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  • Writer's pictureSue-B


SPECIAL NOTE/Disclaimer: Due To The Ongoing Censorship of Information Surrounding The TRUTH, Live Links That Are Published In "Galactic Earthly News Intel" Web Site Publication Might No Longer Exist. Meaning The Links To The Articles or Videos Could Have Expired or Been Removed, Blocked, Deleted or Sabotaged By Those Who Are Currently Being Removed From Power....

ALL Information Contained In This Newsletter Should Be Used as a Guide That Will Encourage YOU To Conduct Your Own Research, Use Your Own Critical Thinking Skills and Help You Draw Your Own Conclusions Based On Information That YOU Have Researched.

As We Continue Moving Forward In The Age of Disclosure, YOU and ONLY YOU Are Responsible For Keeping Yourself Informed By Re Educating YOUR Mind and The Minds of YOUR Children.

1- COVID Plans Include Family Separation & Involuntary Quarantine in “Camps” - Click HERE To View.

2- UK to Quash Vaccine Hesitancy as Nations Prepare for Mass Inoculations - Click HERE To View.

3- Jon Rappoport, Open Letter to Patriots Everywhere - Click HERE To View.

4- We Haven’t Seen This Much Suffering On Thanksgiving Since The Great Depression Of The 1930s - Click HERE To View.

5- Ex Pfizer VP Concerned about Experimental COVID Vaccine - Click HERE To View.

6- Arrest of Cabal Agent in Japan will be a Game-Changer - Click HERE To View.

7-Those Responsible For the COVID-19 Fake PLANdemic Will be Sued for Committing War

Crimes Against Humanity and Child Abuse - Click HERE To View.

8- Message To Those Who Support Joe Biden - Click HERE To View.

9- Democrats Declare Permanent Martial Law/ End of The United States - Click HERE To View.

10- Those Who Fear Disease Most Are Most Likely to Prefer Authoritarian Regimes - Click HERE To View.

11- Trump Pardoned General Flynn to Put Him Back in Play at The Department of Defense with in Preparation for Mass Arrests of Treasonous Deep State Actors - Click HERE To View

12- General Flynn in Place, Department of Defense Aligned, Rendition Flights ACTIVE - Click HERE To View.

13- Young Man Chocked, Thrown To The Ground and Thrown Out of Restaurant By Medical Police In Australia WHY? Because He Wasn't Wearing A Mask - (Covid has allowed the medical police state to grow completely out of control, all around the world. Now, new footage has emerged from Melbourne, Australia, where a young man who wasn’t wearing a mask is choked out by security personnel, slammed to the ground, then lifted like a sack of rice and heaved out of a restaurant, all while onlookers are gasping in astonishment.)

This Fake Staged PLANdemic is Negatively Affecting The Public On A Global Scale. Control Freaks, Oligarchs and The Demonic Alien/Human Demon Ass Holes Placed In Positions of Power Need To Be Physically Removed From Positions of Power NOW and They Need To Be Charged with Committing War Crimes Against Humanity B.S. and a FAKE PLANdemic.

MEGA Class Action Law Suits Should Be Filed On Behalf of EVERY Human Who Suffered Physical, Psychological and Spiritual Damage During The Satanic Cabal's Game of Control. - Click HERE To View.

14- Actor Robert De Niro Calls for Ethnic Cleansing Genocide Against All Trump Supporters - Those Who Talk The Most B.S. Are Guilty of The Most Heinous Crimes.. Lets' Open Robert De Niro's Closet and See How Many Skeletons Fall Out. Remember To Maintain Their Celebrity Status, Keep Money Flowing Into Their Bank Accounts, ALL Hollywood Celebrities MUST Sign Contracts 'In Blood' with The Satanic Cabal Who Own and Run Hollywood.

Once Up and Coming Celebrities Sign Their Name On The Dotted Line The Cabal Own Them and They MUST Do Whatever is Written In Their Contract ie; Sacrifice A Friend/Family Member, Rape a Child, Eat a Baby, Drink Blood etc. Those Celebrities Who Buck Up Against The 'Hollywood' Cabal Have Deep Regrets. They Will Torture/Kill The Celebrity and or Gruesomely Harass and Terrorize Their Family and Friends - Click HERE To View.

15- Depopulation Vaccine Advocate Bill Gates Also Designed The Fraudulent Election Software Used By Dominion - Click HERE To View.

16- Communist China Says All Humans Should Me Marked, Tracked to Prevent Spread of

Covid-19 - What People Do't Realize is Communist China is Owned and Ruled By Several Negative and Very Nasty Alien Races. These Aliens Have No Regard For Human Life and Use Humans as Pawns In Their Game of Control.

The 'Human' Government of China Sold The Chinese People Out To These Alien Races Decades Ago. FAKE P;resident Elect Creepy Baby Raper Joe Biden Along With The Bush's, The Clinton's, The Obama's Sold America Out To China and Now China Wants To Incorporate Their Communistic Ways Here In America. - Click HERE To View.

17- Center For Disease Control (C.D.C.) Proposes Concentration Camps in America, Plans to Invade Homes and Separate Families - This is Reminiscent of What The NAZI's Did To The Jews Only Difference Its' Happening Here In America. I've Mentioned Many Times In The Past How The NAZI's Infiltrated America Right After WWll.

Thousands of NAZI Scientist, Bankers, Government Officials, Pharmacist, etc.Were Allowed To Enter America and They Have Since Infiltrated ALL Aspects of Life Here In America. Between The NAZI's, The Satanic Cabal and China it Appears That America is Totally Fucked, Maybe, Maybe Not. If You Don't Know What's Going On Behind The Scenes, You'll Just Have To Wait and See. - Click HERE To View.

18- Transhumanism Vaccines, Domestic Warfare and The Global GENOCIDE Agenda Against Humanity - Click HERE To View.

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