those of You Who Can't Handle It. - Click HERE To View.

9- Famed Painter 'Norman Rockwell' Included Subtle Hints of Satanism and Canabolism in His Pictures - Look At This Picture and You'll' See a Babies Head Be Served On a Platter Surrounded By Grapes. Why The Fuck Is A Babies Head Being Featured as Part of a Thanksgiving Family Dinner? What is This Picture About.

This is What You Call 'Hidden In Plain Site'. How Many Copies of This Painting Has Been Sold Globally Without Anyone Noticing The Babies Head Sittin' On A Plate. These Satanist Sit Back And Laugh Their Assess off and They Make Stupid Money Off Of The Public's Blind Ignorance.

I Grew Up Admiring Norman Rockwell Paintings. Now I Know He Too Was Down With The Cabal's Satanic Shyt and He Most Likely Harmed, Murdered, Ate and Drank The Blood and Flesh of Babies and Children, All While Achieving and Maintaining His Fame and Fortune.

I Know Yall' Don't Wanna Hear The Truth, But That's Exactly How These Cabal Satanist Roll and Its' Time Yall' Deal With The Ugly Truth. - Click HERE To View.

10- This is Why I Worship No God - Any So Called God That Allows Babies and Children To Be Tortured, Raped, Murdered and Eaten by Satanists For Tens of Thousands of Years Without Intervening and Destroying The Evil That Harms His Supposed 'Children' Aint' No God of Mine, I Don't Bow Down, Get On My Knees and Worship No One or Anything That Exist Outside of Me.

The God They Have Yall' Worshiping is an ALIEN GOD and These Aliens Created World Religions. WHY? Because They Wanted Their Human Slaves To Bow Down and Worship. These Aliens Are The GODS Who Enslaved Humanity. Look It Up.

If YOU Were A GOD, Would YOU Allow The Continued Torture, Suffering and Murder of Babies and Children for Millions of Years Without Intervening? I Believe In A 'Creator' and That Creator Dwells Within Me, Not Outside of Me and it Does Not DEMAND That I Bow Down, Get On My Knees and Worship, Honor and Forsake All Others For It It, Like The Fake ALIEN Derived GOD That Humans Have Been Brain Washed Into Worshiping. - Click HERE To View.

11- Large Silver Monolith Falls Out of The Sky In Utah Desert - Hmmmmm I Smell B.S., To Create Yet Another DIVERSION To Keep The Public Pacified and Un Aware of What They Really Should Be Focusing On - Click HERE To View.

12- GA Gov. Kemp and CA Gov. Newsom Bought off By Communist China in Covid Supplies Kickback and Money Laundering Schemes - Click HERE To View.

13- Votes from 28 states were sent to Germany and Spain to be fraudulently rigged by Smartmatic - Click HERE To View

14- Don’t Want a Warp Speed Vaccine? Fauci Says You’re A Threat To Public Health - Click HERE To View. - Click HERE To View.

15- Governor of Hawaii Threatens $5,000 Fine and Jail Time for People Who Do Not Wear Masks Click HERE To View.

16- 5G Interactions With Bioengineered COVID is No Laughing Matter - Click HERE To View.

17- America Will Be Shocked at The Level of Pedophilia, Satanic Worship in Government - Many People Will Not Be Able To Psychologically Handle The Truth and It Will Push Many People Over The Edge. - Click HERE To View.

18- Former Pfizer VP: ‘No Need for Vaccines,’ ‘The Pandemic is Effectively Over’ - Click HERE To View.

19- Operation Warp Speed Chief: Millions Could Receive Coronavirus Vaccine The End of The Year - Keep In Mind There is a BIG Difference Between The (Forced Mandatory) Vaccines That Are Being Pushed By Satanic Cabal Minion 'Fake' Joe Biden and The (Voluntary) 'Antidote' That Trump's Team is Offering The American Public.

In Several of My Previous Commentaries I've Explained In Detail The Difference Between The Two Vaccines. One is Toxic Poison = Re Enslavement and Death The Other is an Antidote and CURE For All Toxic Poisons That Have Been Purposely Introduced Into The Human Body. Please Do Your Own Research To Get an Understanding of The Difference Between The Two Vaccines. - Click HERE To View.

20- Was Judge Sallie Elkordy The Target of a Targeted Assassination by 5G To Prevent Her From Testifying in The Tribunal Trial on Sunday Nov. 29, 2020? - This is How The Cabal Use Advanced Alien Based Technology and 5G To Target, Injure, Sicken and Kill People Who Go Against Their Diabolical Narratives - Click HERE To View

21- David Robert Steele and Sacha Stone Discuss The Illogical Reasoning Behind The Satanic Cabal and Their Diabolical Plan To Re Enslave and Then Murder 95% of Humanity - Click HERE To View.

22- 'Covid Checkpoints' Unleashed Across NYC to Catch & Fine Violators of Quarantine Rules - If This Scenario Doesn't Seem Reminiscent of NAZI Germany, Then I Don't Know What To Tell Yall'. This is Disturbingly Sickening and If The Public Allows This To Happen, Trust Me They Will Take Full Advantage of The Un Informed. These Oligarchs Are Out of Control and It is Up To The American Public To Obey and Fall In Line or Stand Up For Their Rights. - Click HERE To View.

23- 9 Questions To Ask Your Normi Friends - Click HERE To View.

24- Matt Hancock Answers QUestion Surrounding 'False Positives' of COIVID-19 Testing and He Does Lots' of Stumbling, That Means He's Lying His Ass Off - Click HERE To View.

25- Its' Just A Mask - Click HERE To View.

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